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D&D General aasimar in human society

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Goblin Queen (She/Her/Hers)
Depends on the society. As humans with a bit of celestial influence in their bloodline, I imagine they might have a high place in societies where celestials are revered, and a low place in societies where celestials are viewed poorly. This is really a question for your DM (or for you to decide if you are the DM).

The suicide comment seems very strange. I can’t imagine why that would be any more common among aasimar than any other race. Also, taken in context with your earlier question of if they look like wax figures, I get the impression someone is either giving you intentional misinformation about aasimar in canon, or else has their own take on aasimar for their homebrew campaign. You might get more helpful advice if you were more specific about why you’re asking these questions about aasimar.


You might also consider sticking with one aasimar thread and adding all of your follow-on questions to that one. What do you have, something like half a dozen threads on aasimars now? You might be better served asking all of your questions in one thread instead of creating a new aasimar thread for each question you have.



If I had to guess, I believe the reference to suicide comes from the Scourge Aasimar's ability which deals damage to the aasimar and has been known to take an aasimar down in corner cases. It has been referenced as Aasimar suicide in some threads.

The books are a bit unclear on how aasimar appear when not actively using their abilities. In some places, it implies they are indistinguishable from humans when their abilities are not active. As such, they could blend in, or choose to stand out.


Steeliest of the dragons
Yeah, I'd say this is entirely up to the DM and campaign setting -culture by culture.

Are they "blessed/touched by the gods?" Or are they actual direct genetic descendants of gods/celestials/angels? Are angels walking around the world...and if they do, is mating with mortals something they do or is condoned at all?

Do people believe that even possible or are they believed to be actually half-demons/cambions in sheep's clothing? Are they shameful half-breeds of repugnant, "inhuman," ancestry...or exalted paragons of the potential of human goodness and perfection?

Or is your game/group/DM/campaign world just a melting pot hodge-podge kitchen sink where "everyone/every- species is special, so no one is" and you can find all peoples within a single city. So, no one blinks twice if you have horns or pointy ears or a tail or glow or feathered wings or polka-dotted-skin or white eyes or walk around with a head ringed with a flaming halo, glittering stars or green hellfire...shrug.

Is human society "Wow! Look! Is that a real elf?!" or "A beardless dwarf, purple minotaur, and hovering half-angel walk into a bar... and, oh look, they have a human with them, too! How very odd and original."

Aasimar can be ANY of the above, within a society...and any of these OTHER things to individuals or organizations or religions WITHIN that society.

There is no "X species is Y in Z society" in D&D. It is up to the campaign setting/world you are in and DM's detail of such matters.

Basic way of seeing the various planetouched races back in 2e or the more Planescape based interpretations of them:
Aasimar are the "Model Minority Group"
Tieflings are the "Marginalized Minority Group"
Genasi are somewhere in between the other two.

In my settins they suffer the tall poppy syndrome, when somebody is hated by possible rivals and envious because they stand out about the rest. And they suffer a great presurre to look perfect saints or they are tagged as "wolves with shepp's clothing". Shakespeare said "be thou as chaste as ice, as pure as snow, thou shalt not escape calumny". Most of assimars are descendets of half-celestial petitioners, most of them members of noble houses who could allow themself a lower-cost version of resurection because they were "good kids", or elite members of the army.

They aren't treated well at all. In fact they usually meet gruesome ends at the hands of jealous humans.


(Aasimar depicted wearing white sock)

Voidrunner's Codex

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