(IC) DND 3.5 The Flames of War

Byran Greywarden
Race: Human
HP: 12/12 NL: 0
AC: 13/15 w shield
spot: +0
Listen: +3
Initiative: -1

It wasn't any surprise that the Tommyknocker noticed Byron. He struggled to fit into the small corner of the alcove and his armour would clink and scratch against the stone, making a grating sound.

When the creatures were close enough, he charged.

Two of the creature's seemed completely surprised by his sudden appearance but one was already drawing its weapon. Byron focused on that one in particular, hoping to take it down and get behind the other two. He used the same practiced technique as before, trying to pull the creature to the ground.

Action: move out 5 feet and attack the goblin who is aware.

Trip touch attack:
Trip touch attack: 1D20+9 = [13]+3 = 16*
*The bonus is written as +9 but that's because I didn't read the rules properly. Edited the bonus and the total from 22 to 16

Strength vs STR or DEX:
Opposed roll trip: 1D20+6 = [9]+7 (6) = 15*
*I also edited this down from a 16 to a 15 after realizing I don't get to add my BAB

If trip succeeds, then attack at +4
Attack vs tripped enemy: 1D20+7 = [12]+7 = 19

damage: 2D4+2 = [3, 1]+2 = 6
(so much rolling for a single attack)

Intention for next round. Move past goblins if they haven't acted yet so that I can get behind them and then attack one in range.

If they go before me, then just move and attack.
initiative, if needed: 1D20-1 = [19]-1 = 18
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Eos follows Byron’s lead. Unlike Byron, Eos’ goal is get behind the creatures and prevent any escaping back into the mine. If there is no gap to move through, he will have to make one using hls axe, size and strength.

This might lead to tears, but has to be done.

Apologies for the lack of rolls, numbers etc. Still doing this on my phone when i can. Should have time tomorrow to give more details. But happy for you to run with what is here if you have everything needed to move the game forward.

Hopefully the intent is clear. Ack likely to draw AoO. Hence the tears reference.

OneCrappy DM

Surprise Round:
With in a few seconds the larger Tommyknocker grabs his blade and tries to move forward, with a sudden sureness Byron takes his weapon sweeping at the leg of the creature. ((13 vs Trip)) The creature falls down to the ground, the only aware combatant and is then stabbed with the immediate follow up strike one performs when skilled with such a weapon. ((Creature Is Disabled but not dying yet, it gets 1 move or an action the action will cause it to start bleeding out)).

The disabled creature reaches out to stab Eos as he steps up to hinder the exit of the other creatures, ((15 vs AC 16 )) the strike doesn't pierce the leather and the wound on the Tommyknocker side opens up spilling more blood it passes out. Eos sees the feeble attempt at his side as he now stands in the front of these creatures with an axe drawn.

Tobias lifts up the hooded lantern filling the room with light, it doesn't bother the Tommyknockers as hoped but they are still flat footed. Edmund takes the opportunity to loose an arrow ((NAT 20, 2 damage after x3 multiplier)) It was a perfect shot under the leather armor of the creature unfortunatley he could not pull back hard enough.

Round 1:

Byron, the creatures still make an opposing force you cannot get behind so your best move is to trip the in the back and let Eos handle the one in the front. ((For sake of time I will roll your next trip and stab Nat 1 Fail)).

Eos, You are in position to attack with you axe and let the injured one feel some pain. ((NAT 20, confirm Nat 20, 19 damage on x3 multiplier)) With a swing of your handaxe in a quick motion you manage to cut the head clean off, leaving you to gently nudge it off the shoulders where it falls on the ground.

Edmund, Takes another shot (16 to hit, for 4 damage on the last one standing.)) hitting the creature in its armor.

Enemy Creature, taken aback by the quick ambush the creature seems to be in anger as it moves forward and swings at the elf. Barking some language unknown to you all. ((19 to hit armor class 16)) His blade slashes across Eos's shoulder leaving a large gash ((8 damage, 3 hp remaining)), acting like its backed into a corner.

Tobias, looking at his companions blood tobias takes a deep breath and charges the opponent. ((12 to hit, and the creature swats at the long spear with its shield.

Round 2: ((Top of the turn order is first to post))

Screenshot 2024-06-23 2.29.24 PM.png

Byran Greywarden
Race: Human
HP: 12/12 NL: 0
AC: 13/15 w shield
spot: +0
Listen: +3
Initiative: -1

Byron, now too close for his polearm, drops it on the ground and draws out his flail, moving closer to provide more room for his companions, he swings it in a high arc, attempting to wrap it around the tommyknocker's shoulder and drag it to the ground. Instead, the flail catches nothing but air.

Free action: drop guisarm

5 foot step north.

Move action: draw flail

Standard action: trip attack.
Touch attack; 1D20+3 = [2]+3 = 5

Yeah, 5 touch attack misses.


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
Edmund moves behind Eos and simply nocks another arrow and lets lose.

His aim is impeccable from such as short distance and the arrow passes cleanly on Eos' side into the little monster. Unfortunately, bows, need some space and the arrow hits solidly into the body, but fails to penetrate (1 damage).

Move: behind and to the right of Eos, next to th wall
Standard: neurotic: D20 + 2;D6 - 1#edmundshortbowattack → 21; 0(19 + 2);(1 - 1)#Edmund shortbow attack Hits AC 21 for 1 damage :(

OneCrappy DM

Round 2:

Byron’s flail swings around the air missing the Tommyknocker,

Edmund knocks back another precise arrow leaving the creature in a frenzy,

Eos having taken a large slash across the shoulder turns back the blade of his axe ((18 to hit)) slays the creature before it can draw anymore blood.

Tobias looks at the party as all of it happened so quick, he is startled.

End of combat.

Byran Greywarden
Race: Human
HP: 12/12 NL: 0
AC: 13/15 w shield
spot: +0
Listen: +3
Initiative: -1

"Great job." Byron whispers as he harnesses his flail and picks up his polearm, "Let's push the advantage. It's a matter of time before they realize people are going missing.

Eos, can you scout ahead? We might be able to catch more of them by surprise."

He looks at the creature's weapons and looks in one of the pockets to see if there's some kind of key or clue about this place.

He's not taking a lot of time here. Just bends down and checks the pockets of one of them and a cursory glance at the weapons and armour to evaluate how advanced these creatures are.
Search is 17+1=18

OneCrappy DM

Byron: You look through the weapons and armor of the creatures, they carry long swords of different designs and smiths. Clearly the creatures do not have a weapon smith of their own, the armor appears to be roughly made studded leather it would go to show that there is battle damage and multiple different designs of this armor as well indicating its most likely put together as scraps. The coin pockets on each of the creatures is about twenty gold coins each, and there is a mix of baronies the coins belong to. These are definitely killers, even the mine they inhabit isn't of their own design.

((Total of 60 gp))

If you push forward do you bring a light?


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
Edmund follows, with another arrow at the ready. He keeps in front of Tobias so he doesn't look through the light into the darkness, keeping an eye on the elf shadow vaguely moving in front of him.

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