(OOC) DND 3.5 The Flames of War

OneCrappy DM

IC Story Thread

Rogue's Gallery

This is my first campaign on play by post, I've DM'd for over ten years and this will be a new format for me.

The Game

I'm looking for some players for a feudal knighthood campaign.

The Death of the Duke Leads to war between the baronies of Emberbark Isle. Golden Vale is home to the King and the Fallen Duke, It is a large defensible state surrounded by mountains. King Ranber calls a meeting in Golden Vale where he is to choose a new Duke to rule beside him, however arguments break out and no Duke is decided.

It'll be a bit sandboxy, with tons of NPCs to interact with and places to explore. More emergent gameplay as we form the world.

The Characters

Level 1 - to start
Standard Array - but you can "fudge" some points around here or there using point-buy to make the character more the way you see them. (15,14,13,12,10,8)
Hit Points - Max at Level 1, and the die "averages" after that.
Sources - Core Rulebook
Starting Cash: Average class gold or starting packages for each class.

Background - Roll a d100 or pick one from the following list (this will give you some extra skill points); Blacksmith, Bowyer/Fletcher, Armorer, Farmer, Forester, Innkeeper, Hunter, Fisher (hook and line), Herder (horses), Jeweler, Leatherworker/Tanner, Limner/Painter, Mason/Carpenter, Boatwright, Tailor/Weaver, Teamster, Trader, Trapper, Woodworker, No skill of measurable worth.

Let me know what you think! (Or if I forgot anything important).

The World:
Emberbark Isle is an isolated region, most countries in this world are isolated with little contact and trade with other countries. It is a low magic setting, where the gods have made a level cap of 10 (This level cap applies only to the mortal plane). The starting town will be the village of Greycamp home to the newly anointed Baron Greywarden, the village has been around for three years. Greywarden was named Baron of the land from coast to coast from the ridge of the Dungeon of Kos to the lone pale mountain. These territories were split between the Stormbearers and Sea Wolves Baronies.

Faith of the World:
Players Can make their own lesser deities with three domains, I as the DM will decide which of the major six cults the deity serves.
(G) Cult of the Light of Heaven: Worshipers are typically knights, paladins and nobles. The domains are Healing, Fire, Good, and Sun. The cult is a symbol of Resurrection and eternal life. Favored Weapon (Light Mace)
(N) Cult of the Keeper of Mysteries: Worshipers are typically Wizards, Philosophers and Theologians endlessly wrangling about how non-divine magic can even have a god. The domains are Knowledge, Magic, Travel, and Air. Favored Weapon (Quarter Staff)
(LG) Cult of Ryak: The soldiers friend, prayed to for safety in battle and health on the march. The domains are Travel, Protection, Strength, and War Favored Weapon (Bastard Sword)
(LN) Cult of Oruduro: Depicted as two warriors side by side each brandishing a different weapon, he is the god of judgment and keeper of the dead. The domains are Law, Protection, Strength, and Death. Favored Weapon (Great Axe)
(N) Cult of Hastur (the Fruitful Earth): A god from the faith of a previous age, adopted by the new religion. The domains are Animal, Plant, Earth, and Chaos. Favored Weapon (Scythe)
(CG) Cult of the Demoiselle d'Ys: The Beautiful face of a young hunter, a mask over an ancient bestial power. Domains are Trickery, Travel, Water, and Chaos A strange deity who hunters and druids may find themselves worshiping, she is the outsider deity. Favored Weapon (Longbow)


Grey Camp.png

1. Baron's Tower; The Baron's Tower is in the center of town, the Baron has plans to create walls around this tower. It is built on a man made stone rising, the most senior knight protects the door. The Baron plans for this to be his Donjon
2. Healer; Overlooking the bay a circular temple holds the towns mystic, they are said to sleep very little and be in constant attendance to the community. There is no bed as the attendant of the shrine doesn't sleep.
3. Livery; This is the Baron's Stable, his horses and his knights horses are kept here. A burly man and his wife works the Livery for the Baron.
4. Marketplace; The market place quarters is populated with small store fronts and pop up tents, during the hours of light many things can be purchased here.
5. Smithy; The smithy is located next to the Baron Tower, as it is one of the most important establishments. The craftsman and his apprentices spend large times seeking to hone their craft.
6. Schoolhouse; The Baron has openly sought to train the young commoners of the town, those who have the coin can learn to read, write, translate, and more here. The Baron's advisor has set his own apprentice to the task of teaching the common folk.
7. Wrights' Passage; The only shipwright and wainwright in town, its ran by a short gnome who craft has hosted most transportation for the town.
8. The Stone Wardens; These three warriors overlook the bay, when Baron Graywarden was first given this land it was unpopulated but these three stone statues were here. The Baron took it as a divine sign and as such Grey Camp was formed.
9. The Last Tent; Fish, Chicken, and Grains are found here, the Inn features multi story resting place for the weary traveler. It is said to be owned by the Baron's Brother, while not a warrior Delfen Greywarden has kept alive the family business his brother would forget.
10. The Barracks; This is where commoner training is held by a select few of the baron's knights, climbing to the top of the stone plateau commoners learn the basics of spear weaponry. There are few cots for the knights and commoners learn field training in tent preparation, most feel as they are conscripts for a coming war.
11. Town Jail; Small cages where people are shoved into and hung to the elements behind the walls. This is where people serve their time for crimes committed.
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I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
Tentatively intrested.

What races are allowed? Setting sounds fairly human-centric.

Core limits the options severely 😀
No evil cults? Even if they are not officially recognized?

OneCrappy DM

There is a fair amount of each races, native races are humans, halflings, and half orcs. Half elves are extremely rare due to genetics, they are also gifted magic users. Dwarves, Gnomes and Elves in this world come from places where other planes merge with the mortal realm. There is no differences in the stats of any of the races from the core rulebook.

There are evil cults as well, powers come from many dark places.


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
Could you define core books? Are phb2, complete books and/or champions of X core?

I'm toying with hexblade build (complete warrior) if available, would you consider semi-official upgrade to the class as described in srd SRD - Hexblade

Social, mostly, but different from paladins in that he claims the need to step into the darkness to fight it, not just observe it from the light

If not available, probably simple paladin...

OneCrappy DM

Could you define core books? Are phb2, complete books and/or champions of X core?

I'm toying with hexblade build (complete warrior) if available, would you consider semi-official upgrade to the class as described in srd SRD - Hexblade

Social, mostly, but different from paladins in that he claims the need to step into the darkness to fight it, not just observe it from the light

If not available, probably simple paladin...
Core rulebook as in PHB


Consider me interested.

No issues with working with just the core races and classes. Will likely go with something martial, but happy to work around other player choices.


OneCrappy DM

Consider me interested.

No issues with working with just the core races and classes. Will likely go with something martial, but happy to work around other player choices.

Sounds good let me know if you have any questions, I will post a rouges gallery this weekend if possible. What concept did you have in mind? Would you want to pick a background or have one rolled?


So, belatedly, welcome to Enworld and the PBP forums.

This is my first campaign on play by post, I've DM'd for over ten years and this will be a new format for me.

First up, PBP is slow. Even in its heyday, when games filled within 48 hours and Newbie Games had to be started to give, well, Newbies a chance to get into a game, games died through lack of posting. There are some things you can try to mitigate this risk:
1. Specify posting time limits: If players don't post within this limit, move the game on. That said, it can be hard to do. I was never very good at it.
2. Request Intentions as well as actions: If players specify that they going to do X, and X becomes unviable for some reason, knowing the intent behind the action gives you the capacity to modify the action IAW the intent and move the game forward.

If you have not already, take some time to look over the extant PBP games. It will give you some idea as to what you like, and don't.

My personal bete noires:
1. Coloured text for speech. It's irrational, but it really ground my gears.
2. OOC posts in the IC thread. If there is no IC content, post it in the OOC thread. Otherwise, keep it to a single line, or SBLOCK it.


Dice rolling. There are a number of ways to handle this. Most games use some form of online dice roller that players link to. That said, in one of the best games I played, the DM left it entirely up to the players to decide how they determined results: physical die, online roller, ouija board, pick a number. If fudging numbers is likely something that will grind your gears, have the players put their login in the Name/description field.

I'm looking for some players for a feudal knighthood campaign.

So are you looking to build a game around a contingent of Knights, or a Knight and their retinue? I personally like games built a structured party, so no objections here if you are.

The Death of the Duke Leads to war between the baronies of Emberbark Isle. Golden Vale is home to the King and the Fallen Duke, It is a large defensible state surrounded by mountains. King Ranber calls a meeting in Golden Vale where he is to choose a new Duke to rule beside him, however arguments break out and no Duke is decided.

Interested to understand more about this.
1. What is the separation of powers between the King and the Fallen Duke? Is it like a King and Chancellor (administrator) relationship, or like an Emperor and Shogun (warlord) relationship?
2. What is the process for selecting the Fallen Duke? Is it by Royal decree? A vote among peers?
3. How many Dukes are there in the Kingdom?

It'll be a bit sandboxy, with tons of NPCs to interact with and places to explore. More emergent gameplay as we form the world.

Do like a bit of world building.

Level 1 - to start

Given the glacial pace of PBP, I tended to kick off around L3. If characters level once a year, they are motoring. The other option is a staged levelling, moving the characters fairly quickly though to L3. I can't really recall if I tracked XP much. I don't think I did. Felt too much like bookkeeping. That said, I am pretty sure I had characters level mid-fight occasionally. So maybe I did.

The World:
The starting town will be the village of Greycamp home to the newly anointed Baron Greywarden, the village has been around for three years. Greywarden was named Baron of the land from coast to coast from the ridge of the Dungeon of Kos to the lone pale mountain. These territories were split between the Stormbearers and Sea Wolves Baronies.

So the lone Pale Mountain is the big (unnamed) mountain a little south and inland of Greycamp?

Faith of the World:
(CG) Cult of the Demoiselle d'Ys: The Beautiful face of a young hunter, a mask over an ancient bestial power. Domains are Trickery, Travel, Water, and Chaos A strange deity who hunters and druids may find themselves worshiping, she is the outsider deity. Favored Weapon (Longbow)

Something about this made me think of a Druid/Barbarian combination. Except for the longbow bit. What does Favoured weapon mean game wise?


OneCrappy DM

Lets unpack this
1. Specify posting time limits: If players don't post within this limit, move the game on. That said, it can be hard to do. I was never very good at it.
2. Request Intentions as well as actions: If players specify that they going to do X, and X becomes unviable for some reason, knowing the intent behind the action gives you the capacity to modify the action IAW the intent and move the game forward.
Sounds reasonable, I'd like to see three to four days from post response with a maximum being a week. I have a very busy work schedule with a lot of travel so I understand that, however I too will be making post and why I am trying to DM on this format is for that very reason. I have my ongoing campaign that has lasted a couple years now and whenever I travel we take month long gaps, I am hoping this will allow me to continue DMing while I travel.

As for Dice Rolling right now I am requesting a physical Dice rolled/ what is available (subject to change)

I am looking to make a campaign where players become knights to a respected baron by the end of the campaign.

The King and the Duke is as you mentioned Emperor and Warlord. Where the other Barons are respected warriors and leaders over their region.
The new Duke would be decided by royal decree which is where the fighting happened.
There is one duchy and five baronies; The Goldscale Duchy, The Ironheart Barony, The Stormbearer Barony, The Seawolf Barony, The Greywarden Barony, and the Emeraldshroud Barony.

I will post a prologue from my notes on the events of the royal decree between the King's Assistant and the Barons, I have highlights and deities from previous campaigns and am working on the full world map of realm which is for the most part done it just needs some finishing touches.

Level 1 will be fairly short, if this was at a table it would be a commoner start. The campaign is peasant to knighthood (Advisors for magic users etc.), from rags to nobility. I typically handle xp calculations to make a standard course of adventure though as play by post I will see if my methods change.

Correct the lone pale mountain is 'Un-nammed' that's due to the map not having all the space available for all separate names, however as they are logged in my notes.

Favored Weapon for deities is for clerics use only, Clerics essentially use simple weapons and the weapons of their deities. Other than that I will post my small tidbit of info, please request more and I will clear things up.

Inside the Duke's Castle are sat all the Barons at the table, drinking as they discuss amongst themselves the future of the kingdom. The King's assistant (name holder) has in his hands the decrees of the new Duke of Golden Vale. As the Barons speak and boast of their plans as rightful Duke of the lands in comes the King's assistant, as he approaches the Barons he gives a polite gesture to them before he starts to speak. "The King has decreed that Baron Besso Emeraldshroud will be th-" one of the Barons stand up, "Hold on a moment, the Ironheart Barony is the backbone of trade for the Golden Vale. If anyone should become the new Duke it should be me.". As the towering man looks down to imtimidate the assistant another speaks up, "Aye, but you trade our steel Zed!" his eye's dart at Baron Ben Stormbearer.
The King's assistant begs for mercy, "Baron Besso is the rightful..." the letter snatched from his hand by Zed "I Don't see the King's stamp." as he throws the letter into the Flames all the Barons look at each other. "As for you messenger I'm afrai-" "Enough!". Baron Emeraldshroud stands up, "You are out of line!". Zed drops his grasp of the assistant "Oh so he speaks, and why should I listen to the Lord of an isolated province." slipping away as the arguments fill the room. No blood is spilled but there is no Duke of the land and the assistant returns to the king, war begins.



The campaign is peasant to knighthood (Advisors for magic users etc.), from rags to nobility.

This answers one question I had, could a druid or sorcerer go on to be a knight?

Not committed a specific concept at this time. I was considering Paladin, but if @Neurotic wants it [go on, you know that you do], happy to look at something else. Maybe a Ranger for the overland travel, or a Sorcerer. Or the aforementioned Druid/Barbarian (Or Barbarian/Druid. Really need to look at whether this would even work).

It sort of depend on what other players want to take, and if the party is going to be formed around a central concept (ie members of a household or retinue) or a group of strangers.


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