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Generation Legacy Issue #11 Cont'd


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Hammerhead said:
"Go for it," Ryan says with a shrug. "Let's see who you saw with Kelly." It's okay, I'll just do your work for you. Because I don't have anything better to do.

"Don't have the time"...I swear, where does he come up with these things?
Assuming Gilden does as requested, when Ryan gets the image it is easy for him to see who exactly it is, it’s Phase in all her cold-blooded murderous glory.

Gilden’s Second Sight

[sblock]Gilden sees a large room, in the shape of a crescent; the curved side is a large domed window looking out into what looks like deep water, he sees schools of fish swim by. He sees Cassandra standing near the window and the boy he knows of as Tommy McKain tangled up with Kelly.

There is the same woman that is probably Kelly’s mother, the murderous super criminal and terrorist, Bishop, and a thin tall old man standing away from everyone in a sharp black suit.[/sblock]

Tina lets go of Ryan and looks at Anika, “I know what I heard, he threatened Ryan; he said that if we try and take Cassie or Kelly from him, he would do something fatal. I may not be Legacy, chica, but I am not a liar.”

She pauses looking at Ryan controlling her anger for a brief moment, “Cassie is, well the way I heard it, she has some kind of knowledge in her head on how to defeat Overseer, just she may not know that yet. This means he can be defeated… I feel like an idiot even saying this stuff, but it’s the truth.”

Tina turns her attention to Charlotte, “I don’t even know you, so don’t start telling me what I can or can’t do. This is bigger then some stupid UN rules, if our source is right,” she looks to Ryan for support and then continues, “we have no choice but to find her. So either make yourself useful or shut the hell up.”


SARAH replies, “Jun Min is free for the moment, shall I message her?”

Then Timothy hears in his mind, “Hey Timothy, how are you doing, nice music, you have some talent. Did you want to talk? SARAH is annoying like that, but she means well. I am sure you have much on your mind?” Jun Min replies mentally.

Kelly and Cassie

“Of course sweetie, Sanctuary it is,” Tommy replies giving her a kiss on the lips, “Sorry I have been so distant. My work as you can see has kept me busy. But things will be different now.”

Kelly’s mother rolls her eyes at the display of affection.

Tommy says to Cassie, “Build fear? Mankind on the average loves elites they love us because we make their lives easier, better, and add the fantastic to their dreary baseline lives. The only thing mankind could possibly fear is the knowledge that in time they will become the minority, where being a baseline will become an escalating case of survivability. An extreme plan of survival born out of vicious necessity; humanity is doomed, baseline humanity that is. In time, when humanity figures this out, it will be too late the most powerful world organizations will be firmly under the thumb of powerful elites. We are the future, you could say the comet prematurely brought about the extinction of baseline humanity. They just don’t know it yet.”

Tommy shrugs, “The only issue left to us is propagating this new species, and most elites are by nature sterile or highly incompatible with each other and baseline humanity. Which is why I am sure retrieving Isabella and Billy was such a high priority for the UNJE; a matter of survival of the species.”

Bishop nods listening.

Tommy smiles, “But I should not bore you with my yammering, you all must be hungry and tired yes?”

Kelly’s mother, “If could Thomas, I would like to speak to you privately.”

Tommy grins, “I figured you would, Sheila, Kelly could you excuse me for a moment, Mr. Smith can show you all around.”


“He means well I hope,” Kal replies, “But that still means he is a righteous bastard. I don’t know I don’t always understand how people do things here, and don’t always agree but I have decided to do what I do best, fight the bad guys, win, and not sell my morals short for necessity. All I can do I guess.”

He puts a comforting hand on her shoulder, “We can’t change their minds, not all at once. We can only be an example of what we believe is the right thing to do.”

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Samnell said:
"Both," Mark admitted. If I tell him, is it all over? Would that be all it takes?
Paragon nods, “Well maybe you can explain it to me, like I told you before Mark, I am here to help you. The pressures of your position are well known to me, and I know that you won’t always make the right decision, but if we can solve the little problems before they become big ones then I think we can alleviate the issue before it becomes a bloody mess.”

“So hit me with your worst,” Paragon finishes, listening.


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Kelly smiles at Tommy's kiss and returns it whole heartedly, not even seeing her mom's eye rolling. "Kellyopolis would have been such a horrid name." She listens to Tommy's speech on how Eliteswere the next wave, the next evolution, and how base-lines would eventually become the minority and it gave her some hope that eventually everyone would pretty much get along without the need for things like registration, especially if everyone had powers.

When his oratory turned around to come at elites being infertile Kelly looks a bit stunned, she hadn't known that at all, she assumed that the UN was trying to keep it from the Elites... it also explained why she didn't have any brothers or sisters, since her mom really did like kids. "Are we all infertile? Or just most of us? I mean if Isabella got pregnant its not all of us, but is being fertile that rare in Elites?" she asks sounding upset, she had always wanted to have a family...eventually maybe when she was turning 30 or something.

"Uh...sure, can we talk later? When your done talking to mom?" Kelly asks Tommy before heading over to stand by Cassie. "I'm going to fight Overseer Cassie, no matter what, he is a bad guy, and good guys don't just run away. If I don't try, and he wins thats it the end of the world, I have to at least try, cause if we lose everyone dies anyway."


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Shalimar said:
Kelly smiles at Tommy's kiss and returns it whole heartedly, not even seeing her mom's eye rolling. "Kellyopolis would have been such a horrid name." She listens to Tommy's speech on how Eliteswere the next wave, the next evolution, and how base-lines would eventually become the minority and it gave her some hope that eventually everyone would pretty much get along without the need for things like registration, especially if everyone had powers.
Tommy smiles, "I know."
Shalimar said:
When his oratory turned around to come at elites being infertile Kelly looks a bit stunned, she hadn't known that at all, she assumed that the UN was trying to keep it from the Elites... it also explained why she didn't have any brothers or sisters, since her mom really did like kids. "Are we all infertile? Or just most of us? I mean if Isabella got pregnant its not all of us, but is being fertile that rare in Elites?" she asks sounding upset, she had always wanted to have a family...eventually maybe when she was turning 30 or something.
"Not so much infertile as it is incompatible, in the way you can't mate a cat and a dog, they are just different species. Elites are different in that way, we look human, we feel human, but biologically we are something else," Tommy answers.


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"Not so much infertile as it is incompatible, in the way you can't mate a cat and a dog, they are just different species. Elites are different in that way, we look human, we feel human, but biologically we are something else," Tommy answers.

"So Elites really aren't a new species, we are hundreds of new species. Are all elites with the same powers pretty much the same species or what? Elites can't be that different, if we are the same visually, at least for the most part, I mean Chimpanzees and gorillas have like 99% of the same DNA and they look completely different. Is there a way for elites to have Children with scientific aide? I suppouse thats why the UN went after Isabella and Billy, to check that out." Kelly comments looking perturbed.

"I won't argue with you at this time Kelly, just.. consider it." Cassie says before turning and walking back to the dome and looking out at the sheer wall of blue. Clearly she's said all she wanted to, or was willing to at this time.


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Tokiwong said:

“He means well I hope,” Kal replies, “But that still means he is a righteous bastard. I don’t know I don’t always understand how people do things here, and don’t always agree but I have decided to do what I do best, fight the bad guys, win, and not sell my morals short for necessity. All I can do I guess.”

He puts a comforting hand on her shoulder, “We can’t change their minds, not all at once. We can only be an example of what we believe is the right thing to do.”

"I don't agree with most of how my world works," Karen sighs,"Everybody talks about fighting for the greater good, but in the end the greater good is themselves..." she continues with a wry smile, "I think I liked your world better. At least your bad guys are honest. Here the bad guys pretend to be the good guys and the good guys are forced to become bad guys because the real bad guys make the laws... Or something like that, it's all so... so confusing," she lets out a frustrated sigh.

"We can only try and hope to make a difference I guess. I'm so glad you're here with me, I think I'd be going mad by now," Karen rests her cheek on Kal's hand, giving a kiss on his fingers, "Come I want to show you something. The UNJE has given me a ton of money for the short time I worked for them. I'm gonna use it to buy my own car. It's gonna need a bit of work though..."

She leads him to his room and shows a site that has several old cars for sale in various states of disrepair, including the one below, "So what do you think?" she asks, sounding very proud of her find.


  • Karen_Bug.jpg
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"Hey, it's Phase," Ryan comments happily. "Looks like being lazy paid off, Gilden. It would appear Kelly has joined Pantheon...or Overseer...or whoever the hell she's working for now. That hitwoman gets around."

Uh oh. This is going to be trouble. Why do I like the ones with the tempers?

"Chill Tina," Ryan says with a forced laugh. "For the past few months Tommy has been pretending to be a total nerd; that's why death threats really aren't his style," he explains to Tina. "But I guess you guys never heard Kelly's story, the one she told shortly after James rescued her. Tommy left her to die while he escaped."


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Hammerhead said:
"Chill Tina," Ryan says with a forced laugh. "For the past few months Tommy has been pretending to be a total nerd; that's why death threats really aren't his style," he explains to Tina. "But I guess you guys never heard Kelly's story, the one she told shortly after James rescued her. Tommy left her to die while he escaped."
Tina bristles, “I am chill,” but she follows that with a glare at Charlotte.


Kal takes a seat looking at the bug, “Wow, that needs all kinds of work, but if that makes you happy then I am all for it. Never saw much use for cars since I can just fly everywhere.”

He kisses her cheek, “I am sure it will look great when you are done with it. I mean it really can’t look any worse.”

Kelly & Cassie

Bishop speaks, “I don’t this is a battle you can go alone Cassandra, and I doubt that Kelly wants to stand by idly while you carry whatever burden it is that weighs you down alone into the darkness. We are people of action, not watching others act, death is the price we pay for our actions then so be it, better to go out like a hero, then to die safely in your bed like a coward.”

“That is how I have lived, and will continue to live,” he finishes.

Tommy shrugs at Kelly’s comment, “I will figure it out.” He then takes her mother to another room.

Cassie shrugs. "Perhaps we're too much a people of action. You are a brilliant man in your own way Bishop, and Tommy is one of the most intelligent people on the planet, yet you both suscribed to an association that fell on the old tenent of terror, fear and murder to achieve your goals. Tommy walked away from that, and I respect the strength of will that he took in doing it. You still say that blood is needed to achieve peace, but the only peace I see in your future is the peace of the grave and world burned out to near nothingness."

She looks at him. "I've seen that future.. where Pantheon and humanity fight still. It's not worth it."

Voidrunner's Codex

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