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D&D 5E Sticking with D&D?


So my current campaign is three sessions in and using 5e so I'll likely finish that up. After? I'll probably take this as an opportunity to test out a few systems I've been wanting to try and see what I like.
I can't say I won't ever play D&D again but unless WOTC does some serious backtracking I can say I won't be buying anything else from them. I can make up my own campaigns if my group really wants to stick to 5e.

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The High Aldwin
Sticking with D&D, but won't be buying into D&D1 or whatever follows. WotC is taking the game in a direction I don't care for (nothing to do with OGL or anything like it). So, I will continue working on my own game, and play AD&D or 5E as the group desires until then.


Much as I did with 3.5e when 4e was released, I'll continue to run/play 5e (as well as other RPGs), but I won't purchase anything further from WotC assuming they don't change course in regards to trying to de-authorize/revoke the OGL 1.0a. There's no point in wasting the material that I already purchased. Besides I have everything I need to continue running 5e until the cows come home, and if I ever want more there are plenty of 3PP material to choose from.

I will continue to play D&D at home. I will not purchase Wizards RPG products. I simply can't in good conscience support a company that acts the way they have done and shows no real contrition when their brazen lies and appalling business practices have been laid bare. They have become what they once despised and have righteously earned spite for it. Let them burn.


Heretic of The Seventh Circle
I wonder how many people plan to stick with D&D. Seems like it would be an unpopular thing to say on these boards right now. I haven’t made any final decisions but probably will or as I have said I may just take a hiatus from gaming for a while. I am was very mad at WoTC but find that has really turned into apathy at this point. I also find myself moving on from creators I follow as they switch to other systems or because I cannot handle their general level of rage (DMDave).
I’ll keep playing D&D for a while at least. I really like 5e, and I’d probably heavily modify it for my group before I’d ditch it.

I mean I already regularly mod the game for a specific adventure.

But if wotc tries to bully the industry into pretending they have revoked the actual OGL (they almost certainly cannot, and they will try to avoid actually getting a judgement on the matter), they won’t get any more money from me.

Nope, not unless they make the OGL 1.0a irrevocable and keep the same open status on any future versions. If my group and I decide to continue playing D&D, it will be because I have probably 5 to 10 years of material on my shelves. But the group is very interested to see where both ORC and Black Flag go. We'll be supporting both. WotC can rot if they continue down this path.

And anyone who says "I just play, this doesn't affect me," is, IMO, being short-sighted. If WotC closes off their arena, the droves of new content will be made for ORC and Black Flag, and D&D will simply be whatever content Wizards dribbles out. What's bad for the creators is bad for everyone who plays.
Well you are kinda forgetting about the DMsGuild. That is not going away and provides a lot of content

I'm heavily invested in 5e and enjoy it so I'll keep playing it (as long as there are people to play with) until some other game wins me over. Since I think all of this will lead to a bumper crop of games made to cater to displaced 5e fans it does seem more likely that such a game will come along now than it did before. I was already basically done buying products for the edition so my 5e buying is largely unaffected, but I probably would have picked up a few of the books I still don't have heavily discounted on Amazon next Black Friday, and now I probably won't.

Previously I was pretty contemptuous of what I saw coming out for 5.5, but worried that some combination of social pressure and wanting to stick with the zeitgeist would make me grudgingly accept New Coke 5e despite my reservations. Now I no longer worry about that. I'll probably get a PHB for it and play in a campaign of it out of curiosity's sake, heck if the DMG or Monster Manual for it really are intercompatible with 5e I might get them too if I hear they are better (really not hard to achieve, the 5e ones feel underbaked and designed for a system people didn't really understand yet). I guess if I were to be playing 5e with a 5.5 Monster Manual I would sort of be playing 5.5. But the chances of my purchasing most of the books for 5.5, and all sorts of other official merch, the way I have for 5e are basically nil.

It's possible that some future iteration of D&D will win me back properly, but I would be surprised, and for it to happen while Hasbro owns the brand would have to involve just a miraculously amazing perfect edition.

Magister Ludorum

We play D&D 5e and HERO. We will continue playing D&D 5e and HERO.

I would prefer some form of OGL publishers can live with, but honestly as a player and a GM the existence or non-existence of such a license doesn't affect my gaming experience at all.


That might be up to my DM, Ironically enough I started my TTRPG experience and met the majority of my D&D group at a Pathfinder game, though to be fair most of them were also DMs, we're familiar with the game, but we haven't heard from the guy who DMed Pathfinder games in awhile, we could switch if we wanted to, I had fun dying in every Pathfinder session, last time we played Pathfinder the party died to Skinshreds, however I think there was a sole survivor.

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