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OK, here is the official I gave up on this series thread!


I'm with you on CSI:Miami Henry. That show lost me when they killed off Holt McRainey.

I've pretty much given up on Surface, the show does absolutely nothing for me. The jury is out on Invasion but seeing how it is on right after Lost I'll probably keep watching it out of sheer laziness. I have yet to see an episode of Threshold.

Am I the only person completely hooked on the "My Name is Earl" + "The Office" one two punch? Earl just kills me and The Office has had me in tears of laughter a couple of times this season. (The Dundee award episode made me snerk Diet Sprite out my nose...ouch!)

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I dumped all the CSI shows and Desperate Housewives. I might catch them in repeats. The other shows are too soon for me to give up on.

Am I the only person completely hooked on the "My Name is Earl" + "The Office" one two punch? Earl just kills me and The Office has had me in tears of laughter a couple of times this season. (The Dundee award episode made me snerk Diet Sprite out my nose...ouch!)

Word. That's the funniest hour on network television right now that doesn't include a show with "Arrested" or "Development" in its title. Earl and his brother backing slowly out of the gay guy's house in the pilot was one of the funniest things I've seen all year. The "Office Olympics" episode of The Office ruled too; I think that show's finally coming out of the shadow of its BBC predecessor (which will make it tragic if it doesn't even last the measly 12 episodes the BBC one did).


KaosDevice said:
Am I the only person completely hooked on the "My Name is Earl" + "The Office" one two punch? Earl just kills me and The Office has had me in tears of laughter a couple of times this season. (The Dundee award episode made me snerk Diet Sprite out my nose...ouch!)

I haven't watched "The Office" but I'm right there when it comes to "My Name is Earl".....I don't usually bother with sitcoms and I'm not really sure why I bothered to tune into this one but I'm sure glad I did. Hopefully it stays fresh....Maybe I'll have to give the office a chance.

As far as shows that are on the way out.....none yet but Threshold is on the brink and Alias has done nothing to pull itself away from the edge after last years descent into mediocrity so they may be out. I never bothered to check out many of the others... Nightstalker didn't do much for me and all the CSIs went long ago.

I guess all that's really left (and being in Canada it is at the whim of the Space channel) are the new "Battlestar Galactica" (I have seen some of season 2 and it ws better than season 1) and "The 4400". I'm also a Stargate fan but truthfully I really miss Farscape.

Edit: oh yeah and I'm waiting for January when 24 returns....gotta see another day in the life of Jack Bauer. Never get tired of seeing someone who is definitely haveing a worse day than me ;)
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Giving up on...

Lost (for now): I saw the season premier, liked it; but then I've gone this long without thinking about it again so I'm probably not missing much.

SNL: Had been taping it but stopped and probably won't resume.

Joey: A few laughs but not enough to keep me interested.

I'm gonna keep giving Threshold a try ... it might take a few episodes to get the flow going here and I'm willing to give it a chance.


Giving up on How I Met Your Mother for now. I wasn't impressed by the first two episodes and now that Arrested Development is off (I hope it's just until baseball season is over), I don't have much reason to sit through additional episodes.

I agree about My Name Is Earl and The Office


I thought Earl was funny/cute and saw the first two episodes ... but I taped it then skipped watching the tape this week, which isn't a good sign. I think I'll have to be pretty bored to watch it regularly.


First Post
For me, a few of the new series are only getting another episode or two to show they are worth my time.

1. Threshold - An episode or two of hunting down crewman from the ship is enough...let's move on or I will. The acting is pretty good IMO, but I really don't want to watch a Law & Order:Aliens tv show where we hunt down a different crewman every week.

2. My Name is Earl - I understand a lot of folks are loving this, but I only get one or two chuckles out of the half hour and that's about it. If it remains the same over the next couple weeks, it drops from my recording list.

3. Surface - It needs to start grabbing my interest or I'll give up in a week or two. Acting seems to be a step down from the other two new sci-fi shows (Threshold and Invasion) and the story just isn't interesting to me so far.

As far as new shows I'm enjoying, Invasion is moving a little slow but is maintaining my interest so far. Commander in Chief is very good. Rome on HBO is my favorite new show so far this season.


Quick word about "Earl" - here's a show I'm desperately hoping they keep airing. That show has entertained me with every episode so far (all three :)) and Ethan Supplee is dead-on with his part. Jaime Presley's character reminds me of relatives I have, and that alone is worth my time to watch it. :)

The Office, however, went flat for me from the Dundies episode onward. I haven't even watched it enough to say that I've "picked it up", much less "dropped" it. Then again, I was also left completely cold by the Original BBC version too, so I can't say I was ever disappointed.

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