D&D General One Less Warlock


I am so, so sorry to learn about your loss. As all parents know, this is the worst nightmare, and your pain must be terrible. My heart goes out to you, completely. Each of those memories is a precious treasure. I don't know what I would do. I hope you have the support you need.

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Follower of the Way
My condolences, Dave. I recently lost my father, who got me started on gaming, so I very much understand where you're coming from.

I can only promise that the sun still rises. It is our choice what meaning we find in that.


The High Aldwin
I don't know that this is the correct place to post this, if there is such a thing, but I am not really connected to social media other than EnWorld (no facebook, twitter, instegram, etc) and I need a release as part of my grieving process. My daughter, 20, died yesterday and it is impossible for me to understand her/my loss at the moment. I taught her (and her brother) to play D&D (4e) when she was 6 years old. I was their (and their friends ) DM for the next 5+ years until they branched out on their own. Teaching my children to play D&D and spending that time with them was one of the joys of my life. I miss my Yuan-ti Warlock (homebrewed race), her campaign ended way too early.

Sorry to be a downer at this time of year. I was on a self imposed soft-ban from until 2024, but that will likely extend indefinitely as we deal with our tragedy.
Sorry to hear about this Dave. A friend told me about it and I just had to return to tell you how very sorry I am to hear this. Feel your sorrow, but it is obviously she was much loved, so remember that.

My next character will be a Warlock, for you and her. Again, my deepest and most sincere sympathy, my friend.


Sorry to hear about this Dave. A friend told me about it and I just had to return to tell you how very sorry I am to hear this. Feel your sorrow, but it is obviously she was much loved, so remember that.

My next character will be a Warlock, for you and her. Again, my deepest and most sincere sympathy, my friend.
Thank you and thank you all for your thoughts and kind words. It is hard, very, very hard right now. But the support at home and in my extended D&D digital family really does help. Thank you.

Voidrunner's Codex

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