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  1. C


    removed because I was being WAY too bitchy...
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    10pt or 12pt fonts?

    10 pt? Depends on the book... Aren't the core rulebooks even smaller than 10pt? (8 pt?) And some of the other D20 third-party books are running higher than 12pt (which is huge). The on-line publishers are REALLY bad for this - most of them are running with WAY lower text-density than the...
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    Arms & Armor

    3 stars. This otherwise excellent book would have been better served up on b/w paper to keep the cost down. At $24.95, it's DAMN expensive for it's size and page count. The weapons would have been better served if, in addition to the big table of weapon stats at the beginning of the book, each...
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    Arms & Armor

    "One other thing that bugged me - in several weapon entries for Tiny weapons, it's explicity stated that you can use Weapon Finesse on them. Redundant, redundant, redundant" Actually, for creatures of Tiny size, it's important to know which "tiny" weapons can be used with Weapon Finesse, as...
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    [PR] Dark Quest's Cyber Style

    CyberStyle BANG BANG is the single best implementation of firearms in the d20 system I've yet encountered!
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    Reviews reporting

    I'm 100% in favor of keeping the links to reviews. It's one of the items that makes ENWorld the be-all clearinghouse for all things D20.
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    STAR FRONTIERS!!!! I still have a SF website (haven't looked at it in years... but I have one!) And I love Gangbusters! Didn't think of using the Pulp Heroes rules for that game yet... Thanks! Looking forward to AEG's Spycraft, just to convert Operation Sprechentestelle (sp?)
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    WTF? Timeline?!

    So, who else got suckered into buying this "barely d20" monster on RPGnow? AdCopy sounds like Civ meets D20. Book reads like...
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    Ambient Inc's Necromancy book

    COngrats, Mr the Warlord, on a fine product!!!
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    Ambient Inc's Necromancy book

    Comparative Necromancy: Overall, it's more like the Encyclopedia Arcana: Necromancy than it is like Hollowfaust. Cover - full colour and sexy. Prologue: 1 page about the history of Gar'Udok, his conquest of the "northlands" and eventual defeat. Gar'Udok is a classic uber-necromancer, cut...
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    Ambient Inc's Necromancy book

    Anyone pick this up from RPGnow yet? The production is SUPERB (layout, graphics, etc) - and it's one of the few books that uses other Open Game Content within it's pages.
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    [PR] Tyranny Games - The End: Lost Souls Edition

    Doesn't get *TOO* preachy.
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    ENnies 2002 - Making Decisions

    My opinion: Each category should have 2 winners. 1 chosen by the judges 1 chosen by the public If they match, then someone gets to go home with a double medal.
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    Realms of Evil Games: The Stygian D20 E-zine

    congrats Congratulations to you and your crew, Mr Chaos.
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    Mystic Eye Games to publish for Ambient, Inc.

    Awesome! :D :D :D What more need be said? How About :D :D :D
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    The Legion of Lost Souls

    This review is after running the Legion of Lost Souls module by Privateer Press. The size of the book is impressive for the price of the module. But overall, my players didn't enjoy it at all. Too much of the module relies on things occuring in previous parts of the trilogy, but since we...
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    Mystic Warriors

    Thank you for clearing that up. It's something I missed in the PHB, and it certainly affects the way I look at the Stances.
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    Mystic Warriors

    I have to agree with Psion, that the Role-Playing compensations for most of the classes are NOT good enough balancing factors. As for the comment about not changing initiative in mid round - how about this one: "Green Viper Style (Fighting Stance) ... Benefits: Once in the stance, the...
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    Mystic Warriors

    "the init bonus would apply to your next roll for initiative after entering the stance" So, the next FIGHT after you enter the stance (since you only roll for initiative at the beginning of each combat)? If so, how on earth are you going to maintain the stance from one combat to the next...
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    Mystic Warriors

    Now, I've said it before, I'll say it again: I Love Crunchy Bits! Load me up with Prestige Classes, feats, tricks, toys and so on and I'm a happy camper! But this book has some SERIOUS game balance issues. The Prestige Classes are either TOO freakin' powerful (Hi, I'm a rogue who can attack a...