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WotC WotC President Cynthia Williams Resigns

Leaves the company after two years of leadership.

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Cynthia Williams, who has been president of Wizards of the Coast for the last two years, will be leaving the company at the end of the month, according to an SEC filing dated April 15th. Hasbro is already looking for somebody to step into the role.

Williams worked for Microsoft on the Gaming Ecosystem Commercial Team before joining WotC two years ago, stepping into the role that then-president Chris Cocks vacated when he was promoted to CEO of Hasbro in February 2022.

Item 5.02 Departure of Directors or Certain Officers; Election of Directors; Appointment of Certain Officers; Compensatory Arrangements of Certain Officers.
On April 15, 2024, Cynthia Williams, President of Wizards of the Coast and Hasbro Gaming, informed the Company of her resignation from the Company effective April 26, 2024. The Company is conducting a process to identify her successor, looking at both internal and external candidates.

According to Rascal News, WotC responded with a comment: "We’re excited for Cynthia to take the next step in her career and grateful for the contributions she has made in her more than two years at Wizards and Hasbro. We wish her the absolute best in her next endeavor. We have started the search for our next President of Wizards of the Coast and hope to have a successor in place soon."

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Same 3 or 4 people who denied anything happened the whole time.

Who said nothing happened? It happened. They changed their minds and it was never implemented. Things were put into CC so it could never happen again. They're starting to open up DDB to 3PP, which should be a significant benefit those 3PP companies. People make mistakes, I don't see the point of demonizing them forever. 🤷‍♂️

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The vast majority of people who are still dissatisfied with WotC's solution to their very poor OGL decision will be until they decide not to be, no matter what further actions are taken.
I honestly I personally think believing this (if you actually do, which I doubt) shows a profound lack of understanding of how humans and other people operate. To me, this seems like pure "internet-man" think, the whole "goalposts on a truck" metaphor is absolutely weapons-grade deep-Reddit stuff. People don't even care as much as you seem think they do.


I hope you are that principled, that clearly would make you a small minority

I am not expecting that she was, she stuck by the party line and that is it, at least until you have something better as evidence.

Even if she supported it, that does not mean it was her idea. I am more interested in the latter than the former
Oh it was clearly NOT her idea, as the time to structure OGL 1.1 would have been more than when she began at WotC.

Feb 2022 - Jan 2023.

11 months would have been to short to have that developed, so it was her predecessor, former WotC lead and current Hasbro CEO Chris Cocks idea, but she towed the company line.

I doubt this was planned by Greg Leeds to revoke the OGL back in 2014 before he left WotC. Could have been Brian Goldner under the influence of cancer meds?

Who said nothing happened? It happened. They changed their minds and it was never implemented. Things were put into CC so it could never happen again. They're starting to open up DDB to 3PP, which should be a significant benefit those 3PP companies. People make mistakes, I don't see the point of demonizing them forever. 🤷‍♂️
Do you see how you claiming people are "demonizing" WotC is itself demonization of people? It's not helpful. WotC aren't demons and neither are people who don't love them.

The reality is, people don't care enough about WotC to demonize it at this point. People have mostly stopped thinking about the OGL 2.0. This includes WotC, who have stopped thinking about the quasi-promises they made in that era too. If WotC screw up again, that will all come back in a hurry, just like how you forgave your neighbour for running over your fence with his terrible parking skills, but when you come back from work, see your flower garden crushed, check your cameras and see his Model Y rolling over them, suddenly you are going to remember about that fence.

(this is a very "wealthy suburbanite" metaphor I admit!!!)


Do you see how you claiming people are "demonizing" WotC is itself demonization of people? It's not helpful. WotC aren't demons and neither are people who don't love them.

The reality is, people don't care enough about WotC to demonize it at this point. People have mostly stopped thinking about the OGL 2.0. This includes WotC, who have stopped thinking about the quasi-promises they made in that era too. If WotC screw up again, that will all come back in a hurry, just like how you forgave your neighbour for running over your fence with his terrible parking skills, but when you come back from work, see your flower garden crushed, check your cameras and see his Model Y rolling over them, suddenly you are going to remember about that fence.

(this is a very "wealthy suburbanite" metaphor I admit!!!)

Some people on this forum openly wish for WotC's failure. That they will never, ever, forgive them and take every opportunity to bring it up and remind everyone how terrible WotC is no matter how tangential it is to the thread topic. So yes, I do consider it demonization and holding a grudge. Were people right to be upset at the time? Not my call because honestly I don't really have any skin in the game on that one but I can understand why they were. But still this upset, bringing it up at every opportunity a year and a half after the idea was hatched? Yeah, I call that demonization and holding a grudge. It feels like latching on to an excuse to trash the company.

If I had a friend (or neighbor) that made a mistake and ran over my petunias last year, but they paid to fix the fence? Yes I would forgive them. No, I would not bring it up again, even during an argument. It's not good for your mental health or relationships to continuously bring up past mistakes. Of course, once again, I don't trust corporations in the first place so it's kind of apples and oranges.


The EN World kitten
A minority of people (not talking companies here) still care, they are still offended. So offended minority is just my best description of the group, if there's a better description let me know.
The better description is "people who were negatively impacted by WotC's incredibly poor decision." It's more of a mouthful, but it's also far more accurate.
But nobody I actually interact with in person cares anymore, for that matter only a few even knew about it.
Well that's a rather poor metric, isn't it? Nobody that I interact with cares anymore about any number of issues, or are even aware of them; that doesn't mean they aren't important.
DndBeyond is starting to open up to 3PP, which could greatly improve marketing opportunities for at least some companies that were producing product related to D&D before last year. I have no idea what the people running those companies think, and was not addressing their concerns. I mean, I just got Tome of Beasts from Kobold Press because it's not on DDB. I would assume that for the people at KP that it's enough of an olive branch. Paizo of course made a big deal out of it but they weren't directly supporting D&D anyway and I'm not surprised that they took advantage of the issue to differentiate their product a bit and I don't blame them.
I'm honestly not sure what point you're trying to make here. "Directly supporting D&D" isn't the criteria that's best used in this situation, because there's a lot more to the whole thing than just D&D. Honestly, I'm shocked at how I need to keep reminding people that there's more to the OGL than just D&D 5E, and that releasing the 5.1 SRD into the Creative Commons didn't ameliorate everything for everybody.

There are other OGL-based games out there, and other small companies (smaller than Kobold Press and Paizo) who support them. Being able to put 5E products on DDB doesn't do anything for them, and neither does a CC-BY-4.0 release of the 5.1 SRD. They don't have the staff or resources to make a brand new game, and don't want to anyway; why are their concerns not part of the conversation? Those are the little guys who, quite frankly, deserve more sympathy than WotC.
Somebody in HASBRO management made a stupid call that was never implemented, but if it affects the business decisions of any 3PP going forward that's their call. I don't trust WOTC any less now because I never trusted them. I'm not being dismissive, I just don't see the point of holding a grudge.
There were people who said (on these boards, no less) that they didn't see the point of pushing back against the OGL v1.0a's revocation, that it was as good as dead and that there was nothing that could be done about it, and that by being stubborn and complaining all that we were doing was giving up a chance to negotiate for a less-bad license. I didn't respect that point of view then; I see no reason to respect a similar one about "what's the point of not forgiving WotC?" now.

Hasbro/WotC made a call that negatively impacted the community; that impact is still being felt, ergo there's moral virtue in them doing more to address it (and moral fault in failing to do so). You can say that it's foolish to expect a company to care about morals at all, that they're amoral entities who exist only to make profit, and that's not wrong...but when they do something that harms the community I care about in order to make profit, I'm not just going to forgive and forget that. I'm going to instead say that they have a responsibility to make it right, and so far they haven't lived up to it.
What if "where it was" isn't really where we want it? After all, one person's "balkanization" is another's "diversity of design possibilities".
You can have diversity of design without having barriers that actively prevent cross-pollination. There was nothing about the OGL which prevented a Tales of the Valiant or a remastering of Pathfinder 2E. The difference is that now, those products, published under different licenses, can't make use of works published under the OGL. Possibilities have been closed off, and we're all poorer for that.


I honestly I personally think believing this (if you actually do, which I doubt) shows a profound lack of understanding of how humans and other people operate. To me, this seems like pure "internet-man" think, the whole "goalposts on a truck" metaphor is absolutely weapons-grade deep-Reddit stuff. People don't even care as much as you seem think they do.

30 years of being online gives me a high confidence in how people behave online. The people who still talk about this in terms of betrayal and being made whole - they care very much ( though about what may not be that overlappy a Venn Diagram ) about keeping this alive.

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