I’ll editThe shield is for a small creature, the short sword can work as a dagger. Tobias has a long spear and buckler already so he is set to assist.
I’ll editThe shield is for a small creature, the short sword can work as a dagger. Tobias has a long spear and buckler already so he is set to assist.
The idea is to pull off the same ambush as before, using the dim light from the torch to overcome the TKnocker's darkvision. If that works. Anyways, nothing complicated!@TaranTheWanderer the goblin is alive and dragged out of the camp Eos swears it won’t get up for a couple of days but you can tie him up anyways.
@doghead @Neurotic the party is going into the additional room on the right of the map to set up another ambush. Lighted with hooded lantern and torch.
Yup sounds good. We keep that one torch lit at the mouth of the caveSo sounds like extinguish all light wait for any approaching enemy then let the lantern uncovered to blind opponents?
I'm going to go with use torches light to hide in shadows and then hit them with the light from the lantern, if there objections let me know.
Not sure if you are going for a overrun.Eos follows Byron’s lead. Unlike Byron, Eos’ goal is get behind the creatures and prevent any escaping back into the mine. If there is no gap to move through, he will have to make one using hls axe, size and strength.
This might lead to tears, but has to be done.
Apologies for the lack of rolls, numbers etc. Still doing this on my phone when i can. Should have time tomorrow to give more details. But happy for you to run with what is here if you have everything needed to move the game forward.
Hopefully the intent is clear. Ack likely to draw AoO. Hence the tears reference.