(IC) DND 3.5 The Flames of War

Eos wordlessly considers the pile of bodies. Well that was quick.
Eos, can you scout ahead? We might be able to catch more of them by surprise."
Ahead? I suppose that means the passage these things came from. Whichever passage we choose, we run the risk that something will get behind us.

With a shrug, Eos steps past the bodies and proceeds cautiously forwards down the passage the monsters arrived from.

Byron's right. We need push the advantage now. Or get out of here.

Intentions: Move down the passage but maintaining 15-20 feet visibility ahead if possible.
Spot Check +7. Roll 20 (27)
Listen Check +7. Roll 12 (19)
Elves have low light vision.
Eos is carrying throwing axes. Decided to sacrifice the x3 Crit for the 10ft RNG.

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Byran Greywarden
Race: Human
HP: 12/12 NL: 0
AC: 13/15 w shield
spot: +0
Listen: +3
Initiative: -1

Byron couldn't help but feel a bit guilty for sending Eos ahead but the man was keenly aware that he was not built for stealth. Despite being the slightly above-average height of six foot, he had massive feet that seemed disproportionate to his body. He was barrel-chested and....barrel-waisted. He'd always been a bit of a portly kid and had never outgrown his 'baby-fat', despite being in good shape. He was built like a wrestler. Wrapped in metal, he was like a big brass bell hanging from a blacksmith's door.

He watched the elf slink away to the edge of the light and tried his best to be quiet but be close enough to offer support if it was needed.

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Eos: Understanding that it is quite impossible to sneak around this place as you need dim light to see you are pretty much a walking sign that indicates to anything inside where you are or coming from. Just rounding the corner to be able to see the room beyond you hear two things, first the sound of running water from the left of this room perhaps in a chamber you cannot see. Second the chattering of insects eating moss off the mine floors, as you see them they don't seem to bothered by light but then you see a large amount of bats on the ceiling. Some stir but not to many with the dim light, the moss is actually a mix of stool as well.
Screenshot 2024-07-01 3.56.09 PM.png

Eos wasn't really expecting Tobias to follow right behind with the lantern, lighting Eos up like a mummer on a stage. This is not going to work.

Eos pauses at the entrance to the room, cavern, space that open up in front of him. He shudders at the sound of the insects scurrying through the bat muck and munching on the moss and generally being loathsome. Eos pauses to listen, and survey the room, but does not enter. [1]

Eos takes the lantern from Tobias in his off hand. "Wait here."

Honestly, the thought of entering the room makes Eos' skin crawl. He has heard stories about the moulds and slimes and oozes that live underground. Where they should stay, and rational people should stay away from.

[1] Listen +7 Roll 10 (17)
Spot +7 Roll 2 (9)

Intentions (assuming nothing seen in the room ahead that demands a response): take the lantern from Tobias and scout the cavern. Better hidden behind the light than lit up by it.

Byran Greywarden
Race: Human
HP: 12/12 NL: 0
AC: 13/15 w shield
spot: +0
Listen: +3
Initiative: -1

When Eos takes the lantern from Tobias, Byron asks,

"So what's up there? Is that the bat cave?"

He shows the map they got from the small goblin.

"Do we want to go up there? If there's enough bats that they marked it on their map, maybe there's a reason? My gut says they went this way."

He points to the bigger passage beyond the "big room" towards the one marked "Working Faces".

"Unless that's blocked. If so, maybe we shutter up the lantern so it only lets a wee bit of light and we sneak through the north passage. Those tommyknockers came through here without any lights - even the little guy with the torch didn't have it lit. Maybe that's the secret of getting past the bats without riling them up. We just shuffle through as quiet as can be, following their path."

"You got the best eye to see the path but, if anyone's gonna rile them up, it'll be me in this heavy armour so I might just as well go right in with you and get it over with while the others follow. If I get through, we're good and, if not everyone else can retreat back to the exit and we'll meet there."

It wasn't a command. He was asking for people's opinion on the matter, deferring to someone else who might be more knowledgeable in...spelunking

My proposal is, assuming passage to "BIG ROOM" is closed off, we shutter the lamp so it only lets out 10 feet of dim light and we file through the Bat Cave together.

Screenshot 2024-06-16 2.27.32 PM.png

I can't read the northern writing,
"to bat cave
-no more silver

edited to add one last suggestion. Bryon is tired of sitting in the back. better to have him trigger stuff and give people an exit than to have everyone go in and then he trigger the bats behind you. IMO.
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The party strides past the insects and bats with a quickness to find themselves facing a form of natural aquifer cutting through the cave. Everyone except Byron is able to make the jump with no issue whose armor is an hindrance, he will need to make a jump attempt ((DC 10)) or be swept into the waters. A listen check for those who cross the river is due, as you may hear something on the other side of the river which acts as a barrier of sound.

Screenshot 2024-07-09 10.14.37 AM.png

If you look at page 6 you can see the "Big Room" from a peak it is no more than ten feet wide.

Byron: You jump across just enough that you are able to make the edge without falling in ((Don't forget armor check penalty and your rank in jump putting you at a -1)), you begin to listen in and hear some deep snore echoing down the corridors

Edmund this too becomes clear to you, it sounds like something big. ((Roll Knowledge checks as applicable,))

Tobias is holding onto his spear as the party delves deeper into the mines, the lantern illuminates the area ahead of Eos. He spots what appears to be another small Tommyknocker directly in front of the party, as the light opens up the area the party may act in combat. ((First to respond first to go, 48 hrs until I take your turn.))

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Edmund moves forward as the light advances and spotting the creature considers firing immediately, but it is far enough into the darkness that he cannot be sure he'll hit it or that it will not run away even if he hits it.

"Don't attack it!" he hisses to the rest of the group

He uses his voice, throwing a nice catchy ditty that might interest the creature enough to consider approaching him or at least not running away.

Move: in front of Eos to the left
Standard: Fascinate will DC 19neurotic: D20 + 6#edmundsongtofascinate → 19(13 + 6)#Edmund song to fascinate

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