D&D General Digital Maps for Roll20


Greetings, everyone!

For the past few months I have been drawing some maps for Roll20 (and other virtual table tops) and I wanted to show them here as well, maybe some of you will find them useful for their online sessions.

Most of my maps are squared so it shouldn't be too much of a hassle to place them on Roll20.

Thank you for taking a look!

River Crossing 36x36


Mountain Pass 38x38


High Ground: Forest 36x36


Ancient Altar 42x42


Small Farm 40x40


Forest Path 30x30


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Hey guys, I'm back this week with another forest map. It's something that's simple in concept, but that can be used in a wide variety of adventures and campaigns: it's a crossroads map!

I try to give my players as much freedom as I possible can, and presenting them with multiple paths they can take makes for a lot of interesting exploration possibilities. Maybe they'll decide to visit a kingdom you hadn't planned on them visiting and have lots of excellent adventures you otherwise wouldn't have had.

The map lends itself well enough to be of use those times where the party is chasing some enemies and, using their tracking skills, decide on which route to take. Quite great when the ranger rolls a 1 and they end up going to who knows where.

Crossroads 28x28



This week I have a very exciting map for you guys! I initially set out to make a simple lava pass, but after a couple of iterations I came up with a very interesting design.

The objective of this one is to cross from one side to the next, but the catch is that there isn't an easy way to do it. At least not without the help of some wizardry.

I decided to place a floating rock in the middle, suspended by the magic of the crystals that surround it. These crystals could, if you so choose, teleport party members from one to the other. They could be activated by touching them, by sacrificing an item (sapphires, emeralds, rubies, etc) or by casting the right spell.

But that's not all, even with the teleportation magic, they still need to work together and use the items they have at their disposal (rope for example) to successfully traverse the terrain.

Use that simple puzzle with the addition of some enemies and you got a pretty intense encounter! Especially if the enemies use the crystals to their advantage and teleport the party members around (the teleportation might have an area of effect). And do try to push your players down to the lava just like I love doing for added challenge.

Lastly, I had another idea where the party stumbles upon a powerful adversary. This enemy of theirs is sealed away deep underground by the power of the crystals. But their magic is fading, and they will have no choice but to set the evil free and destroy it before it grows too powerful.

As to who put those devices here, in this inhospitable place, I'll leave that up to you.

As an aside, I think this map could go very well in a Nine Hells setting or similar, or if you're sending your players deep underground.

Oh, and here's a variant with no crystals, should you find that more useful.

Lava Pass 22x30


Lava Pass No Crystal Variant 22x30


This week I have for you another forest map for you to use. This map is partly based on an adventure I ran for my group about a year ago, which in turn is heavily based on a Lovecraft story. And Skyrim, because why not.

That time I was skimming over one of the Pathfinder bestiaries for some cool monsters. And even though we play D&D almost exclusively, I very often go to the many PF bestiaries for more weird and unique monsters.

Anyway, I came upon the Color Out Of Space entry and it was a perfect fit since I was looking to run a one-shot horror adventure. We ended up basically recreating the Lovecraft story in a D&D setting. I had them investigate a spooky town for clues, there was a huge crater involved, crazy townsfolk infected by the space color, all the good stuff.

Like in the story, the Color was hiding inside the local well, which they eventually fought. Now on this map, the well is in the forest, so maybe your players can find some unspeakable horrors lurking within it while exploring the wilderness. Or maybe not, it looks just like regular well after all.

Near it, I drew an abandoned shack (similar to those you find when wandering around in Skyrim) that you can furnish to your liking. Perhaps your players can find a dead body with a mysterious note, incriminating one of the local lords in the grizzly murder of a beloved townsperson, or maybe they just use the shack to protect themselves from the large group of goblins who're terribly mad at them because the rogue stole their belongings, as rogues tend to do.

There's also a variant with basic furnishings in case you find that more convenient.

Shack In The Forest 22x30


Shack In The Forest Furnished Variant 22x30


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