D&D General One Less Warlock


Thank you both.
I read the obituary, Dave, and was deeply moved by the picture painted by the words. Aurora is a truly beautiful name, but the person was more beautiful by far.
Aurora was clearly a light in so many people’s lives, and that light will always shine in memories, both the happy ones and the sad.
I wish I had known your daughter.

I will do my best to honour Aurora’s memory by giving Consitium a starring role in my current campaign, as a major positive NPC, helping my players in their struggles. I hope this will be a tribute to Aurora.

I’m a dad before I’m a D&D player; sending you every bit of love that I can.

Consitium will have a significant role in my campaign world. Having read your child's obituary, I am seeing him as a courageous adventurer who now seeks to guide others in their journeys. I will think of you and your child when he appears, and I will tell my players about his creator.

I am so moved by Aurora's story. My heart just breaks for you.

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Just to keep you updated. My face-to-face group played Friday night ( Scarlet Citadel by KP if you’re familiar). I’ve placed Consitium as a prisoner of the Derro on Level 4, who has been keeping the other prisoners alive ( including the paladin’s lover, who was captured in her backstory) and Consitium has been engineering an escape plan, which hopefully will not be needed. She also has learnt key info from the gallery, which will help the players access the BBEG, two levels below.
Unfortunately, the group had some major problems with one vicious encounter, so didn’t quite get there on Friday.
Our next game is in February, and I hope Consitium’s role will be a fitting tribute to your daughter.
I’ll keep you updated, and thinking of you and your family.


Just to keep you updated. My face-to-face group played Friday night ( Scarlet Citadel by KP if you’re familiar). I’ve placed Consitium as a prisoner of the Derro on Level 4, who has been keeping the other prisoners alive ( including the paladin’s lover, who was captured in her backstory) and Consitium has been engineering an escape plan, which hopefully will not be needed. She also has learnt key info from the gallery, which will help the players access the BBEG, two levels below.
Unfortunately, the group had some major problems with one vicious encounter, so didn’t quite get there on Friday.
Our next game is in February, and I hope Consitium’s role will be a fitting tribute to your daughter.
I’ll keep you updated, and thinking of you and your family.
Thank you - that sounds wonderful.


Moderator Emeritus
Hey, I missed this the first time around (I was traveling for the holidays) and hope my wish for her memory to be a blessing for you and your family and everyone who knew her is not coming too late. There are no words for such a loss.


Thank you - that sounds wonderful.
Hi Dave,
Wanted to send you best wishes and my thoughts. I hope things are working through with you and yours as well as they can.
My group played last night and liberated Consitium from the mad derro forces in the Scarlet Citadel. They soon realised that Consitium could have escaped themselves, but had remained to protect the other prisoners.
Consitium joined them and played a major role in defeating the derro, vanquishing the evil wizard Immortra and preventing the summoning of three devils.
It was a great session and the party have returned to the surface, with Consitium, to plan their final assault on the deeper bastions of evil.
I hope I was able to honour your daughter.

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