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Silverymoon Campaign - IC


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WonkaMania said:
Fizzlewikk pauses for a moment in contemplation before speaking once more to Lady Alustriel "M'lady, I do hate to be a bother, but I think that perhaps the best thing for me would be one of those magical backpacks that reduces weight carried. I think I've heard it referred to as a Harper's Handy Haversack? This way it would allow me to carry as many darts and daggers as I'd like to, whilst still keeping me unencumbered and light on my feet."

Alustriel seems amused by your persistence, 'I see that you are well informed as to the various tricks of the trade our Harper friends employ. I shall that that it is done. I will have one brought to you in the morning."


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Post 010704 – The Mind of a Dragon, 1 Alturiak - Dawn

Post 010704 – The Mind of a Dragon, 1 Alturiak - Dawn

Before the rising of the sun, each of you is awakened by an attendant of the High Palace. Your sleep was quite restful considering the thoughts that were sweeping through your minds. Events of the past day have changed the course of your lives. For good or for ill, however, is still undecided. Excitement and fear course through your veins as you gather yourselves in your rooms. “Presence is requested…”, the attendant said. It seems there have been a number of ‘requests’ made of you, though they did not seem like you had much of a choice. Out in the hall you meet the others of your clandestine party making their way through the upper hallways of the High Palace. A comment can be heard about the wonderful accoutrements of the rooms, though you are not sure who made it.

Eventually, you make your way to the main audience hall once again. Alustriel and Taern are in their appointed seats. Jorus you recognize is there as well. There are a few other mages, sages and High Guard about the audience hall; all trying not to look at you directly, though it is obvious you are the center of attention.

Alustriel stands, ‘Good morning. I hope your sleep was peaceful and undisturbed. This day will bring changes to us all I fear, but with hope, courage and a bit of luck we shall prevail, whatever path is laid before you. We have had long councils this night while you were asleep and I am gathering the foremost sages of the Silver Marches to aid Silverymoon for much is not know of our adversary and that is not a strong position to be in.’

With her last word Alustirel pauses as the sun begins to creep its way over the horizon. As if in unison, all of the audience hall, yourselves included, turn to the outer windows of the High Palace. A cold silence seemingly reverberates in the hall as the light begins to brighten what should have been a glorious new morning. Concern begins to fill the faces of those around you as the turn to you, as if they want to ask you what is next. Almost as if in answer, the dragon comes.

The bracers that you wear begin to glow in a soft pale-green light. There are some murmurs in the hall as the glow begins to strengthen and then each in the hall gasps as the light shines forth from the eye of each of your bracers joining together at the peak of the hall. A pyramid of light brightens the hall, and within, the dragon appears. Though only an image, the terror of its presence can be felt. Only the head of the creature appears in the image, but the sheer size of it fills the pyramid. It is an eerie sight to so the dragons head almost floating in the chamber.

“Ahh. There you are my pets.” The dragon looks to each one of you. “And, Lady Alustriel I presume. The pleasure is all mine at our meeting, I am sure. High Mage Taern (Said with some contempt), did you enjoy the taste of my power? But come, I did not come this morning to banter with you. You wish to know of what I have in store for you. I can tell by the uncertain look on your faces that you are wondering how it is that I have defeated the wards of your city and this High Palace and that uncertainty is adding to my claim that I can destroy you. You must be wondering why I do not. I will let you ponder that, but I will say that I grow bored and need some excitement. Destroying the city of Silverymoon would be so unchallenging, far beneath one of my stature. But I digress, shall we get to the point then. Those that bear my eye were chosen from the denizens of Silverymoon to test the strength and faith of the commoner. To test Silverymoon’s greatest warriors and mages would be so overdone. These seven before you shall represent the unknown strength of Silverymoon. I find the unknown to be much more interesting. I shall enjoy watching you. Now to the task at hand…quite simple really. Bring me the DragonStone. I shall tell you where when you have it. None other shall take on this task save these seven before me that bear my eye. I shall see and know all. Failure to obey this rule will result in the deaths of untold numbers of your people. I shall slaughter at will and watch you suffer. Fail in this quest will indicate the weakness of Silverymoon and I shall destroy your city and all who dwell within. Do not try to aid them in secret Alustriel, I shall know of it and the penalty will be paid in blood. Do not tarry, doing so bores me and I shall have to extract entertainment from the people of Silverymoon. Until we meet again.” With that the lights vanish and the dragon image is gone.

The people in the audience hall begin to speak at once. The conversations are all joined, but you catch, “What is this DragonStone?” and “Where shall we find it?” amongst the many conversations. Alustriel and Taern speak in close quarters, but you cannot hear what they are saying. The level of conversation increases before you hear a loud crack of a staff on the marble floor. The voices stop and turn to look at the source, as do you. A elderly man in grey robes steps forward. His face is old, graying hair circles his head. In his hand is a long black staff with a small white crystal affixed to the top. He speaks, “The DragonStone is an ancient artifact of immense magical power. Some say it can bring everlasting life to those who bear it. Others say of the incredible powers wielded by the bears of the stone. It was lost centuries ago during the fall of the Netherise and all knowledge of its whereabouts of the stone were lost with it. Many have sought for it, but none have found it. How shall we find it you ask (with a wry smile)? There was one who knew of its secrets. One who has touched the stone, perhaps the last one to touch the stone. But he too has perished, though his knowledge may not have passed. He survived the destruction of the Netherise and was thought to have built a castle or tower on the eastern reaches of the Nether Mountains, in sight of the Anauroch desert. There you will learn of the DragonStone.”

Alustriel turns to you after the man has spoken. “So my friends. It seems that you must find this stone where countless others have failed. I will do what I can to aid you, though it seems you must go alone. Be wary, for there are many enemies to Silverymoon who have likely learned of our visit by the dragon. It won’t be long before they learn the truth and do what they can to hinder you on your task. You must go alone, but the dragon did not say that we could not provide you with provisions and passage. You must not go openly, so I would suggest coming up with a story that covers your true purpose. We will continue to research here to find out what we can about this stone and this dragon. Until we come up with a better plan, the fate of Silverymoon rests with you. Let me know what you need for your journey and I shall provide it.”

What do you need for your journey? What information do you want to know? What cover story do you want to use? What would you like to name your company?


First Post
Dain - dwarven ranger

hmmm, perhaps the dragon is unable to get the stone himself

"We would probably be best served as merchants or messengers of some sort. What sort of dealings do you have with Nether Mountains? Any? Is there mining? Personally I'd rather ride in a wagon than ride a horse."


First Post
Manzanita said:
hmmm, perhaps the dragon is unable to get the stone himself

"We would probably be best served as merchants or messengers of some sort. What sort of dealings do you have with Nether Mountains? Any? Is there mining? Personally I'd rather ride in a wagon than ride a horse."

Alustriel replies, 'There are no dealings with the Nether Mountains. These mountains are full of deadly creatures and ancient legends. Dragons and giants have been know to make their home deep in the mountains. Sundabar is on the road to the eastern edge of the range. The road runns along the Northern foothills. Sundabar is a member of the League of the Silver Marches overwhich I rule, the league not the city itself. Past Sundabar the road is much less patrolled. It is the Fort Road that runs to the feet of the Anauroch. Half way between Sudabar and the great desert the Adbar runs meets with the Fort road. This road reaches the Citadel Adbar, a dwarven stronghold also in the League. It can be a dangerous road, but not impassable.'



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Alustirel supplies a general map of the Silver Marches

Map of the Silver Marches, no detail.



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Aram, half-elf monk

"Maybe we could say we were mercenaries looking for exotic and magical creatures? There are many mages in Silverymoon and elsewhere, who could use certain parts of those creatures in their research. Such creatures would be plentiful in the Nether Mountains, I think. Would that sound believable?", Aram asks looking at everyone present in turn.

The monk turns to the old man in grey robes. "Who is the one you speak of, that knows about the DragonStone? Would he be willing to help us if we manage to reach his home?"


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Zerth said:
The monk turns to the old man in grey robes. "Who is the one you speak of, that knows about the DragonStone? Would he be willing to help us if we manage to reach his home?"

The old man laughs a dry, scratchy laugh, 'No my friend. Altirus Vek perished hundreds of years ago, or so it is told. Not many knew of his existence then, and fewer still know it now. And were he alive, I doubt he would be willing to help at all. More likely laugh in your faces and then flay you for disturbing him. He was an evil, wretch of a man...or so I have heard.'



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Aram, half-elf monk

Breezly said:
The old man laughs a dry, scratchy laugh, 'No my friend. Altirus Vek perished hundreds of years ago, or so it is told. Not many knew of his existence then, and fewer still know it now. And were he alive, I doubt he would be willing to help at all. More likely laugh in your faces and then flay you for disturbing him. He was an evil, wretch of a man...or so I have heard.'
"Then we shall find his tower and seek the the knowledge we need from there," Aram says with a stern face.

Speaking to his companions-to-be again, "So we must travel to mountains. Does anyone of you have experience in mountain travel? I'm afraid, having lived in a city almost all my life, I have not. We are surely going to need some climbing equipment, but what else?"

Turning to Dain, "Master dwarf, how about you? You must know the mountains well."

Then smiling, the monk continues, "And I think we all know by now, that young Fizzlewikk knows much about all kinds of equipment."


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Tsoren Gildersham - Human Rog1

Tsoren turns to his companions, "Well, it seems obvious that we should travel the road, so that makes me think that we should take ANY OTHER way there to avoid others who would expect us to take the road. How about we skirt the mountains along their south edge, avoiding the enemies of Silverymoon that will surely be waiting to thwart our efforts."

Tsoren continues, "As far as provisions, perhaps horses to speed us along, but no wagon. I think we should be trying to make this as quick of a journey as possible."

Finally, Tsoren turns to Aram, "I know nothing about travelling through mountains, or really anywhere outside of a city."


First Post
Fizzlewikk Schlickenbahb - Halfling Rogue

Fizzlewikk awakens in the morning with a dry mouth and a slight headache. oooo.. my head.. too much of that delicious kiwi schnapps last night.. He rolls back over and pulls the sheet up over his head. The attendant, upon seeing that he is not waking up goes over and lightly shakes him, pulling the sheet back from over his head, telling him he must awaken and be in the main audience hall before the sun rises. Fizziwikk sits up and rubs his temples with his hands. "allright, allright, I'm getting up.. the sun isn't even up yet" Upon saying this, Fizzi remembers what the dragon had said and begins to move a bit faster washing up and getting dressed. He pauses a moment to look into the green bracer that is on his arm, Well, soon we shall all know what it is that you wish for us to do.

He joins the others and makes his way to the main audience hall where he sees Lady Alustriel, Taern Hornblade, and Jorus Azuremantle, among the many other important looking persons. Fizzi listens as Lady Alustriel speaks her words of wisdom, and then turns, along with everyone else, to look out the windows as the sun arises. Fizziwikk looks on in amazement as the dragon Garlyntraxil appears before everyone through the power of the bracers. He listens as Garlyntraxil speaks, re-itterating the fact that out right destroying the city would be easy and boring for him, and that he wishes for some excitement. He listens as the dragon also states that those that wear the bracers where chosen. I knew it wasn't just luck and that we where chosen for this! he thinks to himself. He listens on tot he rest of the dragons speach. Fizzi seems to key-in on the fact that the dragon directly says that Lady Alustriel is not to help them secretly, for Garlyntraxil will know and kill everyone.

Everyone starts talking at once, the hall erupts into noice, only quieted when an eldery man in grey robes with a long black staff with a white crystal at the top slams his staff into the marble floor, demanding silence. Who is this man that commands such power over everyone else as to have them be silenced? Fizziwikk listens to him speak, studying him as he does so. He commits to memory everything that the man says and then listens to Lady Alustriel speak, noting and agreeing with what she says about Garlyntraxil not saying that she banned from providing those that wear the Eyes with provisions.

Hmmm.. a castle or a tower on the eastern reaches of the Nether Mountains, in sight of the Anauroch desert... I've only heard tales about the desert being vast and cruel.. it seems my world will be expanding rather quickly!

Fizzlewikk waits for his turn to speak and asks "Pardon if I may old man, but might I ask your name? You seem very knowledged in this DragonStone. You speak of this man that was the last to touch the DragonStone saying that he as well has perished, how do you suggest that we gain his knowledge from him?"

Fizzi listens as Lady Alustriel speaks of the Nether Mountains. "M'lady, you speak of the mountains and the road that runs between here and Sundabar. Might I ask how "safe" these roads are, and about how long travel would be between here and Sundabar? Is the road wide enough to accomadate a wagon drawn by horses or mules? As an alternative route, how long would it take for us to reach Sundabar by booking passage among a ship travelling the River Rauvin? This might be a faster and safer route?"

Fizziwikk stops to think for a moment..

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