• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Recent content by zabom

  1. Z

    D&D 5E Dungeon tiles for minatures

    You have some good ideas here. If there are more people who think this way, a half wall set might be a very good idea. I will add that to my to do list. When my group plays, I usually only use walls on one side of the room, letting the other side be defined by the floor tiles. I find that this...
  2. Z

    D&D 5E Dungeon tiles for minatures

    Actually all of the things suggested are already in the works. As for materials, they are all made of ABS plastic (the same plastic as legos) with a 30% infill. They are then vapor smoothed and hand painted. The final finishing is a felt bottom. As for being more expensive than Dwarven Forge...
  3. Z

    Terrane tiles for minatures

    I just want to give a huge thank you to everyone who put in orders for my grand opening. My printers are running 24 hours a day, and everything should be shipped by Friday. You guys are the best.
  4. Z

    D&D 5E Dungeon tiles for minatures

    I just want to give a huge thank you to everyone who put in orders for my grand opening. My printers are running 24 hours a day, and everything should be shipped by Friday. You guys are the best.
  5. Z

    D&D 5E Dungeon tiles for minatures

    I just opened an ETSY store selling 3D printed role playing game map tiles. All tiles are compatible with D&D, Pathfinder, and Dwarvenforge as well as many other popular role playing games. I print these with only the highest quality ABS plastic. They are all then vapor smoothed and hand...
  6. Z

    Terrane tiles for minatures

    I just opened an ETSY store selling 3D printed role playing game map tiles. All tiles are compatible with D&D, Pathfinder, and Dwarvenforge as well as many other popular role playing games. I print these with only the highest quality ABS plastic. They are all then vapor smoothed and hand...
  7. Z

    Snap Kick: Charging and AoO

    Yep, reading the description of snap kick left it open to interpretation, but the description of charge clarifies it. Good catch.
  8. Z

    Snap Kick: Charging and AoO

    Ultimately it is up to the DM. Even if you got an official ruling from WOTC it is the DMs prerogative to declare house rules. As a long time DM myself, I have learned to pick my battles, and allowing a free unarmed attack on a charge won't break the game. The most important rule is to make sure...
  9. Z

    How do Governments Align?

    The evil involved lies in the act of using unfair leverage against the employee not within the selfishness of the businessman. While his selfishness is the motive behind his evil acts, we cannot come to the false conclusion that a motive is or can be evil. For if we do so, than we must conclude...
  10. Z

    Snap Kick: Charging and AoO

    By that description I would say yes to charging. It is a melee attack with 1 or more weapons. I would say no to AoO since it is a free action that is made out of turn.
  11. Z

    How do Governments Align?

    It is difficult to read a thread such as this and not inject your own personal philosophies and politics, especially when you are a person who has passionate beliefs. For the purposes of civility and a love for a game that brings people of all beliefs together I want to state up front that...
  12. Z

    How do Governments Align?

    Standard alignments are designed to reflect the philosophies/actions of individuals. I don't believe they can apply to any collective since motivations of a collective are many. You cannot say a government is specifically good or evil without defining the motivations of those that rule it. Since...
  13. Z

    Luck Attribute?

    That is definitely better, but I am intrigued by what Morrus said. The luck modifier based on the same formula for the other attributes, (Atribute-10) / 2 rounded down could be the number of daily luck dice your player gets. That would allow for a "not everyone is equal in luck" system without...
  14. Z


    It all comes down to the DM. For me, and the way I DM I like 5.0 and will be converting over from 3.5 for the next campaign. I like it because it feels less restricting in what the players can do. It does however require more work for the DM because you have to get good at setting DCs on the...
  15. Z

    Luck Attribute?

    I like that. I was thinking of just giving players 2 d6 per day luck dice and see how that plays out.