(IC) DND 3.5 The Flames of War


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
"Tobias, put up this new torch. It may be a signal that everything is alright. Or at least sign that the order is maintained.:

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Eos crouches by the the creature to better inspect it and its equipment for any indication of its origins [1].

Eos glances around the entrance, the beginnings of an idea coming. Someone else will be along soon, to see what happened to this one when it does not return.
"Prop it up against the wall. They will likely send someone when it doesn't return. We ambush them as well."[2]

[1] KN (Nature) Check (Untrained) +0. Take 10 if an option, or Roll: 9 (9).
If the little monster is not dead,
Heal Check +7 to stabilise. Roll 19 (26). Hm, should have just Taken 10 and saved that roll.
[2] So if turns out the monster is not dead, drag it outside and leave it under guard of one of those outside instead.

OneCrappy DM

The creature is looked up and down by Eos, it wields a light wooden shield and a blade the size of a dagger for a medium sized creature. On the shield a red hand print is painted on, indicating some sort of tribe it belongs to. The creature has a pouch on it with fifty silver pieces, it appears to already be stabilized and will probably wake up in a couple of days. There is also a scrap of parchment torn off of what would appear to be a much larger map, it would appear new ink reminiscent of human blood stains the current format.
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Dragging it out into daylight Percival and Ethan look over at the creature, Percival says "I think I've heard of these things. We call them Tommyknockers, there vicious creatures, come in the night knocking on your door and if you open they raid your place. Knockers for short...". Ethan looks over at Percival ignoring him, and back at Eos "Its dead right.".

"Alright will make sure it doesn't run off, it will go well in one of the cages on the walls." Ethan, keeps his spear readied for anything.

The two will take shifts and Tobias holds onto the old torch waiting for it to die out, inside the cave is silent for now.

Byran Greywarden
Race: Human
HP: 12/12 NL: 0
AC: 13/15 w shield
spot: +0
Listen: +3
Initiative: -1

Byron looks at the creature with a repulsed look on his face. He's never seen one of these creatures and the thought of it having killed the family back at the farm cements a disgust for it.

He hardly wants to touch it but, as Eos finishes searching the carcass, he does as Eos suggests and leans it against the cave wall.

Back at the camp, Byron considers everything they've learned. He looks at the map, opening it up on a rock so everyone can see.

"I wonder if these...Tommyknockers have prisoners here." He points at the big room. "Maybe forcing people to mine for them? Just a thought, although, you'd think they'd have kidnapped the farmer instead of just killing them outright."

He ponders for a moment.

He nudges the creature as if it were a dead rat.

"I'd be willing to wait a bit longer to try to catch another. But I'm not sure they'll just keep sending off errand-boys to get killed. Do we have enough torches to keep them going for a few hours? "

@doghead I'm not going to assume, IC, that Eos shares the silver. Since he searched the body, I'll let you narrate what you find. Made the assumption that you show us the map, though
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I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
Edmund check the corner where he hid with Eos in that first ambush, looking for a way to hide better for the next critter that comes.
Once he sees the map, he check the wall behind to see if he can somehow pass through or at least see through.

OOC: If I read the map correctly there is something behind that red X :)

OneCrappy DM

Edmund reading the map, there is no false wall or anything it is at it is marked on the map a small hallway you ponder why there was a x marked here on the map in blood. Perhaps a warning or even a posting position for a guard, you cannot peer inside without the assistance of a light source Tobias carries the old torch he would light the way for you.
You may listen in as well to perceive whatever there may be inside this room marked on the map, other than that the route seems to be mundane. The bottom of the map indicates the entrance of the cave, wherever the creature came from it is from the top of the map where it is cut off and scribbled on with some language.



He nudges the creature as if it were a dead rat.

"I'd be willing to wait a bit longer to try to catch another. But I'm not sure they'll just keep sending off errand-boys to get killed. Do we have enough torches to keep them going for a few hours? "
Eos hand off the map and silver once he has checked them out.

“They will send another when the first fails to return. So do we wait here, or go in before they get concerned?”

Eos looks at Byron expectantly. Your call boss.

Will help Edmund in his investigation as feasible, but priority will be listening/watching for new arrivals.

Byran Greywarden
Race: Human
HP: 12/12 NL: 0
AC: 13/15 w shield
spot: +0
Listen: +3
Initiative: -1

"Let's do it. There'll probably be more, if they're smart. We have time, so you can find a good hiding spot. Depending on what happens, we should move further in afterwards. I'm worried about captured slaves."

Do over. Same plan but we have some time to get our hiding spots ready.

I'm confused whether the unconscious goblin is in the cave or at our camp. If it's at our camp, we can tie it up. Byron has silk rope.
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OneCrappy DM

Party: Edmund with the help of Tobias peaks around what is to be the x on the map, he can see a couple off halls and corridors attached to this room leading to his left and right. There will be time to explore deeper later, right now there is an ambush to set up and that corner seems to be able to fit everyone in its shadow.

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With your hiding spots at the ready, you wait near thirty minutes for some sort of Tommyknocker to come a knocking once again. Through your patience you are rewarded as you can hear another set of foot steps heading down, everyone hiding spots are as good as they will get taking your time to set this ambush up.
As the Tommyknockers step into view they are much bigger than the last, hunched over with the same features, perhaps these ones are older than the others. Three of them make their way with their heads on a swivel looking out for trouble as they leave.
The party takes 20 on their hide check given the time to find the best spots to hide The larger Tommyknockers make their spot checks as they move about each room. Nat 20, 2, 11. One of the Tommyknockers is able to react in the surprise round as the party ambushes them. It is the one closest to Byron.

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((Everyone can take a single standard action in the surprise round. Follow up with the intentions of round 1 as well, and may the dice be in your favor.))

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