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Cookin again


What we do is cook the whole turkey and then plan out what to do with the remnants. This section gets chopped up and frozen with the plan of making a turkey quiche in a few weeks, bones get into the pressure cooker for stock, these are leftovers ... etc.

It helps (and hurts), that I'm a turkey addict, I cannot go cold turkey, as I will eat it all, so leftovers don't last as long as they probably ought to.

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Staff member
Cold cuts aside, I was 50/50 on turkey...until I came up with my own method. The year after perfecting my steaming process, I did 10 in 12 months.

(Not just for us, we were sharing.)


Staff member
Are we all having fun yet? YES!

In order to kill multiple avians with an arbitrary amount of mineral, I decided to take a large frozen turkey from my maternal aunt’s freezer and cook it, replacing it with two smaller turkeys for future meals while they were 65¢/lb.

Since neither my nor my aunt’s refrigerators have much space in them due to isolation prepping, I knew I’d be thawing that bird in the sink immediately, and cooking it.

What I had forgotten to account for is that the sink thawing method involves draining and replacing the water every 30min and that it takes 30min/lb to fully thaw the bird.

I’m working with a 23.5lb bird.

* Edit: 21.25lbs

I may be some time.
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I want to make another try at choux pastry, the last time I tried it was a horrble failure. The problem is that ... do those pastries freeze well? Because I don't want to eat an entire batch of eclairs. Or ... I do, but I won't. Yes, these are random quarantine thoughts.


Been drinking dated coffee and eating out of date cereal I found in the cupboard. Best before was November.

Had some over ripe bananas.


Sterilized them in the oven at 180c for 40 minutes.

the Jester

I made a discovery tonight! We have a rosemary bush and it's currently in bloom. I used the blossoms to top some black beans cooked with roasted garlic and lime. Delicious! If you have the opportunity to use rosemary blossoms, I really recommend it.


Limit Break Dancing (He/They)
You've seen those videos of people using the water from a can of garbanzo beans to make meringue, right? Well I got bored, and I was making some hummus and thought, oh what the hell. I saved the bean-juice and poured it into my standing mixer.

1/2 cup bean water
1/2 cup + 2 Tbsp granulated sugar
1 tsp. vanilla extract
1/4 tsp. almond extract

I whipped everything together on the highest speed for ten or fifteen minutes, adding the sugar slowly a spoonful at a time:

And holy carp, it worked! It made stiffer, more stable peaks than egg whites do:

So I figured I'd go with some macarons. I put the meringue into a pastry bag and piped them out onto a sheet of parchment paper. I made cups out of some, disks out of others, and ladyfingers out of still more. It made dozens of cookies, people. DOZENS.

Then I baked them in my oven's lowest setting (I think it was 200 degrees F) for 45 minutes. Then I turned the oven off and let them cool in the oven for another hour and a half or so, until they were completely dry and crisp:

While they were drying, I made some fillings. For the cup-shaped cookies, I just phoned it in and filled them with some strawberry jam. For the disks, I made a dough out of 1 part maple syrup and 3 parts chunky peanut butter, and sandwiched it between two of the little "macarons" I had made. And for the ladyfingers, I got all kinds of fancy: I made a paste out of 1 part honey and 1 part tahini, spread it in a thin layer across the top of the ladyfingers, and then pressed the cookie into a bowl of toasted sesame seeds:
4_Final Product.jpg

I'm not going to say they were "just as good" as the same cookies would have been if they were made from egg. But the flavor is pretty danged close, and the texture is a little crispier.

Next time, I'm going to skip the vanilla and almond extracts, and use peppermint instead.
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