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[Adventure] Marna is Missing (DM: pacdidj, Judge: renau1g)


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"This is most unwelcome news indeed, my son," replies the elderly cleric, his face grave, "Whether or not the native humans are correct in their beliefs about the role of their ancestors in creating and shaping this part of the Isles, which I myself doubt, it is certainly true that the primal spirits they worship are immensely powerful. In the wrong hands, one of their totem objects could wreak terrible destruction. Let's see, you say it is the one they call Marna that is missing? That would make it the totem of the Great Shark. If this was stolen with the intent to do evil, and not as part of some misguided prank, it could mean trouble for all of the Proximate Isles, as that totem holds great sway over the conditions and currents of the deep waters near Kythira."

"Yes," says Fizzenden, picking up Hyrellon's train of thought, "and perhaps we are wrong to suspect our furry neighbors of malfeasance if the ones responsible for the theft, are the same as those that have been disrupting life in our village. I'm not sure even Snarl's people are capable of such heinous mischief."

"A warlock, you say?,"
the motley gnome inquires of Alnar, "Whatever would you want with one of those dabblers in the infernal and strange? I'm afraid you won't find any warlocks here! And my people are the only arcanists on this island, save for perhaps one or two humans who've picked up a few cantrips on one of their off-island sojourns."

"In fact, we gnomes of Laughing Glade hale from a long line of Arcane researchers. It was my great-great-great-great-grandfather Fenwick who established the colony here to serve as a base for researches into Eladrin magic and artifacts. All these volumes you see around you have been compiled by myself and my ancestors,"
he says with a wave of his hand to indicate the tall bookshelves that completely ring the large room, "And through our research, we've made significant progress toward understanding and reestablishing our people's historic links to the forests of Arcadia, which you might better know as the Feywild."

"And, I'm proud to say that, despite the arcane talent that runs in my family, we count not one warlock among our number."

[sblock="Insight 22"]The gnomish leader, though straining to remain polite, is obviously somewhat offended by the implication that he might know of warlocks nearby. You're fairly sure that he's being sincere in denying that that he knows of any warlocks among the local gnomes.[/sblock]

"But, Fizzenden?," Hyrellon interjects, "What of these strange traces noted by Ferris? Might they not be evidence of a warlock at work? The unnatural withering of mother Dayna's green tresses, and a lingering fear among her creatures?"

"That's true... But how would we even go about looking for such a scoundrel? Don't you lot have anything else to go on? What of the Dauntonian party I sent you to look for," the gnomish leader asks Cyr, "You say they perished in the swamp? What happened to them?"

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They slept in a nest of crocodiles from the looks of it. Alnar says to the gnomes. We found a journal and the last entry was cut off like they were suddenly attacked. Seems odd, crocs would attack them right off the bat. Is there anyway you could recover the Warforge's memory banks?

As for what to do next. Are there any patterns in stuff happening in your village? We could spare a day or two and try to catch the culprits, but it might not be wise to spare any longer.

We also need to pay Snarl a visit as well. Perhaps we can find out something from him, even if he is not cooperative. Is there any other people around that might have had a hand in this?

Iron Sky

Procedurally Generated
Sir Exsixten bursts back into the room and tosses a small pair of broken-off antlers onto the table. SIR EXSIXTEN HAS CHASED THE DEMON OFF AND BROKEN ITS FEEBLE HORNS AS IT ATTACKED HIM.


SIR EXSIXTEN STRIKES A HEROIC POSE AND AWAITS THE APPLAUSE AND ADULATION OF THE LITTLE PEOPLE THAT THRONG IN HIS WAKE, Sir Exsixten says, placing his hands on his hips, bracing his feet wide, and raising his tiny chin in a (apparently) heroic manner.


Insight=17: Fail
"Yes, we suspect a warlock may have some part in this, and if we located one, it might help us narrow down the cause..."

Ferris feels some apprehension at the mention of Snarl. Although they were not adversaries, Ferris had had so little contact with his tribe of origin, that he wonders at the state of things there now...


First Post
We found a journal and the last entry was cut off like they were suddenly attacked. Seems odd, crocs would attack them right off the bat. Is there anyway you could recover the Warforge's memory banks?

"I'm afraid there is no way to recover Sir Exsixten's memories. You see, sir knight has the unfortunate habit of shutting himself down at the first sign of imminent defeat in battle, so as not to endure its attendant humiliation. This also has the side effect of both wiping his memory completely, and leaving him stranded on wild frontiers far from civilization for long periods of time. I tried to advise him when last I found and reactivated him that he might do better to simply learn from his mistakes, but alas I don't think my advice was well received."

"So, we likely won't learn anything about the fate of the Dauntonians that way. But, you didn't happen to bring that diary with you by chance, did you?,"
Fizzenden asks Alnar.

As for what to do next. Are there any patterns in stuff happening in your village? We could spare a day or two and try to catch the culprits, but it might not be wise to spare any longer.

"Patterns, you say? Well, I'm not sure I'd call it a pattern, just a gradual increase in random acts of mischief and violence over the past two months. As I said homes have been broken into, valuables stolen, gnomes have been hit by rocks thrown from the cover of the trees and have fallen into rope snares placed around our village by unknown parties. This latest act last night was by far the most heinous though. Poor Farvyn's turkeys have been taking fright regularly during these mischief-makers' nightly visitations. But the one we found this morning was gruesomely mutilated, barely-recognizable, but not eaten, though the tooth marks of some large beast were evident throughout its ruined flesh and bone. And then some vile soul threw its corpse down our well to poison our drinking water."

The gnome leader takes a deep breath and continues, "We had thought perhaps that the shifters of Moonshadow Lake might be responsible for this mischief against us, conducting it in retribution for my interruption of their Green Man ritual last year. But I didn't mean to cause a disruption! I was led astray during a mushroom hunting expedition by a trick of the eyes, or maybe a hallucination... I don't know, it was shortly after the death of my father, and I was stricken with grief, but I thought I saw him beckoning to me amid the trees of the forest. He led me deeper and deeper through the mangroves, until I burst out through the trees, and right into the shifters' ritual circle. Then my father's shade was no where to be seen, only a bunch of angry shifters."

"What's more, ill will has been building between all the peoples of this Isle for the past two years, ever since there was a transfer of power among the human clans, and one of their number eloped with the shifter princess. Before we used to live in harmony with one another, but
the shifters are a strong, and aggressive people. They have to be as they live close as they do to the Shadowrift, and the fell creatures that occasionally step out of it and into this world. They certainly have reason to bear grudges against both my people and the human clans, but I never would have thought that they'd resort to such heinous acts of vandalism, theft, and desecration."

"Yes, we suspect a warlock may have some part in this, and if we located one, it might help us narrow down the cause..."

"Perhaps they have not resorted to such acts," says Hyrellon responding to Fizzenden. "If the same thieves that stole the humans' totem are also responsible for the harassment of our village, and if brother Ferris' suspicions regarding a warlock's involvement are true, then I find it highly unlikely that the shifters are responsible. You know how they revile the practice of arcane magic. Any warlock among them would of necessity operate alone, for he would be cast out by his people. Yet we've seen multiple cloaked figures disappearing into the forest on the nights we are visited with hostile mischief," declares the cleric, his eyebrows arched.

"Yes, perhaps you're right..." the gnome leader trails off in puzzlement.

We also need to pay Snarl a visit as well. Perhaps we can find out something from him, even if he is not cooperative. Is there any other people around that might have had a hand in this?

"You are welcome to pursue whatever course of action you see fit adventurers. Though, if you are sincere in your suspicions about warlocks, I believe that Father Hyrellon is correct, and a visit to Moonshadow Lake might only slow your investigation. If a warlock is behind all of this, the only possibilities I see are that either these malevolent forces have come to the Living Isle from somewhere else, or the humans are hiding something and you don't have the full story."


First Post
What is the Green Man ritual? Alnar says to the Gnome.

As for the
journal... err he looks around to see if the other party members picked it up.

"Here it is." Cyr offers it to Fizzenden. "And going to shifters may not be a waste, we could at least ascertain they have similar problems and relieve at least some tension toward you. But I'm new in the group and I'm really interested in the root of the problem, not some missing totem. Could you provide us with a map to the ruins and their interiorm as far as you know it?"


[sblock=ooc]Sorry for the lack of posts. Internet troubles. Thankfully, someone in the building has an unsecured network I can use as a backup. ;)

I'm missing opportunities to try to guide the island into a war! I'll never forgive myself.[/sblock]
Jezebel, who has been listening quietly and nodding occasionally, comments to Cyr, "Though if we find the missing totem, I think the 'root of the problem' would not be far away."

"The cloaked figures may or may not be responsible, but it is at least another lead we can follow. I find it unlikely that they would coincidentally start their mischief the same time the marna went missing. Even if they are not the actual thieves, they may be peripherally involved.


First Post
What is the Green Man ritual?

The gnome responds to Alnar as he accepts the diary from Cyr, and begins to open it, "Oh, the green man? Bunch of superstitious nonsense if you ask me. The shifters claim its a method for diving the future for the coming year, to see where the game is, when the big storms are coming, what the best time to go collecting fruit and honey is, things like that. They make this crude, man-shaped thing out of a silly bundle of sticks, kind of like a scarecrow and nail it to a tree. Then they light a bonfire in front of it, gather round, and chant for several hours. They claim it comes alive, imbued with the spirit of the king of the forest, or some such, and..."

The gnome stops speaking, his gaze fixed on the last written page of the diary. "Hmm... that's odd. It says some old man told the Dauntonians to stick close to the river bank. But, everyone on the mainland knows that stretch of the Python's Tail that flows through the foothills of Turtlespine Mountain is crocodile country. I wonder who gave them such misguided advice?"

"Could you provide us with a map to the ruins and their interiorm as far as you know it?"

"Well that depends on which ruins you're looking for. Here, come take a look at this map."

Fizzenden leads you over to the table that bears the large, unrolled map of the island, and, as he mutters a few arcane words, the flat paper image suddenly seems to warp, bend, and infuse with color, taking on an illusory reseblence to a miniaturized version of the entire island, complete with running rivers, tall mountains, and a dark shadow that bisects the northern half of the island.

"See, I'd bet my spectacles that this is where you and the Dauntonians ran afoul of the crocodiles. It's just above the first falls at the base of the foothills. Here, and here are the human camps you've visited, and Snarl's people live over here, just east of Moonshadow Lake. Of course Eladrin ruins are scattered all over the edge of the Shadowrift," he says, pointing to the large, dark cloud. "But there are only five major Eladrin sites I know of that remain somewhat intact. They are: Ellansir, Liranth, Dinaeth, Shaelun, and the catacombs at Baerdun," Fizzenden explains pointing to each site in turn. You can just barely make out the points of towers reaching above the trees at each site he points to on the illusory, living map.

"Not knowing which ruins you are seeking, I'm afraid I won't be able to guide you to the source of the trouble," he says to Cyr apologetically.


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The gnome stops speaking, his gaze fixed on the last written page of the diary. "Hmm... that's odd. It says some old man told the Dauntonians to stick close to the river bank. But, everyone on the mainland knows that stretch of the Python's Tail that flows through the foothills of Turtlespine Mountain is crocodile country. I wonder who gave them such misguided advice?"
Thinking of Cyr's spell Alnar remembers something.

"Ma," says Matjala, "You mob going to visit gnomes, then we part ways for now. I must stay. My place with my own people."

Pointing back towards the mainland, Matjala gives you some brief directions toward your destination, "Best way to get to Laughing Glade is follow river, Python's Tail River, back north on mainland. You go past river fork where Rripangu live, then just before you get to big mountains you going northwest along Thorny Gorge, it big canyon. Keep going till you getting to creek called Weeping Elf Brook. Follow west and you come to Laughing Glade."
Matjala told us to go that way too.. Alnar says to the gnome telling him what he remembers. He is not old though but middle aged... Are you sure he would know about the crocs? Also the mangroves acted strangely on our way here, they tried to block our path... Alnar shakes his head. I don't like this at all.

Looking at the Warforge Alnar gets an idea. Warforges are made with magic right? I wonder, if we could transfer some magic energy too him, would it be possible to get some of his memory back?


Wondering if it would be possible to hook Alnar or something up to Sir ExSixTen and try to jump start his memory with arcane energy.

Think of it like jumper cables and a car battery, except with a WarForge and his memory banks :lol:.[/sblock]

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