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seeking an artist


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Okay, I may be making a huge breach of proper procedure here, but I figure there's so many artists running around here I might as well try. I'd like to have a character drawn, but I don't want to go into one person's thread and bother them with yet another request, plus this draws attention. I figure a blanket announcement would be okay... I mean, the moderators can nix it if it's not. My luck, I'm making an amature mistake here, but hey. Okay anyways...

Brogan is a bard/gunfighter (dont ask) in an non-typical fantasy campaign of low magic and pretty much low everything at this time in the world's history where the witch-charmed King and broken-hearted Queen have divided up the kingdom in a bitter feud that is leading to a civil war. The world is sort of "renaissance punk" with blackpowder weapons and unflashy muskateer type doings mixed with a western feel. It comes partly from a series of books by Lloyd Alexander, I think his name was, that I read when I was younger. Brogan's not a hero at this point in his life and doesn't strike that kind of figure. Rather, he's a bass-lute player in band and not even a very good one at that. He avoids trouble if at all possible. He would drink heavy if he had the stomach for it and would womanize and carrouse nightly if he could scratch up the coin and confidence. As it is, he seems at times uncomfortable in his own skin, and very standoffish compared to other performers and musicians. If he didn't write stirring lyrics for his bandmate's songs, they would have kicked him out long ago. He owes a lot of people money, and gets by on the good graces of a few people who either are truely kind or just take pity on him.

When he was younger, he had a promising life as a son of minor nobles, and was sent to attend a prestigious school. But he never fit in, and in fact was very alienated from his peers. Part of this was due to his being plagued with strange dreams and visions of old heroes and characters from songs and stories he had heard growing up. He left the Academy after a year and went to live with his estranged father, who was a sheriff in a small town a few day's ride from the capital city. Here he became a page (a deputy-deputy-deupty gopher sheriff) and idled his days away sweeping the floors of the constabulary offices, writing poems about long dead heroes, and dabbling with the idea of one day becoming something important, like a sheriff or road agent. Mostly, he wasted time with a few friends in local taverns daydreaming.

Then came a day when, after months of troubles, his father the sheriff was forming a posse to go catch the leader of a gang of bandits that had been running rampant through the countryside. Brogan was asked along as these bandits were powerful and had the locals in much fear, and not many would ride against them, and his father needed all the men he could trust with him. Seven set out to find the bandit camp, having heard rumour of it's location by a river. When the they found them at twilight the sheriff presented the writs of arrest, but the bandit leader, an infamous ex-noble descended of gypsy blood, laughed and ordered his men to run them off. A huge fight broke out, in which half of the posse was killed. Brogan panicked and bolted as the bodies fell, and his father, trying to protect him, ran after him. He caught up to him by the river and dragged him to the cover of some boulders, but the bandit leader had pursued them, looking to kill the sheriff. The held the sheriff at swordpoint and as he was telling him how he would send his head back to the magistrate as an example to those who would challenge him, Brogan drew his father's pistol from his belt and shot the bandit in the head, dead. His father snatched the smoking gun from his hands and called out to the other bandits that their leader was dead, and for them to surrender. Those that were alive fled. Everyone assumed the sheriff had shot the bandit leader. Not long after returning home, Brogan returned to the capital city to live with his mother's family, ashamed he had met adversity with cowardice and feeling he had let his father down. Soon they too kick him out for not pulling his weight.

Now in the present (well, sorta present, I'll explain), Brogan has made his life into what failed possibilities allowed him to. It's been a few years now since leaving his father, and he's settled into mediocrity. The kingdom is sliding into a civil war. One day a strange young woman shows up brings Brogan his father's sword and badge. He's been killed by son of the bandit leader from long ago, the son who now leads the gang, who have reorganized and become no less conscripts of the corrupt King.

So Brogan leaves everything behind (well, he had nothing), and goes back to the town, which has become near lawless and chaotic in the face of the coming war. He tracks down some information and finds that the gang will be burying one of their officers (who his father had managed to kill before he himself was killed) in a graveyard outside of town.

And that's where I want to see him, in that time before he goes to the showdown at the graveyard, and basically, to die. He has nothing to lose, his life has had no meaning up to this point. He's not a hero, or a skilled gunfighter, or even a secret prodigy, or anything. He's barely a bard. And he's not prepared to kill or fight or give up his life but, he has no other option in his mind. I want to see someone draw him from this time because it is his most defining moment really. This is the image of him that sticks in my head when I think of him. In the long story (which all of this has been a brief and bare summary of only a part) there is more to his tale. A lot more, but it's not so important for this purpose.

He's human, about 20, and generally unimpressive. His hair is unruly and stands up some on his head. He's always poorly shaven. He's not in shape particularly, tall and kind of lanky yet soft around the middle. His charisma is in his rare charm, not his looks, and he looks troubled often. He wears typically drab clothes with a long-tailed overcoat, scarves, and a usally a wide-brimmed hat (but not atthis time), with tall boots for riding. He carries his father's sword at his side, which is a basket-hilted longsword, and currently has several blackpowder pistols (that he's stolen or borrowed) stuck in his belts or carried somehow on his person, two long pistols and a few short ones. Right before he goes to confront the bandits, he puts on his father's badge, which is small and not ornate (it looks like a chevron set in a circle with a simple crown etched in the center). But really, all details are subjective.

Uhm so yeah, if anyone has the time or inclination, I'd really like to see if the vision in my head can be pulled out for everyone to see. I've rambled on too much though.
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Here's a head pic I drew of him. It's made without the description handy, so there might be some discrepancies.


  • brogan.gif
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Smoke and Mirrors

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hey man... I'll give it a shot too. Just give me til' the end of the week. Got mid-term exams and all. I like this character! Certainly not your cookie cutter stereotype hero:D


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mistergone said:
Thanks! That's not half bad... much much better than I could ever do. Anyone else?

Hm you know.. looking at him again... I'm thinking I should call the band he was in "Dexy's Midngiht Runners" Ha, just joking.
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Smoke and Mirrors

First Post
Hey Gone just found a spec of time to get to work. This is what I have so far... I may get some more time this weekend to finish it and polish up the rough parts. Any suggestions on where to go from here just to be sure it turns out ok?


  • bard.jpg
    18.6 KB · Views: 154

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