• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Recent content by bottg

  1. bottg

    Advanced Fighting Fantasy 2nd - AFF2 - Firearms

    The Blacksand book has full rules for all sorts of Blackpowder weapons, plus bombs etc.
  2. bottg

    Advanced Fighting Fantasy ideas for SciFi

    Because of the 2D6 curve, even a +1 can have a profound effect. There are some good stats pages out there that i can't link to but if you search for 2D6 curve probabilities, the Dark fortress is useful... You can see that if you would normally need to roll a 7 or more (58% chance of success)...
  3. bottg

    Advanced Fighting Fantasy ideas for SciFi

    We have started on a SciFi version. Send me a PM with your email address and i will sort you out with something.
  4. bottg

    Swords and Sorcery - Arion Games

    Swords and Sorcery is one of the oldest Fantasy Genres, and still evokes a strong sense of the fantastic in gamers. The classic archetype is of course the Barbarian Hero, parading around in a loincloth and fur cloak with huge muscles and a jaw like rock! Now, Arion Games brings you a set of...
  5. bottg

    Fantasy Inn from Arion Games

    You know how most fantasy adventures either start or end in an Inn or Tavern? Or feature one along the way? Well now we bring you the paper miniatures to really bring that drinking hole to life: Featuring staff, customers and rogues, this set is a perfect compliment to one of our villagers...
  6. bottg

    Dungeon Bash paper miniatures released

    The Other Game Company and Arion Games are pleased to announce a fantastic new collaboration with a set of paper miniatures specifically for Dungeon Bash, the Roleplaying/Board game of dungeon exploration. Dungeon Bash is a roleplaying game based on the d20 System where everything is generated...
  7. bottg

    Cardboard Counters for minis?

    As someone mentioned above, we at Arion Games have a fairly large range (more than 1200 individual figures in 52 different sets) of paper miniatures covering Fantasy, Historical, SciFi and Modern genres. All of our figures are full colour, and can be assembled as Flat, A-Frame or triagonal...