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Recent content by Atridis

  1. A

    Your Favorite War Movies...

    billd91 already mentioned it, but anyone interested in realistic war movies should see Stalingrad. It kicks Enemy at the Gates to the curb, frankly (Rachel Weisz aside, of course ;) ).
  2. A

    Painkiller Jane

    Never read the comic, but the telemovie was a real snoozer. You're better off rewatching just about any episode of Buffy.
  3. A

    Threshold iS Done...

    [cast of Threshold] + [pace of Surface] + [writing and general "vibe" of Invasion] = a great show (a.k.a. Battlestar Galactica)
  4. A

    Threshold iS Done...

    Yeah, this show never got its act together, for me. It had a hackneyed premise that might or might not have gone somewhere interesting. The individual eps were a fun enough way to waste an hour - if I happened to be in front of the tv set when it was on, I watched it happily enough - but it...
  5. A

    OK, here is the official I gave up on this series thread!

    A couple of people have mentioned the Law & Order shows, but I actually think the two spinoffs are doing some interesting things this season. Special Victims Unit explores the detectives much more than the other shows do. Last night's episode was all about how Stabler is losing it, and...
  6. A

    Cage Match: Conan vs Tarzan TO THE DEATH!

    I have to go with Tarzan. Even if Conan is the stronger of the two, which is itself debatable, Tarzan is accustomed to fighting things that are bigger and stronger than he is. The man can grapple a tiger, for heaven's sake...
  7. A

    OK, here is the official I gave up on this series thread!

    I actually kind of like Surface so far, but I'm reserving judgement. Lots of television shows that I've really enjoyed have started out really slow (go back and watch some early eps of Star Trek: The Next Generation or Buffy the Vampire Slayer, for instance). The Night Stalker never had me, so...
  8. A

    BATTLESTAR GALACTICA: Season 2A Part 10; NSCR/9.23.2005. Mid-Season Ending

    I think it says a lot about how f'ed up the Pegasus crew are (or at least many of those we've met). Think about it this way: If your oven actually reacted to being tortured in a convincingly human-like way, would that make you more or less inclined to torture it?
  9. A

    [Sept] What Are You Reading?

    just finished Iron Council, by China Mieville just started The Polish Officer, by Alan Furst and Looking for Jake, by China Mieville
  10. A

    Alias Season 5 Premiere [Spoilers]

    The phrase "jumping the shark" sprang to my mind a lot while watching this episode. I've read that Garner won't be returning after this season, and her replacement will be the blonde woman who cracked Marshall's encryption code. Sorry, but I think this show is done.
  11. A

    BATTLESTAR GALACTICA: Season 2A Part 10; NSCR/9.23.2005. Mid-Season Ending

    Yes, the Boomers we've seen have clearly been intended to act human in every way, more so than some of the other models. Do we even know that she has superhuman strength?
  12. A

    Anyone watching Night Stalker tonight?

    I agree. Aside from the predictable, hackneyed plot, the wooden characters, and the painful dialogue, the show committed the ultimate sin: It was boring. On the positive side of the ledger... Gabrielle Union is cute, and that house with the glass walls is really neat-looking.
  13. A

    Looking for a good CRPG.

    Oh, and Knights of the Old Republic is another of my "All-Time Favorite Games." I played the Xbox version, not the PC version, but that probably doesn't matter much (except that my television is much larger than my computer display).
  14. A

    Looking for a good CRPG.

    Myself, I'm all about the setting and the story. The dime-a-dozen sword & sorcery games out there bore me to tears, but Fallout was one of the best games I've ever played. With that in mind, I'll recommend 2 more of the best games I've ever played (although I'm stretching the definition of "RPG"...