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D&D General DALL·E 3 does amazing D&D art


1990s high school yearbook photos. Teenage dwarves, elves, halflings, orcs and other fantasy races.

_6a8b8247-fec9-44ef-af29-89f6442ea884.jpg _399e4ae9-dfb8-4a94-91af-dff30788693a.jpg _060241d8-121b-4622-b0e6-d293674ba929.jpg _97770643-60d2-4324-9619-ce3bf86be21a.jpg

I like how it occasionally gives me illustrations rather than fake photos. Also, that's one precocious baby in image #2!

Also, those mostly still like pretty 80s to me. (Says the guy who was a teenager in the 90s.)

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1950s high school yearbook photos. Teenage dwarves, elves, halflings, orcs and other fantasy races.

_9d19be92-3f92-4c07-980b-107cb616bd17.jpg _3940ef5f-6c53-4c6e-aa93-0640a84a0878.jpg _b3aa6b26-0df1-4d49-8707-a9feb2d954f7.jpg _e8b2a8ab-15e3-4fac-af83-538e2699ce18.jpg

I'd say the individual images themselves aren't that great, but that's probably because it's trying to do multiple people at once, and it always struggles with that. It does seem to get the concept of a page of high school yearbook portraits, and @Parmandur demonstrated upthread that it does individual images pretty well.


Always In School Gamer
Last one for the night. Threw DALL-E some Jim Morrison lyrics...

There's danger on the edge of town
Ride the King's Highway, baby
Weird scenes inside the gold mine
Ride the highway west, baby
Ride the snake, ride the snake
To the lake, the ancient lake, baby
The snake, he's long, seven miles
Ride the snake
He's old and his skin is cold
The west is the best
The west is the best
Get here and we'll do the rest
The blue bus is calling us
The blue bus is calling us
Driver, where you taking us?

Got some interesting interpretations:




GENERATED PROMPT 1: A surreal landscape depicting a mystical journey, inspired by the lyrics 'There's danger on the edge of town, Ride the King's Highway, baby, Weird scenes inside the gold mine, Ride the highway west, baby. The snake, he's long, seven miles, Ride the snake, He's old and his skin is cold.' The image features a long, winding snake-like road leading towards a distant town on the edge of a vivid, golden-hued desert, symbolizing a gold mine. The road is flanked by surreal, dreamlike elements, such as abstract shapes and floating objects, hinting at the weird scenes. The environment is bathed in a dramatic sunset, casting long shadows and creating an atmosphere of mystery and danger. The overall mood is enigmatic and mystical, evoking a sense of a mysterious journey into the unknown.
GENERATED PROMPT 2: An ethereal, abstract representation of a gold mine, inspired by the lyrics 'Weird scenes inside the gold mine.' The scene is an underground cavern, filled with surreal, golden artifacts and treasures that glow with an ethereal light. The walls of the mine are adorned with intricate patterns and textures, shimmering in shades of gold, amber, and bronze. The atmosphere is magical and otherworldly, with floating golden particles and beams of light piercing through the darkness, creating a mystical and enchanting environment. This visualization captures the essence of wonder, mystery, and the surreal nature of the lyrical imagery.
GENERATED PROMPT 3: A surreal landscape depicting the edge of a town, with a golden, winding highway leading towards a distant, mysterious gold mine. The scene is set in a dreamlike, fantastical version of the American West, with a giant, serpentine snake winding along the highway, stretching seven miles in length. Its skin is old and cold, adding a sense of ancient mystery. The background features a vast, tranquil lake, referred to as 'the ancient lake', surrounded by mystical, ethereal scenery. The overall atmosphere is one of eerie beauty and surrealism, with vivid colors and a mystical aura.
GENERATED PROMPT 4: A digital painting of a mysterious blue bus traveling on a desolate, winding road in a dreamlike desert setting, inspired by 'The blue bus is calling us, Driver, where you taking us?'. The bus glows with a soft, ethereal light, hinting at its otherworldly nature. The desert is bathed in twilight hues, with long shadows and a sense of eerie tranquility. In the sky, surreal elements like floating shapes or a moon larger than usual, enhance the mystical atmosphere. The bus appears to be journeying towards an unknown, enigmatic destination, evoking a sense of intrigue and anticipation. Drawn with digital brushes, twilight ambiance, surreal elements, fantasy artisan prompt, hd quality, natural look.
GENERATED PROMPT 5: A fantasy scene depicting a mystical snake, long and ancient, coiling around a vibrant, otherworldly landscape, inspired by 'The snake, he's long, seven miles, Ride the snake, He's old and his skin is cold.' The snake's scales shimmer with an iridescent glow, contrasting with the cold, dark hues of its ancient skin. The landscape around it is a blend of surreal and natural elements, with fantastical flora and a shimmering lake reflecting the twilight sky. The atmosphere is both enchanting and eerie, with a sense of timelessness and mystery. Drawn with mystical elements, vibrant colors against dark tones, fantasy artisan prompt, hd quality, natural look.


Always In School Gamer
Ok, really, really the last one. I threw in some lyrics from Ren's Animal Flow and well...
Animal flow, you're in the mind of a cannibal king where chaos and anarchy roam
And trouble is bubbling under the skin, a certain insanity shows
Whenever I pick up the mic and begin
Whenever these words that I write with my pen come alive they ignite like I pulled out the pin
Animal flow (rah)
Out in the jungle, I’m ready for war
I'm beating your brains with a bat and I’m swinging it back and it's booky, I bite 'cause I’m bored
Lord of the Cannibals, bro
A murderous mind that you can’t ignore
I wait and react with combat on the counterattack, I'm the king of the junglе, I roar

The Cannibal King in the Jungle

GENERATED PROMPT: A digital painting of a fierce cannibal king, adorned with primitive and menacing tribal attire, standing amidst a dense jungle. Dark, overgrown foliage surrounds him, creating an atmosphere of mystery and danger. The king's eyes glow with a mix of madness and cunning, reflecting his brutal nature. Sharp details, ominous shadows, vivid jungle colors, fantasy artisan style, hd quality, natural look.

The Cannibal King's Insanity

GENERATED PROMPT: An abstract portrayal of the cannibal king's mind, filled with swirling colors and surreal imagery that represent his insanity. Elements of the jungle blend with fantastical and nightmarish creatures, illustrating the king's disturbed thoughts. Abstract forms, swirling patterns, dark and intense colors, fantasy artisan style, hd quality, natural look.

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