(IC) DND 3.5 The Flames of War


Reaching the meeting point you find Sir Pwyell talking to two kids who could be no older than thirteen winters. He is instructing the two of them on how to use a spear in combat, the third member a lanky adult farmer who seems to only know tending grain fields is studying how the knight uses his weapon. The six of you form a small company under Knight Pwyell’s command, his voice coming through clear and thoughtful “Now what do you do if on patrol you’re confronted by a boar?”
The question lies open in the air. <snip>
It very much depends on the state of the boar, your intentions and situation Eos muses. But he keeps his thoughts to himself. Eos considers the other five members of the company. Byron seems to be comfortable enough with weapons, another carries his short bow with an ease suggesting familiarity. As for the others ... Hopefully we will not have to find out. Sir Pwyell seems at least be be conscientious enough to make an effort to prepare his company as best he can in the time available. Eos listens, and does as he is told. Mostly to avoid attention. But on the off chance he will learn something as well.
The knight having seen his company fully gathered eyes each of you, “Finally some recruits that eat more than a single meal a day. I am Sir Pwyell, I am to be your weapons instructor for this month. Does anyone have any questions?”

Once he has given any required responses to his ability the knight pulls out a map, marking a path and camp spot. He states the patrol will take two days an eight hour March followed by a rest, the next day completes the patrol ending back at town where gate duty will begin until the setting sun.
“I’ve seen you around here.” Handing the map over to Byron.
Each of you are then given a bag filled with trail rations for a night, a waterskin filled with cheap ale.
Eos glances over the map, notes the route and the camp site. He is pretty sure he knows the site, and how to get there if required. There are quicker ways, but that's probably not the point of the exercise. He takes the rations and waterskin and packs them away.
The Knight takes mention that any deviations from the course that are necessary to keep peace is approved. “…these lands won’t tame themselves.”

It is a few hours after sunrise that you all begin to depart, Knight Pwyell mentions you all to rely on each other and that he will be waiting for a report come Sunfall tomorrow. The cool salty air is still on the breeze and the fog is slowly reseeding into the trees, opening up a spring trail hardly trampled by carts and horses as of now. Most of the outlined path is through hills, fields, and woods, the marked camp spot is the road marker for Greycamp. The convenient placing is to indicate a comfortable days march to town, the journey begins with a single step.
Eos didn't really pay much attention to the Knight's remarks about "deviations from the route to keep the peace". The import of the words was not apparent until Sir Pwyell advised he would see them at sun fall tomorrow.

This could be interesting ... Eos shrugs and starts walking. Having spent years roaming the wilderness alone, Eos is fairly confident he can survive for two days.

It is not long before Eos finds himself out front where he can keep a look out for trouble. Not that trouble will have any difficulty finding them, given the noise they are making.

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Byran Greywarden
Race: Human
HP: 12/12
AC: 13/15 w shield
spot: +0
Listen: +3
Initiative: -1

"I am Eos." Eos responds. After the slightest hesitation, he shakes Byron's hand.

Byron nods but doesn't say anything else, not really knowing how to keep the conversation going.

When they arrive, he sees the new recruits. He sighs a bit. He predicts the farmer will work hard making camp and won't complain much but the kids will be bright-eyed and bushy-tailed until about an hour or two into the march before they start complaining.

Hopefully the tour is quiet. A boar might be too much for this bunch.
“I’ve seen you around here.” Handing the map over to Byron.
"Yessir. Probably at the Inn. Looking forward to getting out and stretching my legs."

Byron usually avoids mentioning he's the Baron's nephew if he can help it.

As he looks over the map, Eos is looking at it over his shoulder.

"You take it. You're an e....forester so you know the terrain better than any of us. Maybe take point." He hands the map to Eos.

Byron makes a point of walking around and introducing himself to everyone on the patrol, learning their names and shaking their hands. He helps one of the younger ones pack his gear and sling the backpack.

"You stick with me, I'll take rear-guard and you," he talks to the other youngster, "stick with that fellow there. Don't listen to any of his lies."

He's indicating to Edmund. He smiles and pats the man on the back,

"Hey, Edmund, good to see you so early. Are you here to sing us a farewell or did you lose a bet?"

Byron looks to the trail. He's eager to leave.

@Neurotic Are we doing the related thing? if so, let's talk about it in the OOC chat

@OneCrappy DM I kind of imagine that Byron should be at the front but if Eos has the map and is navigating, he should be in the front.
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<snip>As he looks over the map, Eos is looking at it over his shoulder.

"You take it. You're an e....forester so you know the terrain better than any of us. Maybe take point." He hands the map to Eos.<snip>
Eos takes the map and studies it for a moment. Then hands it back to Byron.

"You keep it. I know where we are going."

Eos watches as Byron introduces himself to the others and ask their names. The fact that they had names hadn't even crossed his mind. Looks like one question answered.

When Byron has finished taking charge, Eos steps over to Edmund.

"I will lead. You watch my back," he says, nodding at the bow in Edmund's hand. Eos pauses just long enough for Edmund to raise any objections. If not forthcoming, Eos sets off, immediately falling into the familiar routine of scanning the surrounding terrain for anything untoward.

We will not make it to the camp before nightfall.


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
As the day drags on, Edmund revives a little.
"Hello, again Byron. Would you introduce me to your friend? I am Edmund Montfort, son of baron Hugh Montfort." he nods to the elf, unsure of their relative stations in life, but given the unit and elven kit, he doubts it is higher than his. At best they are equals, at least in human lands.

He spent some time in the afternoon befriending the others, not in a 'chummy' way, just getting to know them. It would be inappropriate if the farmers got the idea to ask him for favors.

Once he revives, he gives the group a tempo


Byran Greywarden
Race: Human
HP: 12/12
AC: 13/15 w shield
spot: +0
Listen: +3
Initiative: -1

Byron keeps an eye out from near the rear, a youngster on each side, one in front and one behind. Besides getting their names, he finds out who their parents are, wondering if he's met them before. Often apples don't fall far from trees.

He enjoys the songs Edmund sings but is keeping an ear out for danger. He's also looking forward to the break where he can learn more about the mysterious elf.

OneCrappy DM

Byron: As you ask the youngsters their names the first one who seems excited for adventure introduces himself as Tobias Kenkiny, "I am a ward of the school hall master, my mother died in child birth and I never knew my father... but Delfen has been like a father to me!". The other says that he is Ethan Toddburry, son to the miller Sterling Todburry. His voice is reserved but strong, he seems to have a quite demeanor you aren't able to gain much off of him at first.

Party: The first few hours go on without much hinge, the route as Eos pointed out isn't the quickest but instead the most thorough for farm houses and other villagers outside the town walls. The Bard's tune lightens the air and exhaustion of the day, the day enters into high sun and the early morning songbirds fly above stretching their wings. Navigation has been simple, wave at a few farmers, cross over a small stream or two, look out for anything stirring in the woods. These last three hours have been simple.

It isn't until hour five when Byron feels the weight of his armor as he hustles his movement, that's when you all caught the sight of the black smoke towards the burning hills just over a mile away. It's laying forward of your route and looks like it may be someones home the More you near.
Farmhouse Fire.jpg
Reaching there in half an hour at a jog, lies a soot covered man clenching on to his scythe. His body still as ash congeals with blood all around him, his farmstead ablaze not nearly as bad as depicted. Searching around you find the bodies of his family members, seemingly stabbed and bludgeoned to death. The fire beginning to quell as you arrive, the blaze was not a long one but nearly all of the home is gone. Tobias is shocked, Ethan seems to be unchanged instead looking around with his spear at the ready for anything to come out. Nothing does, Percival, the lanky farmer had gone around to the separate store room while others were looking at the bodies and flames. He states "The grains been ransacked, this looks like bandits work."

On the ground are footprints, too small to be bandits.


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
Tracking and clue-finding...not his job.

But the farmers...Edmund takes farmers close. They are aware of death as part of life, but the younger ones maybe never so the aftermath of a raid. They may have heard stories though. It is important to keep the morale.

"Note the loss of life here. But not also the loss of a farm, a civilization going into the wild. This may be your home one day and it is important that you're well trained to defend it. But more importantly, to have those fallen on hard times either employed, or reported because this is the alternative. We're barons men. We can track those who did this, but let's help these poor souls first."
He puts a strong hand on closest boy shoulder and guides him toward the house.
"We cannot get this family back, but we can avenge them. And we can keep the area safe. Go, check that nothing close to the house is smoldering and threatening another fire. The rest of us will start on graves. I'll find the soft location, go find the shovels."
OOC: he has to work for it to appear as strong as he wants to project
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Setting off: Eos nearly stumbles in surprise as Edmund breaks into song. Having spent years doing his best to travel quietly and unnoticed, it takes the elf some time to work his mind around the notion of singing while travelling. Eventually he reconciles himself to the idea that they are not trying to move unnoticed. Indeed, the idea is to be seen, I suppose. Hence the fancy tabards. Eventually Eos works the tension out of his shoulders and relaxes. He doesn’t join in the singing, but at times he finds himself walking a pace with the tempo.

Approaching the burning farm: Eos slows as he gets to within 100 ft of the house, searching the surrounds for any signs of danger [1]. If nothing threatens, Eos moves forwards to check the bodies to see if any are still alive. If so Eos slits their throats attempts to stabilise them. [2]

Finally, Eos turns his attentions to the tracks. He circles around the burning farm, seeking to understand which way they came from, which way they went, how many there were and if not human, then what. [3] Eos also keeps his eyes open for any items that might provide a clue as to the identity of the attackers.

Intentions are check for danger, see to the wounded, then investigate the tracks.
[1] Listen Check 9 (2+7), Spot Check 19 (12+7).
[2] Heal Checks 20 (13+7), 24 (17+7), 27 (20+7), 20 (13+7). Note to self, get a Healer’s Kit.
[3] Survival (Track) Check 23 (18+5) The identification is possibly more a knowledge (nature?) check. Maybe should a put a few ranks into some KN skills.
Search Check 4 (2+2) Looks for identifying items.

Just in case
Initiative Check 18 (15+3).

Byran Greywarden
Race: Human
HP: 12/12
AC: 13/15 w shield
spot: +0
Listen: +3
Initiative: -1

The weight of his armour was starting to slow him down but when he sees smoke in the distance, a spike of adrenaline makes him pick up the pace. When they arrive, judging by the state of the fire and the house, Byron realizes they are much too late to protect anything. His demeanor is calm and sad.

He, too, checks the bodies but notices that Eos has already done so indicating that none have survived their injuries.

"There's still several hours of light left. Let's take our time. We want to make sure we can follow whoever did this." he then goes about the grim task of gathering and covering up the bodies.

He sends Tobias towards the stone fence encircling the side of the house1 and asks him to collect stones for a cairn while Byron checks the grain shed for a tarp to cover the bodies then asks Percival for help to move the bodies. As for Ethan,

"Go stand watch over Eos. Don't get in his way but be wary. It's unlikely there will be any bandits around at this point but they may have left a scout behind. Eyes peeled."

He's mostly trying to keep the two young boys busy and save them from needing to deal with the bodies.

"Edmund, do you recognize the farmer? We should probably make sure all the family is accounted for and nobody is hiding."

1. I'm assuming there's some kind of stone fence. If there's grain, they cleared the land for a field. If there's a field, they'd have to have picked stones. If there's stones, they'd be in a fence around the field or the house.

12 Search or 11 Survival to see the tracks (I rolled an 11)

15+1=16 search to find a tarp or something to cover the bodies.

I can't really think of what else to do. I'd try to aid Eos but I don't have any ranks in Search or Survival.

@OneCrappy DM Your description implies the house is destroyed but, if any of it survived, Byron would also check there to make sure no survivors are hiding. Or clues to how many occupants would have been living here.

Not sure what kind of check it would be to have run into the farmer before or know how many family members were in his family.... Gather info? Knowledge Local?
Doesn't matter. I rolled a 1. Maybe @Neurotic 's character would have that knowledge.
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OneCrappy DM

Party: The humble wooden structure collapses under its own weight embers fly into the air, of the three bodies on the ground none of them had survived. Listening closely all you can hear is the cracking of the dying flame.
The invaders had been cruel, Eos determines multiple post mortem wounds on each of the farmers. The stabs had been from a weapon no larger than a dagger, and finding broken pieces of metal next to the bludgeon wounds you determine the use of a flail of some type.
Tracks are easy to find, the soot from the fire didn't cover them up. The feet are small but humanoid in nature, determining the race of the humanoid would require knowledge of the local races. You will be able to track them for miles you would think without trouble, what they are is still a mystery.

Meanwhile Edmund is coaching the youngsters and having them go off to work, Percival and Tobias see no new flames beginning. Ethan watches closely over Eos. Byron you are able to find a tarp in the ransacked store room, you place it over the moved bodies as Edmund finds a place to bury the departed.

The route had some names marked on it for reference of how close to each farm you'd all need to patrol, Farmer Giles and his family had been slain in broad day light. The terrain before you transforms from flat grounds to rolling hills, somewhere in those hills are the raiders. High sun has just ended and the sun will slowly begin to descend over the next four hours, you have time.

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