This character sheet contains many basics and gives plenty of room for writing (in my opinion).
While it does not have the usual information where one would write undead turning, thieving skills, etc, it does have a rather large "Notes" section at the back for such information or other classes to put whatever they might want! This could include permanent abilities they can get through the campaign, their original stats, important story info.. pretty much anything the player wishes to write down. :3
I tried to make sure enough room was given for most standard 2nd edition characters and that virtually everything was included for the basics. For the sake of aesthetics, I included a watermark on each page. Enjoy!
Edit: Now I've included the file I designed for spells as well! For those who are curious, the first page on the Spell Sheets is.. well.. the first spell sheet page, and the second is for the rest of the sheets. I also included a watermark on them. The first page includes a table at the top for priests and wizards to know how many spells per day they may cast. The 'D' portion indicates Dweomers, or 10th level spells as they tend to be sometimes called. Mind, the 'Dweomer' spells are ones that are above 20th level, as indicated in the High-Level Campaign options book. Typically these are very, very special spells that aren't normally allowed in most games, but it is ultimately up to the DM. Enjoy!