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OK, here is the official I gave up on this series thread!


First Post
As of the end of this week if these shows do not get better I am dropping them from my dvr record list:

Threshold--They do not understand what the show is trying to do so why should I? Is it sci fi, political, about the cast--wha?

Desp Housewives S2--first season great writing this season BORING

Surface- Bad writing, kids getting punished, all creatures great sized and small except for the one that lives out of water with the kid, some are noisy some are quiet. Help me Help you......write a show "bible" and stick with it, it does not have to be so inconsistant.

What are yours?

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Fast Learner

First Post
Threshold -- 2 episodes was plenty to convince me that while there were some neat ideas, the whole thing was too incohesive and directionless to be worth an hour of my week.

Surface -- Ooh, look how mysterious things are! It works with Lost because the other parts are interesting, allowing the mystery to tie it together, but here I only care about one of the characters, and not enough to be worth another hour a week. Again, two episodes was two too many.

The Night Stalker -- It only took one episode for me to dump this one... I thought the chemistry between the actors was bad, and really disliked the background mystery. I'm open to trying this one again if I hear enough good stuff, but I'm not going to burn time waiting for it to find its footing.

I probably give up on shows faster than the average geek, as I try to keep my overall TV watching down to six hours or less a week, so I don't have time for stuff that's not working for me. And with 60-90 minutes of HBO programming every Sunday, plus Lost, plus Battlestar Galactica, plus Smallville, plus Veronica Mars... and when I can there's Gilmore Girls and Justice League and... well, there's not a lot of room for even medium-quality shows, much less poor ones.


First Post
I actually kind of like Surface so far, but I'm reserving judgement. Lots of television shows that I've really enjoyed have started out really slow (go back and watch some early eps of Star Trek: The Next Generation or Buffy the Vampire Slayer, for instance).

The Night Stalker never had me, so I can't really say I gave up on it, but yeah, it was bad.

Alias has finally lost me; I thought the season premiere was unwatchable, and knowing that Jennifer Garner is going to be replaced by yet another uninteresting blonde actress has essentially staked my interest in the chest.

The first season by itself is still among the best that the genre has to offer, though. It's a 20-something-hours long miniseries.


Epic Commoner
The Simpsons- I really don't care anymore. If it gets canceled today I wouldn't care. It used be funny, now I hardly laugh and I don't care anymore. They should have ended this show 2 years ago.

Threshold Mostly just on at a bad time. I don't want to have to record it every night for the next two months.

Surface Same deal. For neither of those shows did I really notice if it was going to catch me or not; I just gave up trying to find out.

Invasion did not catch me, and my wife thought it was dumb. Not worth the effort.

Truth Seeker

Supernatural...No. Ghoul-hunting is passe for me. ;)

Threshold...No, Braga's prints are on it, so...no again.

, yes...campy as be, but it is the lesser of two evils.

Surface, yes...again the campy feel. November sweeps will tell and if where, these two shows I am watching, will stand by then.

Night Stalker
...saw the old series, well some of it, when I was little. Don't know.

Favorite for the moment, Commander in Chief.

*pssst...I'm a sucker for water theme shows. :D *


Only one, so far... CSI: Miami. I may watch it with my wife, if she pushes, but I'd just as soon read a book or fire up Civilization 3 as watch another "Horatio Caine Story Hour".

Threshold, I'm keeping for now, because it's a good lead-up to Numb3rs, and because I'm enjoying the characters more than the plot.

I'm dropping Still Standing, King of Queens, and Yes Dear, because there's nothing that reels me in - I'd just as soon catch the syndicated re-runs in a year or so.


Monster Junkie
Battlestar Galactica Even though I thought the miniseries was bad, I gave it another go last season. I find it boring, poorly-acted, and far less enjoyable than the campy original.

That 70s Show The show should've ended when Topher Grace and Ashton Kutcher announced they wouldn't be back.

ER If it weren't for my wife, I'd have dropped it 3 or 4 seasons ago. Now that she's too busy to watch it...buh bye.

That leaves only one live-action comedy I'm watching...Scrubs.


First Post
It's All...

...still too new for me to dump anything, yet, but Supernatural, the "Freak-of-the-Week" Show is on its way out... I am already predicting no second season for it, barring its turning things around, quickly.

YMMV, of course...

Voidrunner's Codex

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