Search results

  1. Michael Tree

    I wish Zhang Yimou had done the Star Wars prequels

    I saw the House of Flying Daggers again a little while ago, and it occurred to me that it did everything that the Star Wars prequels were supposed to have done, only a thousand times better. Spoilers below for those who haven't seen the movie. . . . . . . In addition to the gorgeous...
  2. Michael Tree

    Wuxia novels?

    I've been on a bit of a Wuxia and samurai movie kick recently. It occurred to me that I don't know of a single novel that's based in these genres. Are there any?
  3. Michael Tree

    Book spoilers in the Dresden Files TV?

    Does the TV show of the Dresden Files have spoilers for the books? I'm interested in watching the show, but I'm only on book 3 of the series, and I don't want to hear about the later books until I read them.
  4. Michael Tree

    Difference between PC & Console gaming

    I'm going to be buying a new laptop soon (a Mac of some sort), and I'm trying to decide whether to buy an expensive one with good graphics and a 15' screen, or buy a less expensive laptop and a good console for my 34" HDTV. I haven't owned a gaming console in decades, so I'm curious what...
  5. Michael Tree

    Recommend a sci-fi or space opera book

    After watching Firefly and re-reading the Fading Suns rpg, I'm in the mood for a good dramatic sci-fi book or space opera. I don't know of many, so can someone recommend something intersting, whether a novel, graphic novel, or manga?
  6. Michael Tree

    What class would you be?

    In the "What Class would you want to be?" thread, Stormborn had the great observation: In the poll, if you'd be multiclassed, choose the class that is primary. I suspect that, with all the bookish people and techies we have, there'll be a lot of wizards and artificers. I'd definitely be a...
  7. Michael Tree

    Game Stores in Geneva or Prague

    Does anyone here know of any RPG game stores in Geneva or Prague? I've been working in Geneva for the summer, but have a couple weeks off now, and am going to Prague, and some other places. I have a few long train and plane rides, and it would be nice to pick up Five Nations or some other...
  8. Michael Tree

    Stat blocks for Summoning spells

    I've started playing a druid, and I'm finding it a bit annoying to have to cross-reference back and forth to get the stats for each creature I summon. Are there any resources online that have the statblocks for each of the monsters summonable at each spell level? How about for Summon Monster...
  9. Michael Tree

    UA-style Variant: Psychic Swashbuckler

    Here's a class variant to satify all those who want their Psychic Warriors to be agile tumblers. Psychic Swashbuckler The psychic swashbuckler prefers quick movement and clever maneuvering to the crunch of heavy armor. Class Features: The psychic swashbuckler has all the standard psychic...
  10. Michael Tree

    "Players Roll all the Dice" and M&M

    Of all the new variants in Unearthed Arcana, the simple "players roll all the dice" is my favorite, especially as a GM. How would that work in Mutants and Masterminds? Players already roll their damage save vs. the power of the attack, but how could I reverse that so that they roll a attack...
  11. Michael Tree

    Bane Weapon spell?

    I've been looking for a spell called "bane weapon" or something, that gives a weapon the bane quality for a short time. I know I've seen it at least once, but I can't figure out where. One, I think, was in a Dragon or Dungeon magazine article that statted out a bunch of evil character (drow?)...
  12. Michael Tree

    What aspects of D&D magic do you like?

    There has been a lot of discussion lately about D&D's magic system. I thought it might be interesting to find out which specific aspects of the system people like and which they don't. Which of the above aspects of the D&D magic system should be kept, changed, or removed entirely in the next...
  13. Michael Tree has Temple of Elemental Evil CRPG for $9.99!

    For some unfathomable reason, currently has the computer game of the Temple of Elemental Evil at $9.99, 80% off the regular price. :eek: This probably won't last more than a few hours, so if you're interested, go buy it now! Don't even bother with Sharing the Love, because it...
  14. Michael Tree

    Should Familiars, Animal Companions, and Paladin Mounts have the elite stat array?

    In the improving monsters section, it says "Any monster unique enough to be improved could easily be considered elite." Familars, Animal Companions, and Bonded Mounts are all very unique, and often not very survivable, so should their attributes be given the elite array?
  15. Michael Tree

    Looking for gamers in the Wilmington / Philadelphia area

    I'm new to the area, and would like either join an existing game or start a new one. My preferences are for game with intense roleplaying and furious action, D20 or otherwise. I'm a grad student, so I don't have a lot of free time, but it would be nice to play a regular game a few times a month.
  16. Michael Tree

    Awakened Animal Level Adjustment?

    I'm trying to make an awakened animal cohort, but I can't find any information on what sort of Level Adjustment to give one. Is it listed anywhere?
  17. Michael Tree

    Should the Monk be a PrC?

    The more and more I look at the Monk class, the more it looks like a fairly specialized prestige class. The concept of a martial artist who is fast, acrobatic, and fights unarmed is a fairly generic one, but the more esoteric aspects of the monk class are much more suited to a prestige class...
  18. Michael Tree

    Your top 10 Bufy episodes

    This was coming up a bit in the Rank the Seasons thread, so I figured I’d create a new thread for it. I’ll use the episode names as well as a brief description. These have some major spoilers in them, so if you havn’t seen the whole series, read at your own risk. Honorable Mentions: (Okay...
  19. Michael Tree

    D&D 4E Multiclass Spellcasting in 4e

    Recently there's been a lot of discussion about how people would ideally like multiclassed spellcasting to work, how they would like it to work in future editions. I've compiled the various ideas and opinions, and added a few of my own here. A common idea is that if there is a generic...
  20. Michael Tree

    Gamers in the Philadelphia / Wilmington area

    I just moved to the area for grad school, and I'm looking to meet some new people, and join a game or start a new one. I'm not picky about settings, but I do prefer an emphasis on storytelling and drama than on killing monsters and taking their stuff (though that can be fun on occasion).