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D&D General Digital Maps for Roll20

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Far into No Man's Land there's a peculiar place. Boiling tar bubbles without end, and the remains of giant beasts, long forgotten by the implacable passage of time, give us a glimpse into the distant past.

Another overgrown relic is in the middle of it all, the hollow trunk of an ancient tree. Those who venture inside it are said to never come back. But often times these rumors are greatly exaggerated.

Are the heroes brave enough to venture here, in this desolate landscape?

Tar Pit 22x33



An always needed terrain, this further continuation of cave systems is sure to be handy once you start sending your players start exploring the depths of the Earth.

Oh, but it seems someone has managed to be here before the party even imagined to set foot, as evidenced by the multiple barrels and crates lying around. Is this, by any chance, the start of a bigger hideout that lies deeper?

Cave Tunnels 22x33



The adventuring party comes across an encampment in the frozen wilderness, but will the mighty warriors who rest there be friends or foes?

The huge bonfire in the middle provides a beacon of light for the heroes, who tired of travelling along the snow seek for refuge.

But the proud warriors will not just let anyone rest with them, for they will have to prove themselves worthy of the company of seasoned fighters.

Snowy Warriors Camp 30x30



Civilizations rise and fall and sometimes all we have as evidence of their existence are the remnants of the structures that once stood proud.

Now reclaimed by nature once again these ruins serve as hotspots for brave heroes in search for adventure and treasure. But they better be careful, for it is said that some ancient spirits can't let go of their previous life and still roam the places they used to visit most when alive.

So, are the heroes still brave enough?

Forest Ruins 22x33



I need to come up with an adventure involving some tunnels beneath a ruined palace. These maps (especially the underground ones) are giving me ideas. Thanks for posting them!


The party of adventurers has now reached a city filled with canals. A beautiful sight to behold, indeed.

But not so practical once the chase starts and our heroes are forced to jump around boats and swim once they fall.

They can run, and they can try to hide, but will they be successful at it? Or will this city finally get the best of them?

Canal City 30x30



At last, battle after battle in the damp dungeon, the heroes have reached the Vampire Lord’s inner sanctum. A place where blood keeps flowing from the countless victims that their fiendish minions have captured.

The vampire will use this to their advantage and will drink to replenish energy as needed from the blood fountain at the center of the room.

The adventurers will have to think their movements carefully or risk fighting a battle that cannot be won.

Vampire Sanctum 26x26



The undead fortress lies before the mighty adventurers, they who have triumphed over hordes upon hordes of evil beings. Now, one of their most fearsome challenges await behind the ancient doors of this dark castle.

But getting inside won’t be an easy matter, for a few dangers are waiting outside the foul fortress’ walls.

A moat filled with green ooze could dissolve someone at any time. And a bridge of bones that maybe isn’t just a bridge, but a place where resuscitated skeletons spawn until the end of time. They’re ready to grab the adventurer’s ankles as soon as they try to cross.

Will they make it inside or will they perish before they set a foot across the door’s threshold?

Skeleton Fortress Entrance 30x30


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