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D&D 5E Getting your game on


I love it when people post pictures of game sessions. Here's one of our from last night. The Dogmen of the Veldt (read: gnolls) were raiding the town of Traveler's Rest. Much of the town was put to the torch and there was a running battle in the streets as the gnolls were assaulting the town's temple in search of some mysterious key that nobody knows anything about. April 7th - Dogmen of the Veldt raid on Traveler's Rest.jpg

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These are some pics from last year, but I'll be sure to take some pictures the next time we play. This is my 3.5 pirate campaign.

Raid on Old Quarter

This is a battle in the city of Vertesaux which took place a while back. I had my players fighting ghost-pirates. While two of the players are engaging a ghost ship at sea, commanded by the evil Captain Black William, two other players stumble into Old Quarter to see what all the fuss is about. They hear screaming and sounds of gunshots, so they grab a coach and race towards the city gate. As they arrive on the scene they jump off, and the coach crashes into an old well. The horses are spooked by what they see. Ghost pirates everywhere! They are raiding the city!

(All ghost pirates are marked with red icons, and the ghostly sorcerers are marked with purple icons.)

The ghost pirates are sacking Old Quarter, and have gathered around their favorite tavern, "The Staggering Bull." Since the party is split, I allowed one of the players to control an npc noble called Sophie (who had just been rescued), and I allowed the other player to choose a member of their crew who happened to be in the immediate area, and control him/her. He selected Amaziah, their npc Kooghan* cleric. I allowed him to pick what ever spells he wanted for her, because I'm not that bothered with meta gaming. The player pointed out that he didn't want to meta-game, but I told him it was perfectly fine, he could just pick what ever he liked. We reasoned that from a story perspective, Amaziah had just visited the local Seer, and thus she may have been warned by what was about to happen. Amaziah approached from the north west.

(* The Kooghans are a faction of dark skinned pirates in my setting)

Sophie approached from the east, where she overheard the two ghost pirates that were kidnapping a young girl. Apparently they were still looking for Sophie, by the command of their evil ghostly captain! She quickly took shelter in the small jail to the north east, where she was able to liberate two towns people who had been imprisoned by the ghost pirates.

Ché (half-elf cleric) and Bioran (elf abjurrant champion) approached from the south, and were first to arrive on the scene.


Ché and Bioran surveyed the scene. Up above them on the city wall, a city guard was duking it out with a ghost pirate (and losing). Around the corner, a ghost pirate-sorcerer was waiting on higher ground. He was standing on the stairs leading up to the city wall. The ghosts seemed to be wielding weapons engulfed in ghostly blue flames, and the players suspected these might be ghost-touch weapons. Meanwhile a group of two ghost pirates was making off with a sack of loot and a poor prostitute. They dragged their spoils off, while the poor wench was kicking and screaming in protest. They also noticed a brute of a ghost pirate bursting into the tavern. One of the two pirates gave Bioran a quick glance, and his Horrific Appearance special ability immediately drained a lot of Bioran's ability points, due to a botched saving throw. The two players immediately realized they were outnumbered and outmatched. But just as they considered a retreat, they caught a glimpse of Amaziah and Sophie. Now they realized that retreat was not an option, they had to save their crew.


Meanwhile Amaziah approached from the north west streets. Two ghost pirates were manning a ghostly cannon (represented by a ballista here, since we didn't have a cannon miniature). The two pirates seemed to be cackling loudly, as they were firing the cannon randomly into the city. And they were clearly still unaware of Amaziah's presence. Meanwhile two other pirates were heading for the rum cellar of the local tavern. The fact that they were ghosts apparently did not stop them from pursuing their usual pirate needs. Amaziah also noticed a staircase leading up to the second floor of the tavern. She decided to unleash her cleric powers upon the cursed creatures. We decided to go with alternate Turn Undead rules here, because the undead were of an equal level as the party, and we didn't want the ability to feel completely useless. So I allowed Turn Undead to deal damage instead.


We ended on a cliffhanger, as Bioran and Ché rejoined with Sophie. They were able to steal two ghostly swords from the ghost pirates (which had the ghost-touch property), and now found themselves at a stand off with one of the ghost pirates. The ghost pirate held a blade against the throat of the kidnapped little girl, and threatened to take her life if they made any wrong moves. Bioran unleashed his Disarm spell, and this is the cliffhanger we ended on. Would he save the girl, or would the pirate slit her throat?

Fade to black... Cut to commercial!
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Imaculata, that's fantastic! I love all of the annotations you've added as well. Obviously a strong Pirates of the Caribbean vibe going here...and I approve!

Thanks. It was an exciting scenario.

One of the biggest scenes I've ever constructed with just dungeon tiles. What made it especially interesting was the fact that the players were completely outnumbered, and not properly geared to deal with ghosts, plus there were plenty of minor side objectives, such as: Assisting the city guards, saving the wounded guard, freeing the imprisoned villagers, saving the prostitute, and saving the little girl.

The players decided to ignore the guards. They couldn't reach the dying guard in time to heal him, so he passed away. And the others were defeated by the ghosts, except for one. They didn't stop the ghosts from stealing the rum. They managed to save the prostitute and even the little girl however... because the disarm spell succeeded. But we would only find out if it succeeded in the next session, because we stopped on that cliffhanger. Talk about a big cliffhanger.

By the way, the pirate ghosts did manage to take the prostitute all the way up to a room in the tavern, to try and do what pirates do to captured wenches... only to realize that since they were ghosts they could no longer do that thing any more... much to the amusement of the players. Its kind of fun to inject some personality into these individual baddies.
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Dusty Dragon
Let's see if I can figure out how to add an attachment...

This is an image from a game last November. The PCs were fighting in a fort, helping defend people from a very large group of bandits. The fort was located in Dzungaria but inspired by the Tulou design:


I wasn't going to do this, but then the dwarf at the very end of the session, in an overly ambitious effort to hack down the ladders, managed to fall out of the window and among the attackers beneath. The player told me "I'm going to need a good map next session so I can get myself out of there". So I built a fort :)

I wasn't able to fully build it as I just didn't have the lego pieces for it, so I basically built a fighting platform for the front (where a battering ram was attacking the gate) and the back (where the band was using scaling ladders).

The Dwarf managed to fight his way out and the assault was repelled. Fed up, the PCs sneaked into the bandit camp and assassinated their leader.


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Dusty Dragon
Thank you

This was actually my second lego map :)

A few months prior, the party, in the Taklamakan desert, encountered a small group of travelers who told the PCs they were on the run because of a mariage proposal gone terribly wrong. The PCs reluctantly agreed.

After a week of uneventful travels, they party arrived upon the ruins of Niya:


However, in 1153 the ruins were in somewhat better shape. The party took used the few remaining walls to get some shelter from the wind from themselves and their mounts. At the crack of dawn, the camp was attacked by monks of the Kulun Sect ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kunlun_Sect ). They accused the party of having stolen their ancient relic, the sacred Spirit Cong ( https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/d/d8/Chinese_-_Cong_-_Walters_42340_-_Profile.jpg ). Battle ensued! (we didn't have many minatures that night so a lot of the PCs and foes are illustrated with dice etc)

Lego can be a really good tool for map making, the 3D aspect is quite fun. I should note my stepdaughter helped with this one :)


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