(IC) DND 3.5 The Flames of War

OneCrappy DM

Party: The farmer and the two others take out their bedrolls and some field rations following the lead of Byron, however they do not take off the armor as they get ready for rest. They eat the rations cold, Percival lets out a sigh. Tobias looks at the direction of the camp as the sun begins to set, "I can't wait to find out what is in there." He remarks with some excitement trying to stay quiet.

Percival states how he is confused about the whole raid scene, the footsteps they had been following were to small for what he pictured the bandits to look like. He sits nervously looking at his spear and the setting sun, the torch light flickers in the distance through the cover it can barley be made out. It seems like an advantage, the area begins to rest and howls begin emerging in the distance of the hills.

The sun moves beyond the horizon line, most of the members are already resting but Ethan is up staring at the torch light beyond the cover of foliage and natural obstructions. He watches as it begins to wain and then everyone notices the light get brighter, not as if to get closer but as if the torch had suddenly sprung a second wind.

For Edmund he will note that the torch light doesn't go out on his watch, what are you doing as you are on watch. ((Roll spot and listen twice, and describe what you intend to be doing.))

It will become a pattern that everyone will notice on their watch with it being pointed out, the torch light will wain and brighten up as if it were a new torch all together.

Each of you do your watch in your own way, how is it done?

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Byran Greywarden
Race: Human
HP: 12/12 NL: 4
AC: 13/15 w shield
spot: +0
Listen: +3
Initiative: -1

When Byron is woken, he wakes with a start, looking around, almost forgetting where he is. He nods to Eos and whispers, "thanks. "Could you help me with the armour?" he indicates to the pile lying besided him.

Once it's on, he sits on a rock, low and out of sight, holding his polearm. He can't see much or make out much in the darkness. He's keeps an eye on the light - not directly so as not to ruin his night vision - but just the surrounding shadows. He doesn't attempt to go closer but, instead, relies on what he can hear.

He, too, is curious by the small feet. He's heard many stories from his uncle and wonders if there is some similarities to some of those war stories. Byron remembers asking him questions incessantly while sitting around the hearth with the family.

Spot 1: 11
Listen 1: 9

Spot 2: 14
Listen 2: 7
(Flashback) Gather Information: 6+4=10 sigh


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
Edmund takes the first watch, using the last light of the day to keep a lookout.
He also takes time to speak about goblins and kobolds from various stories, the bandits that are smaller than normal. Especially about the comical traps that kobolds in the mines are fond of. After he partially scared, partially warned the peasants, he sends them off to sleep.

After the darkness falls, he looks out toward the mine, noticing the changes in the light of the torch, but generally listening more and looking less.

TL;DR: spot 21 listen 8, then spot 4, listen 15
neurotic: repeat2 D20 + 2#edmundspot → 21; 4(19 + 2);(2 + 2)#Edmund spotEdmund spot
neurotic: repeat2 D20 + 1#edmundlisten → 8; 15(7 + 1);(14 + 1)#Edmund listenEdmund listen


Eos takes his watch and like the others, he suspects, wonders about the torch. Would it go out if I put a cover over it? If not, would it burn through the cover? Is it a trap? A temptation to take, and set off an alarm? Maybe best to leave it where it is when we go in.

Eos get bored and considers having a look around. He could easily keep an eye on the entrance while doing so. But he watching over the camp as much as over the entrance. There may be other exits, so the bandits could come from a direction other than the entrance.

Eos stays put and sees out his watch, waking Byron when it is done.


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
Edmund thinks about the torch. He gets few theories, each wilder than the other.
1. It is a caster from inside, someone that renews the spell without appearing at the entrance
2. It is an invisible creature, replacing the torch
3. It is an invisible servant, which again means caster inside
4. It is actually a mimic, simply replacing the torch. Can they even simulate the flame?
5. It is an illusion, programmed to reset after given amount of time
6. It is an actual timeloop

He passes the time creating elaborate stories about each of these. Unfortunately, most of them end up with the group being severely overmatched in spell power. Yet, mundane things are more probable, this is not an ancient and mysterious temple. Or even ancient mine.

OneCrappy DM

Edmund: It is when you are going over these theories that you seem to notice the simplest one of them all through the coverage you make out a small figure rapidly replacing the torch as the other is about to die.

Eos: while still awake after meditating for the day you awake Byron for his shift, he isn’t able to notice it like you are through the trees. A small red skinned creature, not scaly in nature, instead almost humanoid like replacing the torch other than that you see no more details. It hasn’t noticed your camp and there could be more, it appears to be the culprit.

Party: It is the time before sunrise everyone is well rested and the question of how the torch keeps getting brighter before it dies is solved. The kids have their spears ready, Tobias anticipating a fight he seems eager. Ethan as solem as ever and Perceval is looking at his weapon picturing what the knight had taught him. The birds have yet stirred and the torch light is once again beginning to flicker, it will need to be tended too soon. What is the parties approach?

Byran Greywarden
Race: Human
HP: 12/12 NL: 4
AC: 13/15 w shield
spot: +0
Listen: +3
Initiative: -1

Byron pondered the meaning at keeping the torch lit all night. He supposed it was to keep the area light and be able to see approaching intruders. Fact was that the torch was lit the day before and it was light outside. Maybe there was some kind of meaning if it went out.

If it was almost time for the light to be replaced. There were choices:

"We could ambush the one replacing the light and try to get some info. Or we could wait for them to replace it, then follow them."

Byron looked at his noisy armour.

"Seems better to get the jump on them when they come out. I think we need two to guard our backs out here and warn us if something is coming. The rest go in. Percival, it's best if you guard camp and watch the entrance."

Byron looks at the two boys,

"Which of you is coming? If you can't make up your minds, then Flip a coin." Byron pulls out a silver piece. "Winner gets the choice to stay or go in and the loser gets to keep the coin."

I think this was the plan we talked about OOC.

OneCrappy DM

Byron: Tobias is first up and ready, putting down his book. “I’ll go, I heard if you find anything in there you get to keep it.”.
Ethan doesn’t seem to be bothered by this and says flatly “Just tell me what you need me to do.”


Byron: Tobias is first up and ready, putting down his book. “I’ll go, I heard if you find anything in there you get to keep it.”.
Ethan doesn’t seem to be bothered by this and says flatly “Just tell me what you need me to do.”

"If we come out of this with anything, it gets shared equally," states Eos, surprising himself somewhat.

Where did the come from? The answer comes quickly. Humans have a significant a tendency to self interest and indifferent cruelty. It's why it's time to be moving along. Past time really.

Eos shrugs off the thought and pulls his mind back to the present.

"Time to dance."

Eos stalks off towards the entrance of the mine, bow in hand. He approaches from the side, listening and scanning for trouble. If it all seems clear, he slides around the corner of the entrance and enters the mine. He moves cautiously, and quietly, checking the surrounds as he goes. He cautiously proceeds as far as he can, hugging the left wall for whatever cover it provides, until he can no longer see more than 50 feet in front of himself.

He takes advantage of whatever cover is available and there he waits for the others to catch up.

I hope that they remember to bring the lantern.

Some random checks, just in case.
Listen +7: 6(13), 13(20)
Spot +7: 1(8), 11(18)
MvSilently +7: 19(26), 1(8)
Initiative +3: 15(18)

Byran Greywarden
Race: Human
HP: 12/12 NL: 0
AC: 13/15 w shield
spot: +0
Listen: +3
Initiative: -1

Byron: Tobias is first up and ready, putting down his book. “I’ll go, I heard if you find anything in there you get to keep it.”.
Ethan doesn’t seem to be bothered by this and says flatly “Just tell me what you need me to do.”

"If we come out of this with anything, it gets shared equally," states Eos, surprising himself somewhat.
Byron nods,

"The people guarding our backs are just as important."

Answering Ethan's question, they have a quick discussion of how long the rear guard should stay and how long they plan on being in the caves. He gives Percival the map so they can find Grey Camp when or if they need to leave. Once plans are decided, Byron refills the lantern with oil and then closes the shutter. He hands it to Tobias.

"Your job is the lantern. Keep it safe, don't drop it and make sure we can see. If we get stuck in the mine in the dark, we might as well all be dead. If we need it shuttered, we'll give you this signal. Stick behind me." Byron does a hand signal.

He pauses. "Do we have paper? We might need to make a map."

To Eos,

"I'm going to stay back a bit until you give me a signal. This armour is clankety, clank-clank." Trying to add some humour to a serious situation.

When Eos moves towards the cave, Byron waits then approaches carefully.

Maybe we can argue OOC what the plan is for people outside. hopefully we won't need them.
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