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Search results

  1. GuJiaXian

    D&D Dungeon Tiles

    I have a decent collection of D&D Dungeon Tiles that I'm looking to get rid of. However, I have no idea exactly which sets I have anymore, nor do I know how much any of this is worth. I know that I have the following: Dungeon Tiles Master Set: The Wilderness Dungeon Tiles Master Set: The...
  2. GuJiaXian

    WotBS WotBS Online

    Are there any updates concerning WotBS Online?
  3. GuJiaXian

    Farplane campaign idea - need feedback

    I love H.P. Lovecraft. I’ve always loved his unique blend of psychological horror and eldritch monsters from beyond time. His influences on modern roleplaying are obvious. For example, take D&D’s Farplane, with its myriad aberrations and such. Still, it’s always bothered me that even with as...
  4. GuJiaXian

    Selling a 3.X collection

    Perhaps this is the wrong forum to ask a question like this, and if so I apologize in advance. I'm thinking about selling the bulk of my 3.x books (about 30 books). I've looked to see what they're "going for" used on Amazon, and I've glanced some at eBay. What I'd really like to do is just sell...
  5. GuJiaXian

    Rules Compendium

    Simply put, is the book worth it? I have a fair number of early 4E books (I haven't actively played in quite a while), but I own none of the Essentials stuff. I know a lot of rules have been reworked, like stealth, skill encounters (or whatever they're called), and such. Having all the...
  6. GuJiaXian

    Dream shroud

    Spoilers! Tonight I'm running the last bit of adventure 1. In it, the PCs have the opportunity to find a "dream shroud" on a dead sorcerer. The text (page 37 of the b&w hardcover) says that the item is described in Appendix A. I searched (even did a keyword search in my pdf) and found nothing...
  7. GuJiaXian

    WotBS WotBS Images

    Is there anywhere that I can download the images for the WotBS adventures (as well as the Player's Guide)? I always build a wiki for my campaigns, and I'd like to post portraits, city maps, and the like.
  8. GuJiaXian

    Link - All the campaign settings on ONE world map

    The link seems to be missing in today's news item. Anyone have the link lying around?
  9. GuJiaXian

    WotBS Tell me about WotBS

    I've read the short, paragraph-long "synopses" for each of the WotBS adventures here on ENWorld. It looks cool, and I have good memories of buying the hardback Shackled City AP and running through it with our gaming group. However, I'm simply not willing to spring $50 (much less $200 for the...
  10. GuJiaXian

    D&D Retro-clones

    For some reason, over the past week or so I've had a real itch to play "classic" D&D. By way of explanation, the bulk of my pre-3.X experience with the game has been via video games (ala Baldur's Gate and such). Therefore, I'm simply not as familiar with exactly which edition or products I...
  11. GuJiaXian

    RPGA Reward Ship Tiles

    Since the Marketplace no longer exists, Morrus said to post this here. I'm selling two complete-in-wrap sheets of the RPGA Rewards ship tiles. Take a look at: eBay - New & used electronics, cars, apparel, collectibles, sporting goods & more at low prices Also, I'm selling Khyber's Harvest...
  12. GuJiaXian

    ENWorld Marketplace

    Where's the link to the Marketplace? I can't seem to find it anywhere.
  13. GuJiaXian

    D&D 3E/3.5 3.5 animal companions

    I'm looking to build a RAW character who specializes in animal companions, eventually taking the Beast Master PrC from CA. However, I'm not sure about the best way to do it--should I go ranger (coupled with Natural Bond) or druid? I don't see this character as really specializing in magic...
  14. GuJiaXian

    Explain the Essentials to me

    I've been away from 4E for some time. Our gaming group didn't like it much, and in the meantime we've played 3.x, Pathfinder, and a number of non-D&D-related systems. Now, however, I've convinced them to sit down and try 4E again. And WotC tosses out this "not 4.5E!" set of products. Now, I...
  15. GuJiaXian

    Swarm character

    I want to build a 3.x character who can easily (and, preferably, at will) turn into a swarm (bats are most iconic, but any type works). So, to that end, I'm looking for methods on who to do this without using any house rules and such. A few of the options I've noticed include the Swarm-Shifter...
  16. GuJiaXian

    La Crosse, WI

    My name is Christopher. I just moved to La Crosse, WI yesterday for a new job. My family is still back in the Atlanta area until our house there sells, so for the time being I'm alone here. I'd love to get into a good gaming group, though I know nothing about the area. I'm experienced with D&D...
  17. GuJiaXian

    3.x solo adventures

    My wife and I are looking at starting up with 3.x again, likely with the Pathfinder rules. However, our situation is such that it's easier to play with small groups (often just me and my wife). I've played 3.x since it was released, and I cannot remember any solo adventures/modules. Please toss...
  18. GuJiaXian

    4e Skill Challenges

    All right, I have to admit that, despite playing 4e as both player and DM, I simply don't get how to really integrate skill challenges, specifically the roleplaying-based out-of-combat ones. Every time I try one (specifically as the DM), it brings the flow of the game to a crashing halt as...
  19. GuJiaXian

    Which edition to play

    This is not an edition war thread. It's an opportunity for others to toss advice my way as I try to figure out what I like (and dislike) about various editions of D&D. I own tons of 3.x books. I own tons of 4e books (I also hold an active DDI subscription). I've played 3.x since it was...
  20. GuJiaXian

    Paying for Game Day

    I DM'd the DMG2 Game Day this afternoon. Usually the store has three or more concurrent Game Day sessions going on, but today virtually no one showed up. In fact, even after pulling in the one other DM that showed up, my game only had four players (one guy doubled up on characters). So, why the...