Recent content by Arrgh! Mark!

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    Setting the Mood for a World of Darkness Game

    Also try some Godspeed you Black Emperor for the general creepy instrumental feel with roaring creepy followed by subtle creepy and leading into some serious french children singing songs creepy. To be entirely honest for world of Darkness you need the modern urban aspect. Godspeed, Radiohead...
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    Help with Star Wars

    Greetings, gentles. I've been playing SWSE quite happily for a few months now, but I've found I'm stuck for ideas. I need help for a dungeon. Setting: Old republic, the Mandalorian Invasion has just begun. A group of sith-like black magicians called the Krath have had some plans to destroy...
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    Here we are, born to be kings, we're the princes of the universe

    If I remember Kung Fu - This may seem a little wacky, but the flashbacks in Kung Fu very rarely involved 'present day' characters. They did highlight a lesson or a learning experience for Grasshopper; what about a flashback as a simple encounter or 2 encounter segment with little chance of...
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    More Star Wars

    before I ever ran a tabletop game, Baldurs Gate taught me this: The only thing able to challenge PCs is a bad guy that doesn't just have more power, but a party that has more versatility without sacrificing on damage. The most dangerous fights in that game were the ones where you had to fight...
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    Points of light with high magic

    A campaign world I detailed was a cloud filled, bottomless world with floating islands hidden in the clouds. People found their way about in sky-ships because they could navigate the wind currents, and people protected their cities through powerful magics - and anti-teleport magics (to prevent...
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    Currently playing a game with a lot of interaction with the fey set 1220. 1. Kingdom of Heaven soundtrack. 2. Pan's Labyrinth Soundtrack 3. (Occasionally) Master and Commander soundtrack 4. Some Godspeed you Black Emperor
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    14 year old girl wants to join my game

    Shortman Mcleod, etc, Perhaps you didn't mean it that way, but you just accused me (and by association my gaming group) as a particular breed of sexual deviant or being creepy; I don't think I deserve that label. Let us also not forget that the girl approached me; I wasn't wearing a dark coat...
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    d20 Wheel of Time Magic experience?

    I'd say powered but not over-powered. I also wouldn't put it with a standard D+D game - it'd unbalance quite a few things. It's quite flavourful and thats probably the biggest problem - effectively quite a few things would have to change. Now - a couple of things about it to note -...
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    14 year old girl wants to join my game

    dvvega - Not to disagree with you on the topic, but you over-emphasize with the issue of touching. I don't know how it is in the school you work at, and condolences to your comrade for being under that ominous presence, but the legal system has yet to declare touching or being in the company of...
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    14 year old girl wants to join my game

    If it is a cop posing as a girl, I'm just wondering how I got flagged! (The message came strait to the yahoo group mail, of which there are 2 mods - my missus and I.) Anyway, she's mentioned that she wouldn't be able to make it to our play location and understands why we can't have her in the...
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    14 year old girl wants to join my game

    Legally there really isn't a problem. As an Aussie we really aren't as legal-suit happy as some Yanks I've heard about so that generally isn't going to be the problem. The only real danger is to my reputation - and the best way to handle that is to be open and honest about it. My missus seems...
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    14 year old girl wants to join my game

    Greetings, all. A strange event occured recently; I recieved an email from my yahoo group messageboard from a random person wanting to play. Logically enough I asked a few questions - how old, what games did they like, that sort of thing - and got back a message that it was a 14 year old and...
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    Kitsch or krap?

    I'd pay 10 bucks to see that at the cinema. Serious.
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    Give me your Conspiracy Archetypes!

    The journalist who had a strange experience and just can't quite write it off.. (PUN!)_
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    Sell me on fey!

    Edit: Clavis beat me to it. Fey are interesting in exactly the same way that aliens are creepy for modern people. Fey are good because they breed not outright fear (The Beast) but instead have the same roots as aliens - paranoia and secret war fear. They also have the fear of the unknown...