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D&D 5E T1: The Village of Hommlet (OOC)

Anthony Terry

First Post
My knowledge of 5th edition is still limited, having Dm'd 1x for a campaign the lasted 2 sessions of about 2-3 hours so I will sit down with the books and give you all a proper Charecter Sheet tonight but this is how hes looking so far -

Scrutty Sharpeye

Str 12 (7)
Dex 17 (9)
Con 13 (5)
Int 10 (2)
Wis 12 (4)

Feat - Point Blank Shot
Favoured Enemy - Human (this is a bit meta gamy for some Dm's, its based on the idea he's spending his how life hunting for his father and is more to do with the tracking elements, if you'd rather i went something else than replace with Kobold or gnome. There is only room for 1 small folk in this homlett!)
Favoured Terrain - Mountain/hill
Mix of these skills depending on group request - Stealth,Athletics,Acrobatics,Survival(still in 5th?)

I dont have to choose an actual style to later level right? And as previously stated here be using a sling :>

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the magical equivalent to the number zero
You forgot Charisma. You might not need it (much), but you still have some. ;)

Let's see what I got so far:

Name: to be determined (usually the last thing I come up with)
Race: hill dwarf
Class: cleric of *insert name of relevant ancestor here*, domain Life
Background: acolyte
Alignment: NG

Str 14
Dex 8
Con 16 (14 + 2 racial)
Int 10
Wis 16 (15 + 1 racial)
Cha 10
I might change these numbers somewhat before the end.

Equipment so far: warhammer, chain mail, shield, handaxe ("any simple weapon"), cleric pack, brewer's supplies, healer's kit
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Anthony Terry

First Post
Your see that the non-inclusion of CHA may well be deliberate by the time we make it to the Inn I feel :D Scrutty is use to people treating him poorly and has adapted a stance of treating just about everyone else even worse. Then again however if your packing a brewers kit i can see us getting along just fine :D


[MENTION=23484]Kobold Stew[/MENTION] I'd vote Paladin.

To that end, since we have two clerics, maybe I should try out the trusty Druid. I do enjoy hybrid-style classes and my character would need minimal tweaking.

Anthony Terry

First Post
Paladin gets my vote. The aura is so hugely useful to others nearby for saves.

A Paladin could be very nice indeed but would it not perhaps set us on a path a bit, They can end up limiting more avenues than their sexy benefits are worth, I would check no one was planning on any norty business :>

Anthony Terry

First Post
I feel like im flooding the thread a bit, too bored at work today i think, but other than the nitty gritty numbers all the decesions for Scrutty are now complete.

Scrutty Sharpeye


Stout Halfing Ranger
23 Years old
2ft 8

12 Str
14 (+1) Con
17 (+2)Dex
10 Int
12 WIs
8 Cha

Racial Abilities

Stout Resilience. You have advantage on saving
throws against poison, and you have resistance
against poison damage.

Lucky. When you roll a 1 on an attack roll, ability
check, or saving throw, you can reroll the die and must
use the new roll.

Brave. You have advantage on saving throws against being frightened. – question for the Dm, Due to my characters background do you perhaps mind if we sit down and agree an opposite to this? I was thinking along the lines of advantage on tumble checks due to his natural preference to run away. Happy to keep it the same though, just seems rather ironic for my cowardly halfing to be brave :D

Halfling Nimbleness. You can move through the
space of any creature that is of a size larger than yours

Background (I have personalised all of these traits slightly obviously, and some kind of repeat each other? I hope this is ok and enough of a character concept for everyone to work with)

Srutty is a small stout halfing and a native of the low Hills surrounding Homlet. At 23 he’s just about old enough to have vague memories of the temples last uprising and has been brought up on the rumours that the wars stole much more than just his innocence. The orphanage where Scrutty spent his very early years (2-8) always told Scrutty that his father was a human who died in some skirmish shortly before the fabled battle at the meadows. It is a well-known town rumour that the grief of the experience and the negative opinion of the halfing community is what lead his mother to follow her lover on the swans path and take her own life.

This early heartache left Scrutty to fend for him self in life, by 8 he had grown tired of the orphanage and the constant reminder of what he deemed his parents failure. Surving due to his natural ability to climb and survive of the land of the low hills Scrutty has calved out a life as a Urchin and wannabe Thief. Recently however he took one step to far and was caught attempting to pilfer a Holy chalice of the Saint Yondalla from the near by church, fearing prosecution he abandoned the relic and has fled for homlet seeking his fortune and perhaps the truth of what happened to his family all does years ago.

Chip on His Shoulder – Scrutty has never been popular and has a habit of forming an instant dislike to anyone he deems so

Small is Better! Why? Because a small person said so! – Being his only real friend Scrutty has fashioned a rather high opinion of himself and can quite often ,even when provided with evidence supporting the opposite, will refuse to change his mind or point of view.

A Friend Made is Never Betrayed – For all his faults and bluster Scrutty is fiercely attached and Loyal to the urchins of the low Hills and any he adventures with.

Money Money Money, Must be funny – Scrutty is quite a money hungry type, not for any love of gold or fine foods but more for the social status it brings. Does with gold have always proven popular in Scruttys Experience.

I don’t want to be seen or heard – Scrutty no matter how loyal, is also a coward and prefers a back seat in life. He may crave the popularity he was denied as a child but if ever confronted with it hed probably find the quickest exit out of town and not be seen again. The idea of direct confrontation with an orc horde Isn’t his cup a tea, his idea of adventure is more the exploration of ancient long lost tombs or exploring the innards of the mayors town house.

Point Blank Shot –

Skills – Stealth, Survival, Animal Handeling
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Sidenote: Don't feel attached to old stereotypes regarding paladins. While their oaths may make them a bit single-minded, they are not the stuffy "always Lawful Good" stick-in-the-muds they were in previous editions. ;)

Anthony Terry

First Post
Sidenote: Don't feel attached to old stereotypes regarding paladins. While their oaths may make them a bit single-minded, they are not the stuffy "always Lawful Good" stick-in-the-muds they were in previous editions. ;)

Good to know, to be fair with the way you've described religion especially i could of probably made this assumption! Scrutty might not have to be so worried about someone noticing his thieves tools now :>

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