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  1. TheSword

    WFRP 4e - Year of Splendors Burning - Waterdeep-Heist-Mad-Mage-Golden-Vault-Crimson-Throne-Shattered-Obelisk Mashup

    With the end of my long running Age of Worms campaign this weekend. I’m soon going to run the opening session for my Waterdeep Mashup of Dragon Heist, Dungeon of the Mad Mage, Keys from the Golden Vault, Curse of the Crimson Throne and Phandelver and Below… phew 😅 It sounds like a lot but there...
  2. TheSword

    D&D 5E Dungeons of Drakkenheim (or should I say Mordheim)

    So it is a well known secret that the city Drakkenheim written by the dungeon dudes is heavily inspired by the city of Mordheim in Warhammer Fantasy’s Old World. The city was popularized by a tabletop skirmish game in the early 00’s by the same name that featured factions fighting over a ruined...
  3. TheSword

    Times we have made mistake as DMs and how we would do things differently

    With the new DMG coming out and hopefully a lot more inspired budding DMs, I reflected on the best way of learning. For me it’s much better to try and fail and learn from that then try and get it perfect first time round. I also heard a great line that went something like. Any basic people...
  4. TheSword

    D&D 5E Running 5e at high Levels

    So the WotC’s first high level campaign book comes out at the same time as I’m just finishing the Age of Worms 1-20 campaign that Paizo published for D&D 3e in the pages of Dungeon Magazine. I’ve been lucky to have a really good online group of four players who have the balance between roleplay...
  5. TheSword

    A few things I really like about WFRP

    So I’m about to convert another group to WFRP 4e that I previously played D&D with. That will be the fourth group now - all with campaigns still running 6+ months later and in one case years later - which is nice. I thought I would give examples of a few of the things that I really like about...
  6. TheSword

    D&D General Adventure in a temple?

    I’m looking for an adventure set in a temple, monastary or library or substantially featuring a one of these? It has to be a working temple/monastary/library, not ruined. Staffed by folks. Ideally of a good or neutral good. Any edition of D&D or D&D adjacent. Ideally a good adventure. Any...
  7. TheSword

    What are your favourite principles of magic?

    No this isn’t in the D&D forum because it’s not about the PHB or game rules. The question is which Magic systems in fiction - written or screen - do you like? By principles, I mean conventions, and restrictions that put limits on magic and make it interesting and engaging to you? I thought I’d...
  8. TheSword

    Anyone played Masks of Nyarlathotep?

    Anyone played Masks of Nyarlathotep? It’s pegged as one of the best published campaigns of all time but I don’t know much about it? Anyone DMd or played in it in any system and what was your experience?
  9. TheSword

    Top RPG blogs - Guess Who’s Top?

    https://gaming.feedspot.com/tabletop_rpg_blogs/?utm_content=179616733&utm_medium=social&utm_source=facebook&hss_channel=fbp-334718073263632 Came across this today. Feedspot say they rank blogs by traffic, followers and freshness. Great to see ENWorld at the top. Also great to see my favourite...
  10. TheSword

    D&D General The Alexandrian’s Insights In a Nutshell [+]

    The Alexandrian blog and JA himself come in for a lot of flack partly because of the style but I do feel he says some pretty smart things even if you have to sift through fair bit to get to it. For instance one of the distilled pieces of wisdom he shared in his post about Avernus was… Design...
  11. TheSword

    D&D 5E Where's the Villain? and other musings. Why some published campaigns are great and some aren't (Spoiler alerts)

    Between the various D&D groups I play in we seem to have ran or prepared to run most of the D&D campaigns released for 5e - Lost Mines, Descent into Avernus, Curse of Strahd, Tomb of Annihilation, Prince of the Apocalypse, Dragon Heist, Dungeon of the Mad Mage, Rime of the Frost Maiden, Out of...
  12. TheSword

    D&D General How long should an after work online gaming session be ideally?

    Hey folks, just wanted to know your thoughts. I’m lucky enough to play in a few gaming sessions. One every Tuesday evening where I alternate campaigns with two different groups. A monthly weekend of face to face gaming and a monthly online session. The weeknight online sessions lasts about two...
  13. TheSword

    People who you have blocked quoting you?

    I don’t have many people blocked, but occasionally when I think someone is getting pretty confrontational I do block folks. However one person in particular I have on bock has started quoting me in threads. Copying and pasting I guess. What the policy on this? Is it against the rules? It seems...
  14. TheSword

    D&D General What are the minimum standards for a published adventure campaign?

    So I’m a big fan of published adventure campaigns. That will come as no surprise to anyone who sees my comments. I’m inherently lazy and not great at detail. I can solve problems but ask me to do any kind of dull or repetitive task and I get bored quick. So published adventures tick a lot of...
  15. TheSword

    D&D General Gaming From Above vs Gaming From Below

    For a long time Historians had a tendency to focus on the great figures of history - The Great and Good whose deeds shaped society. Famous monarchs and generals, scientists and philosophers. In the later half of the 20th Century though, Marxist thought led to people thinking about the lives of...
  16. TheSword

    D&D General Bringing out the big guns - Low Level PCs with High Level antagonist NPCs? (And/Or high power items)

    There are a number of times in 5e products where high level NPCs (Jarlaxle Baenre, Strahd von Zarovich, Manshoon, Yeenoghu, Baphomet, The Xanathar etc etc) could come into contact with PCs that are substantially below their CR (1/2 to 1/3 their CR). I totally understand that PCs shouldn't be...
  17. TheSword

    One song that made you feel something.

    Whats that one song that brings something out of you. That hits the spot every time. That you go back to time and time again. For me it’s…
  18. TheSword

    D&D 5E Odyssey of the Dragonlords - things I’d do differently. (Spoilers)

    So I ran Odyssey of the Dragonlords all last year and the first half of this one and thoroughly enjoyed it. Was it perfect - no - but it was one of the most inspiring things I’ve read in a long long time! However in hindsight there are a few things I’d do differently. Campaign Structure The...
  19. TheSword

    [+] BG3 How would you do a solo run through? - Spoilers

    There is a long and storied tradition of running the original BG series’ as a single character without any companions for your second or third (or twelfth) run through. The companions quests are fun and there is a lot linked to them but BG3 is such a huge game there is a lot to enjoy outside of...
  20. TheSword

    Kickstarter for Era of the Crusades - Historica Arcanum by Metis Media.

    What do people think of this? A diverse pool of creatives based in Instanbul. Respectful of the all cultures involved in the period. A fascinating period in history. Beautiful production values if it comes close to the previous Historica Arcanum work (City of Crescent). The art on the...