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The EN World FREE Character Portrait Request Thread!


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I would like to request a character drawing.

Lysian Alexael Vako
He is described as a moderately tall human with well-kept, short hair that is beginning to go gray. He stands 6’3” and weighs about 235 pounds. He is built like a soldier and walks with the look of experience. He is commonly seen wearing his black breastplate with an equally black helmet. He has a two-bladed scimitar with him and a cloak the color of fresh blood flows behind him.

He wields a two bladed scimitar and occasionally also has a javelin with him. His helmet looks like the one in the picture, but colored black.

Thanks to any who try.


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Chain Lightning

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Testament said:
Some great work here, I'm still getting over Chain Lightning's epic work! Hoping someone picks up my character.

Flattery will get you no where. Okay, that's not true. :D

Here ya go Testament. A drawing of Lukas Brauer. Sorry I've been gone so long. Work and life and general has kept me very busy. Barely time to do my own drawings let alone extra ones on the side. So many good artists have come along and helped out here so I figured I wasn't really needed. But then, Hunter yelled for help so ... here I am.

I won't have time to do detailed stuff. So, hopefully you guys will be okay with just quick sketches. I'm not going to be able to spend more than maybe a half hour on these babies. I'd love to give you guys my best, but I'm just so swamped lately.

Anyways, the drawing is quick and sloppy, but I hope you like it anyways. [by the way, what was the max file size again for posting here?]


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thebeeve said:
The character's name is Blackmask.

Hope this is ok. Took me a while, trying to draw a character where there's no emotion on the face is hard. Plus trying to scan at a size that I could upload! :D


  • Blackmask.jpg
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First Post
Chain Lightning said:
Flattery will get you no where. Okay, that's not true. :D

Here ya go Testament. A drawing of Lukas Brauer. Sorry I've been gone so long. Work and life and general has kept me very busy. Barely time to do my own drawings let alone extra ones on the side. So many good artists have come along and helped out here so I figured I wasn't really needed. But then, Hunter yelled for help so ... here I am.

I won't have time to do detailed stuff. So, hopefully you guys will be okay with just quick sketches. I'm not going to be able to spend more than maybe a half hour on these babies. I'd love to give you guys my best, but I'm just so swamped lately.

Anyways, the drawing is quick and sloppy, but I hope you like it anyways. [by the way, what was the max file size again for posting here?]

Thanks a bunch! Nice work, I wasn't expecting anyhing in colour or as UNREAL as "that piece". If meatspace is busy, then extra double thanks for finding the time for this.


Hunter - I would be slap my arse skippy if you would draw Korbach for me. Hrm, a description.

Korbach Angist Korbach is a stern man, in his early thirties, with a short cropped beard and short straight hair. His skin has been bronzed by the gift of the holy flame which has changed him from a plain priest into a half-fire elemental. He carries a heavy mace, and is currently dressed in travel stained by very fine clothes. When armoured, he prefers the heaviest of plate, but, fate has consipired to steal his armor and has reduced him to wearing a worn suit of hide into battle. When angered, which is often, smoke sometimes pours from him and his eyes literally flash with fire. His favourite tactic has become to cover himself with oil, light himself on fire and then charge into battle. Fear of the purifying flames makes the sinners lose their water.

((Ok, maybe channeled a little too much into the character just there. Heh. But, he is an extreme character, very lawful, highly motivated by vengeance and a tendency to light offenders on fire.))

Hope this helps.


First Post
Requests from two friends

A couple of my friends saw the illo of Lukas yesterday, and since one has irregular net access at best, and the other has none, they've asked me to forward their characters to this forum. And the first especially is so damn kooky and amusing I'd love to see what some of the artists here can do with it.

First up:
Frederick the Arrogant, Wandering King of Perrenland (in his mind), the Mad Bard (to everyone else)

A tall, goateed man, Frederick is utterly convinced that he is the rightful ruler of Perrenland, and is determined to spread the message of his glorious reign to all citizens of the Cantons. His ethnic origin is impossible to place, but he cuts an impressive figure in his royal robes, waving around his large, gold bejewelled scepter and wearing his iron crown. A shimmer surrounds Frederick most of the time as a result of his enchanted cape.

Frederick's favoured method of transportation is a large wagon, a war drum set up in the back in front of an elaborate lectern, a crude megaphone affixed to the lectern. From here Frederick can spread the good news of his reign, as well as the spiritual message of The Pavillion. Pulling this wagon is a team of conscripted Gnomes (no, really!), who also act as the support crew for Frederick the Arrogant's trademark item.

Following his wagon at all times is a large team of mules, their job is to carry Frederick's personal God and palace, The Pavillion. Covering over 100ft when fully set up, and standing two stories tall, The Pavillion acts as Frederick's base of operations when adventuring around Perrenland, in order to protect his Kingdom from its enemies.

Oh, and the player in question has asked that, if possible, there be a scroll across the bottom of the illustration reading "Worship The Pavillion".

And now, Longreach Jones

Everyone knows that Orcs are big. Really big. So are Half-Orcs. Longreach Jones, however, is big even by their standards. At 6 foot 11, and over 300 lbs of muscle, Longreach is enormous. With protuding tusks, the left one broken in a long ago fight, and an eyepatch over his right eye, Longreach looks like an Orc's Orc. However, unlike most of his kin, Longreach actually has a mind to back up his muscle, which has led to his gaining a position as a Drill Sergeant in the Auszug (he boasts that recruits usually hide from him after the first hour), alongside his old position as pole-arms instructor.

Longreach Jones always looks ready for a fight, carrying either Spectral Slash, his gleaming enchanted Guisarme, or his pride and joy, The Sunblighter, a holy relic of Gruumsh, and the weapon that Longreach intends to wield when he leads his full-blooded Orcish kin in revolution against their cambion overlord, Iuz the Old. The Sunblighter is a well-worn iron longspear that constantly radiates shadows and darkness when wielded, giving Longreach a sinister appearance. He almost never removes his battered chainmail, or his massive, steel-toed boots. Other than a belt with too many pouches to keep track of, and his cape, Longreach is loath to have more than he can carry easily (which is actually quite a lot!) in the field.


First Post
Thanks Hussar!

AOS and Chain Lightning great to see your artwork!
Kathaer-I will post Alexis Des Noirs late tonight or early Saturday morning!


Hussar said:
Hunter - I would be slap my arse skippy if you would draw Korbach for me. Hrm, a description.

Korbach Angist Korbach is a stern man, in his early thirties, with a short cropped beard and short straight hair. His skin has been bronzed by the gift of the holy flame which has changed him from a plain priest into a half-fire elemental. He carries a heavy mace, and is currently dressed in travel stained by very fine clothes. When armoured, he prefers the heaviest of plate, but, fate has consipired to steal his armor and has reduced him to wearing a worn suit of hide into battle. When angered, which is often, smoke sometimes pours from him and his eyes literally flash with fire. His favourite tactic has become to cover himself with oil, light himself on fire and then charge into battle. Fear of the purifying flames makes the sinners lose their water.

((Ok, maybe channeled a little too much into the character just there. Heh. But, he is an extreme character, very lawful, highly motivated by vengeance and a tendency to light offenders on fire.))

Hope this helps.


World of Kulan DM
Chain Lightning said:
Flattery will get you no where. Okay, that's not true. :D

Here ya go Testament. A drawing of Lukas Brauer. Sorry I've been gone so long. Work and life and general has kept me very busy. Barely time to do my own drawings let alone extra ones on the side. So many good artists have come along and helped out here so I figured I wasn't really needed. But then, Hunter yelled for help so ... here I am.

Chain Lightning is back! How's it going? Glad to know your life has been full of challenges and wonderment. Heh.

I won't have time to do detailed stuff. So, hopefully you guys will be okay with just quick sketches. I'm not going to be able to spend more than maybe a half hour on these babies. I'd love to give you guys my best, but I'm just so swamped lately.

Don't sweat the details, my friend. Always remember that this thread was always meant to be for FREE quick sketches. If an artist wants to take a character concept farther then so be it, but it's NOT a requirement!

Anyways, the drawing is quick and sloppy, but I hope you like it anyways. [by the way, what was the max file size again for posting here?]

Pfft! Quick and sloppy, please! That's better than I could ever do, period. (Of course, I inherited my father's shaking hands.)

Great image, as always, CL. And again, welcome back, welcome back, welcome back...



p.s. This is definitely the longest running thread of all those that I started. (The thread was started way back in August of 2003.) It makes me proud to see all the great artwork done on this thread.


World of Kulan DM
En World Free Sketch Request Thread(s) Index

Okay, I've been working on compiling all the requests from this thread into one word document, including which requests have been done and by who. I didn't attempt to note where on the thread a request sketch was uploaded. (It is updated to end of this post.)

That was too much of a pain. :mad:

Anyway, this document also has links to the Secondary thread, which almost no one knows/knew about as it fell off the main page fairly fast, but I added it to the index anyway.

I also included many additional "FREE" and "request" and "sketch/art" threads created by others to highlight their talents. The list is by no means complete, but I'm not likely to update this again anytime soon.

I'm posting this here, instead of its own thread, because this is one of the first threads that started it all. Of course, Kip the Bold was doing FREE sketches long before I created this thread, but his is basically in full retirement mode.

Anyway, you're welcome, and keep the requests and sketches coming.


Robert Blezard, a.k.a. Knightfall1972
Edmonton, Alberta

p.s. It was suggested to Acquana, in his thread, that he might want to create a coloring book for kids based on his great sketches. I think an even better idea would be a coloring book that uses many of the black and white sketches from the various threads here on EN World.

It could be put out by E.N. Publishing and the profits could go to charity, What does everyone think? Of course, we'd have to get the artist and requester's permission, but many of us are still here after all this time.


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First Post

Those are amazing. I hate you for being able to draw so well.

Do you think you could do a non-distinct human in a cloak? The hood should be up, so his features should be concealed. His weapon of choice is a longsword, he has a longbow and quiver across his back. He also carries a shield around with him.

Thanks for your time.

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