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D&D 5E ForgedAnvil D&D 5E Character Generator


My players are a little confused [they are also current 3.5 players too] with the fly speed and swim speed on csi. It might be terminology a bit, but they think they have a actual climb and swim speed, however the sheet is showing the normal rate of movement to swim or climb. The phb does reference a climbing and swimming speed under special types of movement

I thought the 10 auperscript on the jumps was a footnote. You might add a ft to the 10

Character summary as the 3 footnote on push drag lift, that is on csii, but the note is not on char summary

For fly, swim and climb movements there are differences depending on race, class, subclass, feats, magic items

For example a 3rd level Rogue Thief can climb at their normal character speed - instead of half (they also get to add their Dex mod to their high jump). The Athlete feat also provides the same benefit for normal climbing speed but in addition you only need 5ft of movement for a distance (not standing) long or high jump - displayed as ⁵ instead of a normal ¹⁰

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Imported two characters that I am currently playing (from Beta 10 to Beta 11), a 1 Fighter / 5 Ranger and a 1 Fighter / 5 Warlock, and saw the same error in both. In Character Sheet III the class for the spellcaster class is FALSERanger and FALSEWarlock.
View attachment 83148

Found the bug, fixed - will update soon as it is a rather annoying to see the FALSE in front ;)


Hiya FA,

Just picked up Beta 11 (yay!) and transferred a Lvl 2 V.Human Druid from an earlier sheet. The cantrip selection on the Spellcasting sheet is missing a bunch of choices. It appears to be a side-effect of picking the Magic Initiate Feat at lvl 1 and adding Wizard cantrips. The Wizard cantrips are visible, but many of the Druid ones are absent.

Thanks for the awesome job you're doing.


Hiya FA,

Just picked up Beta 11 (yay!) and transferred a Lvl 2 V.Human Druid from an earlier sheet. The cantrip selection on the Spellcasting sheet is missing a bunch of choices. It appears to be a side-effect of picking the Magic Initiate Feat at lvl 1 and adding Wizard cantrips. The Wizard cantrips are visible, but many of the Druid ones are absent.

Thanks for the awesome job you're doing.

Ive asked to send your beta 10 character through for testing to see what is the issue


Amazing sheet, works almost perfectly.
Last Dwarf Cleric i made, has the feat Heavy Armor Master (damage reduction 3 bps non magic) but it overrides the Resistance block on charactersheet page 1.
Using the override under resistances doesn't override it, but when i enter something in the damage reduction override it pops up in both the damag reduction and the resistance block on character sheet 1.

Just noticed, you added the Deepstalker class option for the Ranger, but you didn't alter the base class according to the Unearthed Arcana.

I thought i had the lastest update, and i am not sure if anybody else reported this already, just wanted to let you know.

still gonna use it pritt correctit FTW :p

Recheck this issue with beta 11 (soon beta 12) and let me know if this is fixed or not


First Post
Testing the latest update for the custom tab Class Options. The below are a list of errors I found

1. None of the custom Eldritch Invocation show up in the "Warlock Eldritch Invocations" section in the "2. Class & Level" box of the "Start" tab.

2. On the "Custom" tab in the "Class Options" box, the Eldritch Invocations limitations section doesn't have a the "Patron Prerequisite" option.

3. While creating a warlock, I found this error. On the "Spellcasting" tab in the "Spells Prepared/Known" section the "Cantrips Known" sections is malfunctioning. All of the "Cantrip" slots past the 1st does not show any of the cantrips that begin after the "letter M" (see attached pictures).

These are just a few error that I found. Thank you for adding the "Class Option" box on the Custom Tab

Cantrip Slot 1
Cantrip Slot 1.jpg
Cantrip Slot 2 thru Infinity
Cantrip Slot 2 thru infinity.jpg
Last edited:


It's not an issue with the transfer, I reproduced the issue by starting from scratch with beta 11. The transferred char was actually from Beta 5, which I didn't expect to work perfectly, so don't worry about that part. But I'll send you the new char to look at.


So, it came up the other day. Could there be a way to turn off the trample and the overrun reactions as the are in the DMG and not AL leagel (at least ttbomk). Maybe a switch up with the option to use variant human?

Sent from my iPhone using EN World


First Post
I think this sheet is awesome. I'm wondering if there are instructions for the custom sheet? I want to add both the UA Theurge and the UA Lore Mastery to the Wizard subclass options.

Alternately, is there a version of the character sheet out there by Forged Anvil that has these already added in?

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