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Search results

  1. A

    D&D 5E Time and the Fey wild

    One of my players recently asked about how I am handling time in the Feywild in our campaign; specifically that in some versions of the Feywild, time runs differently than in the material plane. The question arose because another player is going to be changing characters soon, and wants to...
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    D&D 5E Helping New Players: A Collective Wisdom Thread

    The discussion about "new user experience" in the thread about Kate Welch leaving WOTC got me to thinking about my experience trying to help people learn to play D&D 5e. I thought it would be interesting to sharing wisdom/experience/best practices in helping people new to the game learn it...
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    D&D 5E Best low/no prep Tier 1 AL modules

    I’ve started play AL at an FLGS in my area. Yesterday they were long on players and short on DMs, so I agreed to DM a table. Fortunately I have DM’d a few AL modules, even though I haven’t done so as official AL before. I was able to have them print out one I’d run before yesterday. While I go...
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    D&D 5E Player insists on his character carrying unconscious revival around

    I run a weekly game for high school/early college students. I’m older—literally old enough to be their mother. We are doing TOA. A few sessions back, the party encountered some rivals; they killed most of them, one ran away, another was knocked unconscious. While in theory we play “weekly”...
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    Some posts showing as empty in app

    This is new since the forum change. I use the app (on an iPad running iOS 12) a lot, and some posts have been empty. I thought folks had just deleted the text until I ran across it in a play by post thread and checked the website. In that case, the empty post was in color in the thread. The post...
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    D&D 5E Teleport and TOA [Spoilers]

    I’ve been running TOA for some time now as a “drop-in” game at my local library. While new characters/players are always welcome, I have a group of regulars, except that they aren’t all always able to be there on a given week; so the party composition varies. We have generally dealt with this...
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    Best 2 hour adventures for newbies

    My son’s high school is doing a “May Day” event with “alternative learning options.” One of those options is DnD. My son will be one of the DMs, but I’ve been recruited as a second, as enough students have signed up that he thinks a 2nd DM would be good. I’m looking for suggestions of...
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    Beefing Up Mbala (TOA Spoilers)

    Later today my players will reach Mbala. Their characters are a mix of 4th and 5th level; they are currently accompanied by 3 NPCs: Musharib (CR1), Artus Cimber (CR 7), and Dragonbait (CR 5). In Mbala they will encounter a Green Hag (CR 3) and a Flesh Golem (CR 5) I'm concerned about this...
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    Looking for 1 on 1 infiltration type adventures

    We are a DnD playing family, my (teen) son in particular. One week of our summer vacation will be spent in a location with very little that appeals to him, and not much more that appeals to me. (There are good reasons for this, and neither one of us are complaining; compromise is something...
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    How to Use Hard Cover Adventures in AL League Play

    So, as I understand it, both season 6 (TfYP) and season 7 (TOA) of AL league play depend heavily on the published (hardcover) adventures to fill out the season, in contrast to earlier seasons when the adventures were "parallel" to the hardcover adventures. I'm trying to figure out how this...
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    D&D 5E Air and Water Spells for a sorcerer

    I'm currently playing a Water Genasi fighter (level 1) who will multiclass into storm sorcerer at level 2, and probably only level up as sorcerer going forward. Her backstory is that her sorcerous bloodline is due to an air genasi ancestor who was also a storm sorcerer. So I want her spells to...
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    D&D 5E SCAG like cantrips for ranged weapon attacks?

    I'm playing a fighter 1/storm sorcerer X is a pbp. Still level 1, so fighter only, but looking ahead to sorcerer. The DM is open to homebrew. I'm thinking about home brewing a cantrip similar to one of the SCAG cantrips, but for ranged weapons. It seems to me that I've seen a discussion about...
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    D&D 5E Would you do a skill check? If so, what kind? [Slight LMOP Spoiler]

    Background (skip if you like): Sunday evening, for the first time in months, our family was able to sit down and play D&D together. Since our last session, those of us most bitten with bug have variously: read enworld forums, played in a PbP game, DMd a game with friends, watched Critical...
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    D&D 5E Tips for starting up an AL style gaming night?

    As I noted in another thread (looking for adventure suggestions) I'm planning on leading DnD game nights at our local library this summer. Here's a summary of my current plan: -One night a week, 3 hours maximum (Hard stop at library closing) -New to DnD players will be required to use pregen...
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    D&D 5E Best Adventures for AL style game nights for new players and DMs

    I'm planning on trying to start a DnD night at our local library this summer, and I'm looking for suggestions on the best adventures to use. I'll be the primary DM; I have some experience, but not a lot. If we have enough people for more than one table, the other potential DMs have less...
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    D&D 5E Dealing with distracted and distracting players in an all-teen game

    My daughter "infected" her friends with the D&D bug, and she DMs a group of them on a semi-regular basis. She's become frustrated lately, though with how hard it is to keep them focused and how much they self-distract. I offered to ask here for advice, and she readily agreed. First, let me...
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    D&D 5E Zombie, skeleton and other undead templates?

    I'm working on an adventure based on the backstory of one of the PCs. She was taken in by a pack of wolves, who were later forced to leave their home territory because it became defiled/polluted. One aspect of this was that any animals that died or were killed came back to "life" as undead...
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    Adventure suggestions: Finding and Aiding wolves

    In a game I DM with my teen children as players, my daughter is playing a character who was befriended/taken in by wolves, but has been separated from them, in part due to a necromancer (or the like) who drove the wolf pack out of their territory. As I've been developing more confidence as a...
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    Blind Character by Design

    My daughter wants to build a blind earth genasi fighter. We're trying to sort out the mechanics. (I'm the DM) We are leaning toward giving her blindsight to about 60' and limited blindsight a bit further out, but her blindsight would only work when she is standing on earth or stone. We are...
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    D&D 5E Downtime Training for Feats?

    I'm wondering about possible rules for using downtime training to develop certain feats, instead of/in addition to swapping ASIs for feats. Has anyone done this? Any guidance on how to work out the math/requirements?I see that the Skilled feat lets you choose 3 skills/proficiencies, so I would...