OneCrappy DM
IC Story Thread
Rogue's Gallery
This is my first campaign on play by post, I've DM'd for over ten years and this will be a new format for me.
The Game
I'm looking for some players for a feudal knighthood campaign.
The Death of the Duke Leads to war between the baronies of Emberbark Isle. Golden Vale is home to the King and the Fallen Duke, It is a large defensible state surrounded by mountains. King Ranber calls a meeting in Golden Vale where he is to choose a new Duke to rule beside him, however arguments break out and no Duke is decided.
It'll be a bit sandboxy, with tons of NPCs to interact with and places to explore. More emergent gameplay as we form the world.
The Characters
Level 1 - to start
Standard Array - but you can "fudge" some points around here or there using point-buy to make the character more the way you see them. (15,14,13,12,10,8)
Hit Points - Max at Level 1, and the die "averages" after that.
Sources - Core Rulebook
Starting Cash: Average class gold or starting packages for each class.
Background - Roll a d100 or pick one from the following list (this will give you some extra skill points); Blacksmith, Bowyer/Fletcher, Armorer, Farmer, Forester, Innkeeper, Hunter, Fisher (hook and line), Herder (horses), Jeweler, Leatherworker/Tanner, Limner/Painter, Mason/Carpenter, Boatwright, Tailor/Weaver, Teamster, Trader, Trapper, Woodworker, No skill of measurable worth.
Let me know what you think! (Or if I forgot anything important).
The World:
Emberbark Isle is an isolated region, most countries in this world are isolated with little contact and trade with other countries. It is a low magic setting, where the gods have made a level cap of 10 (This level cap applies only to the mortal plane). The starting town will be the village of Greycamp home to the newly anointed Baron Greywarden, the village has been around for three years. Greywarden was named Baron of the land from coast to coast from the ridge of the Dungeon of Kos to the lone pale mountain. These territories were split between the Stormbearers and Sea Wolves Baronies.
Faith of the World:
Players Can make their own lesser deities with three domains, I as the DM will decide which of the major six cults the deity serves.
(G) Cult of the Light of Heaven: Worshipers are typically knights, paladins and nobles. The domains are Healing, Fire, Good, and Sun. The cult is a symbol of Resurrection and eternal life. Favored Weapon (Light Mace)
(N) Cult of the Keeper of Mysteries: Worshipers are typically Wizards, Philosophers and Theologians endlessly wrangling about how non-divine magic can even have a god. The domains are Knowledge, Magic, Travel, and Air. Favored Weapon (Quarter Staff)
(LG) Cult of Ryak: The soldiers friend, prayed to for safety in battle and health on the march. The domains are Travel, Protection, Strength, and War Favored Weapon (Bastard Sword)
(LN) Cult of Oruduro: Depicted as two warriors side by side each brandishing a different weapon, he is the god of judgment and keeper of the dead. The domains are Law, Protection, Strength, and Death. Favored Weapon (Great Axe)
(N) Cult of Hastur (the Fruitful Earth): A god from the faith of a previous age, adopted by the new religion. The domains are Animal, Plant, Earth, and Chaos. Favored Weapon (Scythe)
(CG) Cult of the Demoiselle d'Ys: The Beautiful face of a young hunter, a mask over an ancient bestial power. Domains are Trickery, Travel, Water, and Chaos A strange deity who hunters and druids may find themselves worshiping, she is the outsider deity. Favored Weapon (Longbow)
1. Baron's Tower; The Baron's Tower is in the center of town, the Baron has plans to create walls around this tower. It is built on a man made stone rising, the most senior knight protects the door. The Baron plans for this to be his Donjon
2. Healer; Overlooking the bay a circular temple holds the towns mystic, they are said to sleep very little and be in constant attendance to the community. There is no bed as the attendant of the shrine doesn't sleep.
3. Livery; This is the Baron's Stable, his horses and his knights horses are kept here. A burly man and his wife works the Livery for the Baron.
4. Marketplace; The market place quarters is populated with small store fronts and pop up tents, during the hours of light many things can be purchased here.
5. Smithy; The smithy is located next to the Baron Tower, as it is one of the most important establishments. The craftsman and his apprentices spend large times seeking to hone their craft.
6. Schoolhouse; The Baron has openly sought to train the young commoners of the town, those who have the coin can learn to read, write, translate, and more here. The Baron's advisor has set his own apprentice to the task of teaching the common folk.
7. Wrights' Passage; The only shipwright and wainwright in town, its ran by a short gnome who craft has hosted most transportation for the town.
8. The Stone Wardens; These three warriors overlook the bay, when Baron Graywarden was first given this land it was unpopulated but these three stone statues were here. The Baron took it as a divine sign and as such Grey Camp was formed.
9. The Last Tent; Fish, Chicken, and Grains are found here, the Inn features multi story resting place for the weary traveler. It is said to be owned by the Baron's Brother, while not a warrior Delfen Greywarden has kept alive the family business his brother would forget.
10. The Barracks; This is where commoner training is held by a select few of the baron's knights, climbing to the top of the stone plateau commoners learn the basics of spear weaponry. There are few cots for the knights and commoners learn field training in tent preparation, most feel as they are conscripts for a coming war.
11. Town Jail; Small cages where people are shoved into and hung to the elements behind the walls. This is where people serve their time for crimes committed.
Rogue's Gallery
This is my first campaign on play by post, I've DM'd for over ten years and this will be a new format for me.
The Game
I'm looking for some players for a feudal knighthood campaign.
The Death of the Duke Leads to war between the baronies of Emberbark Isle. Golden Vale is home to the King and the Fallen Duke, It is a large defensible state surrounded by mountains. King Ranber calls a meeting in Golden Vale where he is to choose a new Duke to rule beside him, however arguments break out and no Duke is decided.
It'll be a bit sandboxy, with tons of NPCs to interact with and places to explore. More emergent gameplay as we form the world.
The Characters
Level 1 - to start
Standard Array - but you can "fudge" some points around here or there using point-buy to make the character more the way you see them. (15,14,13,12,10,8)
Hit Points - Max at Level 1, and the die "averages" after that.
Sources - Core Rulebook
Starting Cash: Average class gold or starting packages for each class.
Background - Roll a d100 or pick one from the following list (this will give you some extra skill points); Blacksmith, Bowyer/Fletcher, Armorer, Farmer, Forester, Innkeeper, Hunter, Fisher (hook and line), Herder (horses), Jeweler, Leatherworker/Tanner, Limner/Painter, Mason/Carpenter, Boatwright, Tailor/Weaver, Teamster, Trader, Trapper, Woodworker, No skill of measurable worth.
Let me know what you think! (Or if I forgot anything important).
The World:
Emberbark Isle is an isolated region, most countries in this world are isolated with little contact and trade with other countries. It is a low magic setting, where the gods have made a level cap of 10 (This level cap applies only to the mortal plane). The starting town will be the village of Greycamp home to the newly anointed Baron Greywarden, the village has been around for three years. Greywarden was named Baron of the land from coast to coast from the ridge of the Dungeon of Kos to the lone pale mountain. These territories were split between the Stormbearers and Sea Wolves Baronies.
Faith of the World:
Players Can make their own lesser deities with three domains, I as the DM will decide which of the major six cults the deity serves.
(G) Cult of the Light of Heaven: Worshipers are typically knights, paladins and nobles. The domains are Healing, Fire, Good, and Sun. The cult is a symbol of Resurrection and eternal life. Favored Weapon (Light Mace)
(N) Cult of the Keeper of Mysteries: Worshipers are typically Wizards, Philosophers and Theologians endlessly wrangling about how non-divine magic can even have a god. The domains are Knowledge, Magic, Travel, and Air. Favored Weapon (Quarter Staff)
(LG) Cult of Ryak: The soldiers friend, prayed to for safety in battle and health on the march. The domains are Travel, Protection, Strength, and War Favored Weapon (Bastard Sword)
(LN) Cult of Oruduro: Depicted as two warriors side by side each brandishing a different weapon, he is the god of judgment and keeper of the dead. The domains are Law, Protection, Strength, and Death. Favored Weapon (Great Axe)
(N) Cult of Hastur (the Fruitful Earth): A god from the faith of a previous age, adopted by the new religion. The domains are Animal, Plant, Earth, and Chaos. Favored Weapon (Scythe)
(CG) Cult of the Demoiselle d'Ys: The Beautiful face of a young hunter, a mask over an ancient bestial power. Domains are Trickery, Travel, Water, and Chaos A strange deity who hunters and druids may find themselves worshiping, she is the outsider deity. Favored Weapon (Longbow)
1. Baron's Tower; The Baron's Tower is in the center of town, the Baron has plans to create walls around this tower. It is built on a man made stone rising, the most senior knight protects the door. The Baron plans for this to be his Donjon
2. Healer; Overlooking the bay a circular temple holds the towns mystic, they are said to sleep very little and be in constant attendance to the community. There is no bed as the attendant of the shrine doesn't sleep.
3. Livery; This is the Baron's Stable, his horses and his knights horses are kept here. A burly man and his wife works the Livery for the Baron.
4. Marketplace; The market place quarters is populated with small store fronts and pop up tents, during the hours of light many things can be purchased here.
5. Smithy; The smithy is located next to the Baron Tower, as it is one of the most important establishments. The craftsman and his apprentices spend large times seeking to hone their craft.
6. Schoolhouse; The Baron has openly sought to train the young commoners of the town, those who have the coin can learn to read, write, translate, and more here. The Baron's advisor has set his own apprentice to the task of teaching the common folk.
7. Wrights' Passage; The only shipwright and wainwright in town, its ran by a short gnome who craft has hosted most transportation for the town.
8. The Stone Wardens; These three warriors overlook the bay, when Baron Graywarden was first given this land it was unpopulated but these three stone statues were here. The Baron took it as a divine sign and as such Grey Camp was formed.
9. The Last Tent; Fish, Chicken, and Grains are found here, the Inn features multi story resting place for the weary traveler. It is said to be owned by the Baron's Brother, while not a warrior Delfen Greywarden has kept alive the family business his brother would forget.
10. The Barracks; This is where commoner training is held by a select few of the baron's knights, climbing to the top of the stone plateau commoners learn the basics of spear weaponry. There are few cots for the knights and commoners learn field training in tent preparation, most feel as they are conscripts for a coming war.
11. Town Jail; Small cages where people are shoved into and hung to the elements behind the walls. This is where people serve their time for crimes committed.
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