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D&D 5E The Magical Martial


Where is that written? Do you have a page? And is that supposed to be an excuse for all humans being supernatural?

I literally quoted this to you before. And you agreed with it! This is why I keep saying you are just here to stir the pot.

PHB, page 29, the entry for human. Is this alone the "excuse"? No, I've also got the entries for Monks, Wizards, Sorcerers, the predominance of human parents giving birth to Tieflings, Aasimar, Genasi and other plane-touched. The fact that humans can spontaneously (without a necromancer) rise as undead.

And meanwhile, you defense is.... "but they are humans, therefore they are exactly like us in every single way". oh sorry, unless a class specifically says the word "magic" then the humans are no longer bound to our limitations.

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for the topic of ways of making martials good without magic, out of combat specifically, i think for a start most martials should be starting where the rogue currently is for their skill/expertise capabilities, i'd also say that Tools (and similar equipment items) need to be reworked into a competent system and be something they can specialise in, in a way that gives you capabilities that aren't dependant on niche circumstance or skilled play.

alot of what makes martials bad outside of combat is the lack of defined systems for them to interact with, which i think they need to reintroduce and let martials excell at.

I'd love a better official crafting system. I have a 3rd party one, but official ones would be better.

And I have mentioned a few times giving a bit more breadth to the skill system to give them something to sink their teeth into.


Yes it does and I don't need hypotheticals, I see it regularly.

There are players who want to play a more powerful character. There are players who play a non-magic character and will get annoyed because classes that should thematically be more powerful aren't. There are A LOT of players who just plain want magic to be more powerful than non-magic means of accomplishing things.

There are people who like to play "God Wizards", there are even optimization builds about it online and being able to be the most powerful character at the table is important to those players having fun and the thematics they are putting into their PC idea are central to that. There are other players who don't want to play that for a particular character but still want them at the table.

And here is the core of the problem, isn't it?

We can't have martials that are equal to spellcasters, because if we do, people who want spellcasters to be superior will be upset.

I have never actually seen this in play and I play at least 5 games a week with players worldwide. I have seen what I posted above and I have also seen players quit when a DM tried to introduce house rules to "balance" classes by nerfing spells.

It is also weird you keep advocating for spellcasters to be far more powerful and versatile than martials, then turn around and assure us that there is no problem, and you've seen no problem... except when the casters are getting nerfed, then there is a problem.


We can't have martials that are equal to spellcasters, because if we do, people who want spellcasters to be superior will be upset.

Yes, a lot of people will be upset with such a fantasy game. A lot of people were upset with 4E because of this very reason. The rules and changes that would (and in some cases do) force them closer to equal at most levels are unpopular.

It is also weird you keep advocating for spellcasters to be far more powerful and versatile than martials, then turn around and assure us that there is no problem, and you've seen no problem... except when the casters are getting nerfed, then there is a problem.

Why is that weird? It is what I've seen and it makes total sense.

Also I said more powerful, not more versatile, although the term "powerful" is a bit ambiguous in this.


Exactly those are not relevant enemies that you can use those spells on

So the words "bounded accuracy" have no meaning to you?

Tell me, have you actually seen a fighter try to solo, say, 8 skeletons? More? I had a DM once who was very new and tried to make unique "nightmare" challenges for each player. For the Cleric he created a literal endless horde zombies. Cleric was stuck fighting them while the rest of the party did their own things. The cleric player was BORED. It was too easy. Sure, they were burning through spell slots in the nightmare, but they were untouchable for multiple minutes of continuous fighting, because they could slaughter zombies by the dozens with a single spell.

Sure, the wizard isn't going to use dominate monster on a skeleton. That would be stupid. But if 8 skeletons are charging the party, they CAN cast shatter and destroy all of them with a single spell. Where it would take the fighter three rounds of combat to do so.

It is bad for some, but not a lot and if it is really bad and they fail, and they have a legendary they will use it.

Oh noes! A legendary resistance on my 2nd level spell! Whatever shall I do! I only have ELEVEN other spell slots stronger than that and two more of the same level. I really hope he doesn't keep using them on my 2nd and 3rd level spells while my 6th, 7th and 8th level spells are waiting.

1. Teleports/plane shifts and off turn movement are relatively common at this level. So he simply leaves the web with movement before his turn or by teleporting on his turn right after it affects him but before the party can benefit.

Most of those take an action. Yes please on the enemy using an entire action to avoid my second level spell at level 15. I will take that trade.

2. It does not take effect until the start of the enemies turn: For example, right after the Wizard's turn, the Blue Dragon can use a Legendary action to make a Wing Buffet and fly up to his speed to leave the web and this would happen BEFORE his turn, BEFORE he makes the save and BEFORE he is restrained. Let's say he only has 1 legendary action left and can't buffet. On the next turn Rogue shoots an arrow, that is not with advantage because he is not restrained yet. Then after the Rogues turn the Dragon uses a Legendary action to use a tail attack and that is not with disadvantage because he is not restrained yet. The fighter (Eldritch Knight) decides not to close because he doesn't want to get in a web, he uses ICE STORM from his wand of Winter, the saving throw is not with disadvantage because he is not restrained yet. It finally gets to the Dragon's turn and he needs a 13 to save. If he fails he is finally restrained if he decides not to use a legendary action.

Leave it which way? Also, why would I place them on the dragon. I place them IN FRONT of the dragon. Okay, maybe I place them on him if we are in a big arena. But, man 2 legendary actions, on an attack that hits none of my allies, to move 10 ft forward (because of difficult terrain) which... might not even get him fully out of the web, since it is 20 ft and I only need 5 ft of it in the dragon? But, maybe it is a completely flat arena and the dragon is dealing with flat webs and flew up into the air and over the webs. Again, how am I losing in this exchange? I just procced 2 legendary actions and limited the Dragon's ability to respond to the rest of our actions.

Oh, well maybe he makes a tail attack... against who? I mean, you literally just described a dragon getting attacked, getting hit by a spell, and then making the save which you claimed was a 50% chance. Again... how is that bad for me? Yeah, my spell doesn't take affect before my spell takes affect. That isn't a unique factor to high-level play

3. Restrained is not as debilitating as at earlier levels: Advantage has less effectiveness when you hit most of the time and PCs will be hitting most of the time. Disadvantage is not as effective because enemies have non attack options. Looking at the dragon above his has a 1 in 3 chance of getting his breath back and not even needing to attack and he knows this before he decides to use a legendary to pass the save.

Oh yes, the line of breath weapon, totally just as effective when he can't move and we can scatter, pelting him with ranged attacks with advantage. Also, a 1 in 3 chance? Meaning that if he gets it, chooses to fail the save, and blasts a party member or two... there is a 66% chance on his next turn, he is stuck in place and needs to waste his entire turn to get into range to hit anyone?

And again, all of this, from one of the WEAKEST spells the wizard could have cast. Not in terms of "well I could have done so much more" but in terms of... just HOW many resources I have left to spend on this fight.

Are you just making things up? It is less limited.

I used PB+5 in the save DC (otherwise the Dragon's save is easier). A RK can use Giant's might 5 times a day. A Wizard gets 3 2nd level spells a day.

More limited than ALL OF MY SPELL SLOTS. Yeah, they get three 2nd level, ELEVEN other slots of higher level. That's 14 > 5

This is simply false. They do not need a hand free to attack.

They need a hand free to grapple and it is a strawman considering the Wizard needs concentration and a free hand to cast web and the concentration being available in particular is going to be more situational manage than the free hand.


Yeah, I'm sure between the fighter who either uses a 1-handed weapon AND A SHIELD or a TWO-HANDED weapon, the fact that one of their hands is full of dragon is just as impactful as the wizard who can use neither of those things.

No it doesn't. Where do you get this from. You can grapple with one hand free. You can have a shield or whatever you want in the other.


Yes, please grapple and then have a shield in your other hand. I'd love you to be stuck making unarmed kicks against the dragon. You will be so effective dealing 6 damage at a time.

This math is the same if they are in a web.

Only if the fighter is stupid enough to stand in melee range.

He can try to knock him prone off turn, but the Dragon is still grappled and prone and the RK can just stand up on his turn.

If the Dragon tries to shove the fighter away to break the grapple it is likely to fail and that takes all 3 attacks to do because grapple or shove are an entire action for monsters.

I am not tracking how he can blind him. I suppose he could use his action to improvise a skill check of some kind.

Wow. Yeah, lair actions are a thing. You should check those out. Also, it isn't a try with a 20 DC dex save, and if the Rune Knight stands up... so what? The entire point was to damage the knight, then attack without disadvantage.

For someone constantly going off about all his high-level play experience, you don't seem to have a terribly high grasp of tactics here.

What is wrong with that?

Is your character viable? Then stop worrying about the other guy's character.

I do not know how to explain this to you.

In social situations, my character is not the most effective. Someone else is, so in major social situations, that character is the default choice.
In exploration situations, my character is not the most effective. Someone else is, so in major social situations, that character is the default choice. DESPITE building my character to be quite good here.
In combat situations, I tend to not deal the most damage, nor have the debilitating effects of the others. My largest contribution to date has been taking enough attacks that I drop to zero instead of the more effective characters.

I'm not useless. But it is frustrating that the greatest contribution I make to the team, is being beaten into a bloody pulp. Because, yeah, it is a team game. And being the anchor dragging the team down, SUCKS.


Wait, what? Where is that in the rules? How thick is the stone wall? This sounds like an RP decision by the DM, not anything to do with special rules for trolls or ogres that fighters are losing out on.

I would certainly rule that if a stone wall was thin enough for an ogre or troll to break through with an appropriate ability check, a PC could do the same. I love the idea of the PC bursting through a wall like Dee Snider. I think that would be fun!

Yeah, no special rules. People just have ogres and trolls and other large, high strength monsters do things like that.

Then, when I state "I would like fighters to be able to break stone walls" I get "Well, where does it say fighters are magical enough to do that? Humans can't break stone with their fist. If the fighter is supposed to be that strong, why doesn't it say "magical" in their class description? You can't just make things up, we need REASONS to assume these are not just normal humans"

And so my Goliath Fighter isn't allowed to do that, because it isn't realistic. Can't even discuss if it would just be a roll. Need to justify it as magical first. When that level of supernatural strength is already baked into how the game functions.


Yeah, no special rules. People just have ogres and trolls and other large, high strength monsters do things like that.

Then, when I state "I would like fighters to be able to break stone walls" I get "Well, where does it say fighters are magical enough to do that? Humans can't break stone with their fist. If the fighter is supposed to be that strong, why doesn't it say "magical" in their class description? You can't just make things up, we need REASONS to assume these are not just normal humans"

And so my Goliath Fighter isn't allowed to do that, because it isn't realistic. Can't even discuss if it would just be a roll. Need to justify it as magical first. When that level of supernatural strength is already baked into how the game functions.
I mean, it's a gradient. People have literally suggested that high level fighters should be able to leap over mountains. That's a long way from bursting through a (presumably thin) stone wall by making a strength check. There's currently no rule for either, but I think you and I would agree that the stone wall could be doable, but the mountain leaping maybe not so much.

Micah Sweet

Level Up & OSR Enthusiast
because all the other classes draw on a secondary source of magic in addition to the natural background magic that everyone, including fighters and rogues draw upon.
And yet they are considered to be balanced against the two classes that draw from only one, unexplained source?


4.5 is perfectly fine for 3rd level. Especially at range, especially with an effect rider. Additionally, concentration is a thing you keep ignoring. IF I cast one spell, that shapes the battlefield for three turns, I don't need to cast two more spells.

And rolling a charisma check with a 10 Charisma and no proficiency is perfectly fine too. A 10 Charisma with proficiency is not considered "good" at the social pillar though. Similarly your character is not good at the combat pillar.

To take this further, the guy making a Charisma check with a 10 is more likely to have a bigger impact on a social encounter than someone doing 3 DPR is going to have on a fight at 3rd level. A 10 Charisma with no proficiency is closer to the best possible high Charisma build than Ray of Frost is to the best possible DPR build.

Additionally, how many encounters in the city do you have while delving a dungeon? You say 7 to 8 slots like I need to charm the village head, interrogate the spy in the tavern, scout out the ruins, and fight five different encounters all in the same day.

If you want to use spells to be good at all 3 pillars you need enough spells known and enough slots to be good at all 3 pillars, and I use Charisma regularly on days with lots of fights.

Are there days where you know you might not be fighting? Sure there are, but not many and there are very few days where you know you will be fighting but not making any Charisma checks.

The point is to be good at all 3 pillars. Not good at combat one day and good at the social pillar the next.

And you realize I could have built for that, if you DIDN'T insist that I absolutely needed to have a 16 Con, right? It is rather annoying that you keep harping on me for limitations you insisted on.

Yes, just like those fighters could be good if they do not insist on investing in strength. That is the whole point.

A character of ANY class can be awesome at ANY pillar with the right investment and build using all the RAW options available. A character of any class can be good (but not necessarily awesome) at all 3 pillars with the right investment and

For a Figher or a Wizard, or most classes, taking a 16 Constitution is not consistent with that "right investment" if you want to be good at all three pillars. If you take a 16 in point buy you are intentionally weakening your character in 2 of the three pillars of the game.

You do realize there is a difference between a frontline character like a fighter, and a ranged mage like a wizard, right? That since we were talking a strength fighter who is on the frontlines and taking the most damage, a high con makes a lot of sense for them. While a mage, who is in the back, shooting from range... doesn't need as many hitpoints.

A front line fighter is not going to take as much damage as a Wizard with no armor, no defensive spells and a 10 dexterity. Armor class matters a lot in terms of damage taken.

I have played numerous front line fighters with a 12 or below Constitution, I have played them at all kinds of levels, I have played them all the way to 20th level. I have only ever played one fighter with a 14 Constitution on point buy, and never any higher than that. I have never had a fighter die in 5E. I have had other classes, including a Wizard die.

For example if an enemy has a +4 attack bonus and the front line fighter has a 18 (mediocre for a front liner) and the Wizard a 10, the Wizard will take 2.5 times more damage per time he is attacked. That is without even dodging. The fighter will presumably be attacked more, but not that much more.

And what makes Con so special that it is the ONLY score you can't have a 16 in and be good at all 3 pillars?

Because it is the only abiity that offers almost nothing at all to the social and exploration pillars and while it does boost the combat pillar, it does not boost it a lot compared to the investment you need to make.

Also to be Clear a Rogue, Ranger or Bard can be even with a 16 Constitution.

Really. The moment I take any action, every goblin will immediately stop all other actions and target me specifically.

The moment you cast a spell yes. They will even take AOOs to do this if needed.

But yeah, what a load this is. First off there is a VERY small chance of the goblins actually getting surprise on the party.

On you and it is over 50%, since they have a +6 stealth.

We see a dead horse in the road with arrows sticking out of it, we are prepared for an ambush.

Being prepared does not negate surprise.

That is just too obvious of a set-up. Secondly, somehow my entire party only kills a single 7hp goblin in the entire second round?

No they only kill one before the others all attack you.

Because magic missile can kill one,

You can not use magic missile on an enemy you can't see. You can use Ray of Frost .... with disadvantage .... for 1 damage on average.

so I have three allies who failed to kill a single goblin on their turn? And if I don't have a target to hit, I can use minor illusion to create cover. \\\

Sure, now your AC is effectively a 12, they need an 8 and they have advantage to hit you. You know if you had shield or were in mage armor or had a dex bonus this might actually be significant.

And because I was the only one to kill a single goblin, and all the goblins immediately recognized me as the biggest threat on the field...

You are in no armor and you are casting spells and concentrating fire is the right tac

I'm ineffective at combat? Come on. I was the only one capable of doing ANYTHING for three rounds it seems.

No it takes you 4 rounds to kill one. I am assuming your allies downed one, maybe with the help from your average 1 point of damage with Ray of Frost.

So not even concentration. And yeah, if they have no choice. Almost like if I cast it effectively, it is going to be... effective for multiple rounds.

You keep mentioning Phandelver as your example. Have you looked at any map that ISN'T the forest encounter? Like the cave system immediately afterwards, with every tunnel and entrance being 5 to 10 ft wide? Wonder what I could do with a grease spell that every single enemy would have to pass through to reach the party...

Sure, tell me where you are going to use it in the cave system or in the Redbrands.

So... I can't attempt to identify a flower I saw six seconds ago?

RAW no you can't. Making a skill check is an action.

Using passive nature you may know what it is.

Wow. Not only rules lawyering, but specifically rules lawyering only in your favor.

Rules Lawyering against the Wizard I will point out .... but RAW none the less.

There is a reason the eyesight on Find Familiar only lasts a turn unless you are a Warlock with an invocation and it is explicitly to prevent this.

Also as you pointed out you don't need a check to do something simple, but if it is there is a plant over by door, exampling a plant to see if you knew what it was would require an action concentrating on it, not something you just notice just by walking by. TBH if you were looking at it through an Arcane Eye where you could do the check I still might pose disadvantage because you can't touch it, smell it or taste it as you might otherwise do on such a check, unless there was a specific visual cue that would give it away.

ROFLOL, yeah, 4 to 1 odds at low levels is dangerous. You think a level 3 great weapon fighter is doing any better?

Yes I think he would slaughter the goblins with little problem ... even with a 10 constitution.

70% chance to hit, 9.75% chance to crit. I'm roughing the math here, but it looks like the fighter might survive because 70% of 36 is... 25.2. Yeah, again, turns out 4 to 1 odds and being focus fired upon is... bad... for low level characters.

You are forgetting about second wind and action surge.

Oh, so you would do point buy. I was using the Standard Array. Funny how you either didn't notice or just decided to save that for your own build.

Now go scroll back all through this thread and I said point buy quite a bit.

Okay, so 7 vs 1. Because you are just assuming you will get a 1 hour rest between every attempt you will ever make on persuasion.

No, but it is a safe bet I can get it between every time I decide to use the dice. A lot safer than you will only need to use 2 or 3 spells to be good.

Shockingly... it doesn't work like that. And yeah, if you start going to battlemaster, then you have more, but oddly you seem to never spend any of these dice on combat. I mean, you assumed I must spend at least three leveled spells, and an arbitrary number of cantrips (which are unlimited) so 3 of your dice per day is equivalent?

Because I am purposely building a character to be good at the social pillar and I do not typically need to use any in combat because the fighter has so much on its base chassis.

Versus the same number of attacks you had my wizard taking? A 1st level fighter is dead in round 2. They only need to be hit twice.

Considering second wind, a typical 1st level fighter will need to be hit 3 times with a 10 Constitution, has a much higher AC and will not be targeted as much.

And when I gave my wizard, you challenged that you would have that skill, then this skill. I literally counted them. Six proficient skills. You are also somehow using point buy to get 16 strength, 16 wisdom 16 charisma, 12 con... that just doesn't work.
I did not say I had 16 Charisma and 16 Wisdom.
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Micah Sweet

Level Up & OSR Enthusiast
And we GAVE you an explanation, 20 pages ago. And you said you were done.

And now here we are, with you demanding explanations again, like it is somehow the absolute most important part of this entire discussion. And it is ridiculous, because you are demanding explanations for things that you don't even understand what they are.

For example. One of the things I would like to see, is a fighter able to burst through a stone wall. You know what can already do that? TRolls and Ogres. These monsters are seen as immensely strong, able to rip men in half and uproot trees. They have the staggering strength of... 18 to 19. A mid-level human fighter is ALREADY stronger than an ogre and a troll.

Do I need an explanation for how a 10th level fighter can have a strength of 20? Do I need a magical explanation for why the existing facts of the game... exist? If I want fighters to break stone and bend steel with their barehands, I need to explain why they are as strong as... monsters with LOWER strength scores?

And the games are trying to emulate myths and stories. OR did you think Chimeras, Sphinxes, Rocs, Trolls, Ogres, Goblins, Orcs, Medusa, Hydra, Dragons, Giants, zombies, ghouls, vampires, dryads, nymphs, mermaids, ect ect ect were all real creatures that we really studied to make the game happen?
Quite frankly, the system in so far as numbers are concerned makes no sense and is in no way consistent. Strength doesn't mean strength apparently, otherwise normal humans with a very high Strength would indeed be capable of the kind of feats you are describing without additional explanation, and they aren't. Therefore, those numbers cannot be taken to mean in the fiction what they appear to mean, because there is no logic to them. If you want your fighter to bust through stone walls with their bare hands, you cannot rely on compared game numbers to justify it. Since such things are not possible without superhuman ability from the perspective of people in the real world (which I've explained many times is the perspective that matters to me), you need to accept that your fighter is drawing on supernatural power for those abilities. I see no reason for pretence on that score in the game.

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