(IC) DND 3.5 The Flames of War


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
Keep it mostly hooded unless there is a disturbance, then get the light up as fast as you can. We will get by, we're used to light, but whatever is down there may not be.

Edmund nocks the arrow on his bow keeping it lightly against the wood of the bow.
"Let's hope we get that first creature easily. We should at least know what we're dealing with."

He gets behind Eos, keeping his distance, but it is hard not to be noticed when silhouetted against the light of the entrance or the light of the lantern, however hooded it is. He is quiet though.


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OneCrappy DM

Eos: There hadn't seen to be any issue when you initially scanned the area pressing on had seemed to be the logical choice, as you entered you hug the left wall. Passing threw the first corridor with your low light vision you spy a corridor 15 feet to the right of you, another thirty feet ahead of you is a corridor that seems to turn. The rest of your companions begin to shuffle into the room, that is when you hear light footsteps tapping down the hall to the straight ahead of you.

Party: There is an alcove to the left of Eos, the torch light at the entrance doesn't sustain the light in the corner of the room. It makes for a good hiding spot that betrays dark vision, dark vision doesn't work in torch light. It isn't to far to step back out of the mine and wait for the approaching bandit/creature to replace the torch, if you hide in the room you will have concealment outside the mine you will have cover both allow you to make hide checks.

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Byran Greywarden
Race: Human
HP: 12/12 NL: 0
AC: 13/15 w shield
spot: +0
Listen: +3
Initiative: -1

Hearing the footsteps, Byron doesn’t want to go any further, afraid of alerting the approaching figure. Instead, he moves back outside the cave, gesturing for Tobias to follow.

Best case scenario, they can hide and ambush the creature, trapping it between Eos and himself. Worste case, the creature hears or sees Byron and is too distracted to notice Eos.

posting from grocery store parking lot:
Hide: 1D20-5 = [20]-5 = 15
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Eos crosses the passage behind Edmund and likewise hides in the shadows.

He slings his bow and draws an axe.

We wait until ... it, whatever it is, passes. Then we drive it out of the mine.

Hide +7. Roll 7 (14)

OneCrappy DM

Party: A singular creature rounds the corner eyes fixed on the torch, it is small around 3"5 with a flat face and broad nose ears are pointed and its teeth are like daggers. The creature holds up an unlit torch moving to replace the old one, as it enters the room casually looking around at its surroundings.
Spot d20+2-5=17 (Nat20)
The creature tenses up as it walks down from the area, dropping the unlit torch and grabbing at its "short-sword" something you would consider to be a dagger. Eos was spotted, the creature begins to fumble for its items. Weapons drawn and prepared for battle the party goes first.

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"Get behind it," Eos hisses to Edmund as Eos moves rapidly to attempt get around around the small creature so as to prevent it escaping back into the mine.

Intention is get behind the creature a drive it out of the mine. By intimidation if possible. If not, Bull Rush?.
If unsuccessful getting behind it, prevent it escaping back down into the mine.
Initiative +3 Roll: 16 (19)
Intimidate -1
STR 14 (+2)
Melee Axe To Hit +3 Damage 1d6+2 Roll 5 (7)
d20 Rolls: use as required: 11, 17, 1, 5.


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
Before the torch even hit the ground, arrow was streaking toward the creature, already tense noble going into full panic combat mode.

He had to adjust for Eos movements and his pulling of the arrow after that was somewhat slower.

OOC: I realize I didn't explicitly said it, but you'll see by the description Edmund was ready
Second attack rolled is probably a miss unless the creature is slower than init 7 (so it is flat-footed)


Byran Greywarden
Race: Human
HP: 12/12 NL: 0
AC: 13/15 w shield
spot: +0
Listen: +3
Initiative: -1

Byron hears Eos giving orders and rushes into the cave, stabbing at the creature, it seems to miss low but he brings the blade back and the hook catches the creature's leg, pulling it off-balance. Byron swings again in a small arc even as his enemy is trying to keep itself on its feet

(12)+9=21 Improved Trip attempt (opposed roll)
If it succeeds, attack is
(14)+3+(4 for prone)=AC 21
Damage 2d4(1+2) +2(STR)=5

If the trip attack fails, there is no follow-up attack

I wasn't sure if we were taking prisoners here. But I think, given the attack on the farm, and the threat of it calling an alarm, Byron is going to be sure.

OneCrappy DM

Round 1: Eos stalks behind the creature with swiftness and imposes intimidation on the small creature, his stature and drawn axe loom over the creature menacingly.

D20+0 vs intimidation, Result = 9. Creature is shaken for 1 round.

Eos then pushes the creature back, still fumbling with its weapon and being intimidated by the elves size it puts up a fight but fear gets the better of the creature he is pushed back 10 feet.

D20-6 vs Bullrush, Result = 12. Fail creature is pushed back 10 feet.

Following this maneuver Edmund shoots the notched arrow into the creature piercing its hide and slow reaction as it attempts to recover from being pushed. The creature makes a quiet and shrill noise as the arrow sticks in its shoulder.

Byron rushes in using his weapon to sweep the legs of the creature, and knock it down prone.

Melee touch attack with weapon (DM rolled) D20+3, Result = 14. Creature makes an opposed strength/dexterity check at a -6 D20+1-6, Result = 2. Creature fails and falls prone.

Byron then takes the weapon and stabs the creature in the chest, as blood trickles down and begins to pool around the creature lets out a sigh as its breath leaves its lungs.

Combat Over.

Tobias comes rushing in following Byron to see the quickly dispatched little creature, it lay there in a pool of its own blood. It's weapon was never even drawn, the young adult looks down at the red creature. "It's blood is black, I didn't even hear it scream.". He then looks up at you all, some form of expression of awe on his face.
There is two passages in this room but no light source, other than the torch does the party take the path the creature came from or the path closest to the entrance. The design of the place seems human in nature, this long forgotten mine may hold more than just this creature.

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