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Search results

  1. WampusCat43

    OotS 667 up

    Not sure what the last panel is all about.
  2. WampusCat43

    The Elfish Gene

    Interesting upcoming book.
  3. WampusCat43

    Monster Initiative Cards

    I'm a big fan of using these in combat for players and characters. Attached is a Word .doc consisting of a 2x2 table, each cell of which is formatted similarly to the stat blocks used in the latest Dungeon. The various power symbols I gleefully yoinked from right here on ENWorld - let me know...
  4. WampusCat43

    Goblin swarm! Every pregen vs. every type of goblin

    I ran my players through a 4e gauntlet the other night. 3 players taking 2 pregens apiece (a 4th player showed up later, and got the rogue). We also used a set of the beautiful power cards that were developed here on ENWorld (much thanks for that effort – they are awesome). They went up...
  5. WampusCat43

    CartoGraph - anybody used it?

    Hadn't seen this before I like the idea of building tile-based maps quickly.
  6. WampusCat43

    Rogue is too sneaky

    One of my players has created an ultimate sneaky rogue - a 10th level halfling shadowdancer with every synergy bonus and magic item he could afford, giving him Hide and Move Silently numbers in the 30s. He has no magic weapons and a strength penalty, so his attack shtick consists of hiding in...
  7. WampusCat43

    Advertising in the Arena

    My group's about to enter the Champion's Games (part of the Age of Worms saga). I thought it would make the city (in this case, Waterdeep) more memorable if there was advertising at the games, similar to what we have on the walls at baseball games and such. So far, I've got a wall banner that...
  8. WampusCat43

    D&D II - movie on SciFi

    Will it ever be shown again? I can't find a schedule for it on that sorry scifi.com website. Any feedback would be appreciated.
  9. WampusCat43

    Wind Walk is killing my campaign!

    Maybe that's a little overstated, but it's killing me as DM. Anybody got a variant that's a little more...manageable? I used to only have to prepare for a few locations for a session, now they can be virtually anywhere, and can scout out places virtually unseen. Way too much work for me. I...
  10. WampusCat43

    Making slimes, Not going to tell you how I found this

  11. WampusCat43

    Flaming arrows vs. a dragon with DR, what do you think?

    This situation came up last night, and I had about four options and no idea which one should have held forth. A ranger PC was firing normal arrows from a +1 bow at a dragon with DR 5/magic. The arrows had Flame Arrow cast on them. The question was how much of the damage (on the rare occasion...
  12. WampusCat43

    TPK last night - 1st one (sniff)

    Sarkrith Smackdown Situation: Our four heroes, all 9th-10th level, having just beat up on an adult black dragon, find their way to its lair in the hope of finishing him off. Instead, they find its two allies, a Sarkrith spelleater and thane. The PC's just waded in, with virtually no buffs in...
  13. WampusCat43

    Controlling undead - how long does it last?

    One of my players is running a necro variant that can command undead like a cleric. He was disgusted when I told him the control only lasts for 10 rounds, as if it were a form of turning. He thinks it's permanent, which is a big difference obviously. I can't tell from the rules, and wanted to...