D&D 5E Non fantasy settings using the 5e system

Which of these have you played and liked, if not then check them out

  • Everyday Heroes (modern heroes)

  • 5th Evolution (superhero's)

  • 5e Adventures In Oz (does have fantasy elements)

  • Stargate SG-1 Roleplaying Game (modern/Sci Fi/space/aliens)

  • S5E ( Superheroes/Sci Fi/ fantasy elements)

  • The Spy Game (Espionage around the world, covert ops)

  • D21st Century (Conversion for the 5e players book)

  • Esper Genesis (Sci fi )

  • Blades & Blasters (Adding sci fi to 5e, conversion or adding to the 5e basic players book)

  • Carbon 2185 (complete rule book / setting/ sci fi)

  • Dark matter (sc fi/ fantasy elements/space)

  • Genefunk2090 (Cyber punkish setting and complete rule book)

  • Hyperlanes (sci fi conversion book for the basic 5e)

  • lowlife 2090 (alternat rules for the 5e system/sci fi/shadowrun like)

  • rocket age (pulp Sci Fi rules setting)

  • Ultramodern 5e: Redux (A General Rules book, covers everything has many expansions)

  • Doctors & Daleks {timey whimmy bits for 5e)

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I have become tired of fantasy settings and games and have backed many alternative books covering superhero, modern, and sc-fi rules and settings some even with fantasy elements. Below is a list of some of those i have backed or have bought and supported. Please pick your favourites or if you have never seen them then check them out and come back and let me know what you think.

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The next step for D&D has to be the no-fantasy settings, but the d20 system is not ready to be retrocompatible. Sentient enemies with firearms are too dangerous, and then these need a different value of challenguing rating or XP reward. Have you played any Battle Royal where you start without weapons?

I say "Cobretti effect" because in the movie "Cobra" the female main character, Bridgitte Nielsen, couldn't face the "night slasher" but the main character, Sylvester Stalone, with enough weapons and ammo, he was an one-man-army who could defeat the cult of the new dawn. In the first movie "Alien, the eight passenger" one xenomorph was enough to kill almost all Nostromo's staff, but in the sequel thanks the sentinel turrets dozens of them, maybe hundres, were killed from a separate room. In the first confrontation between Robocop and the robotED-209 our friend the agent Murphy had to run away, but later in the final part of the part with the Cobra assault canon only one shot was enough to destroy it. Other example is in Survival Horror videogames when the player starts with nothing, but later with the right weapons and enough ammo special mosters can be destroyed more easily, some times even too fast.

A psyco-killer with a knive can be a nightmare for PCs in a survival horror game, but the same enemy is only walking XPs if the PCs are soldiers or a S.W.A.T. team.

Some enemies are designed for meleet fights and others for PCs with firearms. The champions of Street Fighters can't face againts the characters of Overwatchs, or the martial artists from Mortal Kombat aren't ready to face the infernal creatures from "Doom".


The most obvious choice you left out. Leave trade-mark and licensing fights to Disney and WotC, ok? The correct answer is Star Wars 5e. It's even implemented rather slickly on Foundry VTT, too.


The most obvious choice you left out. Leave trade-mark and licensing fights to Disney and WotC, ok? The correct answer is Star Wars 5e. It's even implemented rather slickly on Foundry VTT, too.
I didn't leave it out, as i do not have that book, and i do the others, now adding the dr who to them, personally i was never a big StarWars fan. Was more a trek fan or something more hardcore sci fi. I mean i understand psionics and mystical powers but star wars had a mystical part that kind of turned me off. Also babylon 5 was a favorite as well.


I didn't leave it out, as i do not have that book, and i do the others, now adding the dr who to them, personally i was never a big StarWars fan. Was more a trek fan or something more hardcore sci fi. I mean i understand psionics and mystical powers but star wars had a mystical part that kind of turned me off. Also babylon 5 was a favorite as well.
It's not Sci-Fi, it's Space Fantasy.

They are PDFs, not books (though you can choose to print them). They are all located at the link provided. It's a completely fan-made game system (5 books!), closely following the outlines of Star Wars: Saga Ed. It is extremely popular.

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