(IC) DND 3.5 The Flames of War

Byran Greywarden
Race: Human
HP: 12/12
AC: 13/15 w shield
spot: +0
Listen: +3
Initiative: -1

Byron had been so preoccupied making sure the two boys were spared the morbid task of moving the bodies that he hadn't even considered himself. It wasn't until he was carrying the bodies of the children that the gravity of the situation sunk in. After covering the bodies, Byron walked into the woods, alone, overwhelmed with emotion.

When he returned, he was a bit more haggard looking.1

"Let's move quietly and carefully. Boys, if we run into trouble find cover from arrow fire. But if we are forced to melee, stick near me and finish off whatever I hit.

But I reckon we might not need to fight. Once we find where they're camped, we might be able to come back with a larger force."

1. Fort Save: 3+4=6

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So, we are going after the raiders ...

Eos shrugs, it's all much of a muchness to him. He glances at the sky. Four hours until sun fall. If the raiders are smart, they won't have attacked anything less than three hours from home. Maybe we will find something. Maybe."

Eos turns to Edmund. "Stay behind me. Keep your distance, but keep sight of me." Eos nods at the bow. "About 30, 40 feet is good."

Turning to Byron he repeated the almost the same message. "Stay behind Edmund. Keep your distance, but keep Edmund in sight. Keep the others close. You are the van."

Eos pauses for a moment to allow for any questions or objections. If none are forthcoming, he checks his equipment is secure, turns and heads to where the tracks entered the wilderness. He shifts his grip on his spear, and momentarily regrets not bringing, or collecting, his bow. Life is too short for regrets.

"And no singing."

As Eos enters the woods, he considers the alternatives. He rules out feral children. Leaving, in order of likelihood, goblins, kobolds, hophead halflings with a case of the munchies (they did take all the supplies) and angry gnomes (no real idea why they would be angry, except for the fact they fated to spend their lives as gnomes). Eos decides the former two are the most likely. But part of him hopes its feral human children. Over the years, Eos has developed a knack for dealing with humans. [1]

[1] Favoured enemy: human.
Speculative Skill checks (favoured enemy bonus not included).
Track Check 20 (15+5). Mv 15 feet (half normal). Should allow Byron (Spd 20 feet) to keep up.
Track Check 15 (10+5). Second check as requested in OOC thread.
Spot Check 22 (15+7)
Listen Check 11 (4+7)

Just in case:
Initiative: 23 (20+3)
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Byran Greywarden
Race: Human
HP: 12/12 NL: 4
AC: 13/15 w shield
spot: +0
Listen: +3
Initiative: -1

Byron nods to everything Eos says.

"This is a scouting mission, everyone."

He walks to Eos just before they leave,

"Those boys did a great job today and they really kept up with the pace. Almost makes me wish I'd worn lighter armour!" he jokes, "And sure, maybe, a bit of danger or excitement will build character for them but I'm not sure we want them to see actual combat."

Byron hadn't complained at all during the day but, what was left unsaid was that he'd pushed himself too hard. The elf could see fatigue setting in. He could also see that the man wanted to do his duty but was now second-guessing himself.

The fact of the matter was Byron was doing exactly that. He'd sparred a lot and gotten actual training from the Baron himself ever since he was a youngster and gotten actual military training. He'd even been in his fair share of brawls. But he'd never been in a fight to the death. His skill was untested.

"Oh, yeah. And, here, take this, you might need it. If a scout spots us, we might need to take 'em out quick and quiet."

He hands the elf his short bow.

Edit: assuming we are sneaking while Eos scouts:
Move Silent: 18-1(dex)-4(armour check penalty)=13
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OneCrappy DM

Party: The day drags on in two short hours the party is upon the mouth of a cave, a single torch occupies the mouth lit. It appears to have been burning for only an hour maybe less, peering further into the cave at a distance there does not appear to be any other light sources. The tracks lead inwards to the cave, a few dead wasps lie on the floor and the supports on the side indicate some form of mine entrance. To date the only place that you know of in the vicinity of this area is the dungeon of kos, having not seen it yourself you wouldn't be able to determine if this is or isn't an entrance. One thing is for sure, whatever it was that killed the farmers resides somewhere in here.

Byron: You take four points of non lethal damage and a -2 to strength and dex, you can no longer run or charge as you become fatigued by the day. You will need to rest for eight hours to remove these conditions.


Prior to departing the farm:
"Oh, yeah. And, here, take this, you might need it. If a scout spots us, we might need to take 'em out quick and quiet."
Eos grins, and slaps Byron on the shoulder. It is as if the man had heard Eos thinking.

Just before entering the forest, Eos jams his spear into the ground and hangs his tabard from it.

Outside the Cave:
One thing is for sure, whatever it was that killed the farmers resides somewhere in here.
Eos considers the mine entrance, then the other members of the company. They are not equipped for going underground, and it is pretty clear Byron is close to spent. Eos scans the area for a good lookout position.

"Wait over there. Out of sight. I will find a camp site."

Intentions: Find a place they can camp, out of sight of the mine entrance, but with a good lookout position close by. Ideally with visibility over the way they arrived, in case another party follows them from the farm.
Survival Check: 8 (3+5). Whoops, maybe not.

OneCrappy DM

Edmund: You’re able to find a campsite with no issue, the area has a lot of spots that could be used for potential campgrounds. You figure the one that has a little sight overlooking the general area of the cave will be the ideal one, Tobias says “This doesn’t seem like the place sir Pwyell wanted us to camp”
The area will be fine and gives you vantage point front and back, Tobias despite his protest puts down his bed roll and breaks into his rations.
He pulls out a book labeled The Sword of Demacleus.

Party: If there is no protest in camping, will there be any fires or songs tonight? Is it a still night on the eve before battle? and who will keep watch?

Byran Greywarden
Race: Human
HP: 12/12 NL: 4
AC: 13/15 w shield
spot: +0
Listen: +3
Initiative: -1

Byron groans as he hefts his pack off his back. Going through his stuff, he leaves everything except his water and his rope.

"Do we want to watch and ambush them when they leave? Or should we go in? That torch at the entry won't last much longer and, once it's dark, we won't be able to see anyone going in or out."

Byron removes a lantern and lights it but keeps the light very small. It's lit and ready to unshutter if they suddenly need light.

He looks to the others, "What do you want to do?"

"If we're resting, I can take whatever watch. I don't mind being up in the middle of the night."

Hooded lantern.

I'm not sure what the plan is. We want to rest? Seems risky. Ambushing them as they leave seems like a good strategy - if we can actually see them leaving.

As far as watch order goes, The elf should watch in the darkest part of the night. Byron has no idea that elves don't need to sleep. Only that they always seem to get up early.


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
"I'd say we replace the torch with a new one if you're worried about visibility. But realistically, Eos can see, sleeps little and while he rests the rest of us will se well enough if there are no clouds tonight. We'll see movement if not the details. So, you two, Byron, Eos, rest first. I'lltakenthe first watch."
Edmund gives his idea, almost as an order, but they need to decide quickly.
"No fire tonight. And be quiet, the voice carries in the silence of night. Especially metal clinking, so careful with the armor and weapons."


Eos nods. Wait, watch and deal with the bandits at first light, when everyone has recovered.

"If they come out before the morning, remain out of sight and wake the others first."

"I'll take Mid watch."

So looks like Edmund, Eos, then Byron. We can put one NPC with on each watch.

Byran Greywarden
Race: Human
HP: 12/12 NL: 4
AC: 13/15 w shield
spot: +0
Listen: +3
Initiative: -1

Byron nods, saying nothing.

He spends time taking off his armour, eats and then unfurls his bedroll. Before going to sleep he lights the lantern but keeps the hood closed. He was hoping to have gotten to know the others better, but he's just too exhausted.

They probably wouldn't be in the position if he'd paced himself. On the other hand, if they'd moved faster, maybe they'd have been able to help the farmer. Nothing to do about it now. Hopefully, his mistake doesn't get anyone killed.

He drifts off to sleep.

Hooded lantern is set in the middle, with the light on but the hood down. If we need instant light, we can open it.
To avoid more fatigue, I can't sleep in armour.
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