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  1. MoonZar


    Hello, I made some modification of the shadowdancer prestige class to fit my need in my campaign world. Now the class is an elite for the follower (priest and paladin) of a goddess of the night who's Neutral/Good. This goddess is mostly worshiped by some shadow elf who worship her with dance...
  2. MoonZar

    Custom Title - Community Supporter

    Hello, How much character we are allowed, if we purchase Custom Title to support the community ? Thanks you !
  3. MoonZar

    Would you allow a sneak attack on this situation ?

    The group of adventurer are walking a corridor, one of them is a rogue PC who use a bow. A group of goblin live nearby and one of their scout spoted the PC group without been notice. He go back to the goblin lair to tell the other goblins. Then the goblins leader prepare his troop, they are...
  4. MoonZar

    Munskins/Power gaming - Two weapon fighting feat with two bastard sword

    Hello ! We have a players in our group, that want to use two bastard sword with the two weapon fighting feat of the ranger. According to the rules, he'll receive a penalty of -4 / -4. I think that the core rules should specify a list of weapon that cant be allowed with the two weapon fighting...
  5. MoonZar

    How much time to dig a dungeon

    Hello, I need some rules about digging dungeons. I had check in the stronghold builder guide but this was not much help. I want to know how much time for exemple, this take to dig a 10x10x10 feet square in the rock, and with this time estimation i would need to know how much people have to...
  6. MoonZar

    D&D 3E/3.5 DnD 3.5 Combat reference sheet

    Hello, I'm seeking a quick combat reference sheet with the explanation of all action that people can use in combat. Trip, Grapple, Sunder, Bull Rush, Attack of Oppoturnity and more... This could be more easy with a sheet for my players beside searching in a middle of a combat in the book...
  7. MoonZar

    Fellow DM, How do you handle Hit Point at each new level ?

    Hello, When your player character are level up and they roll a 1 on the Hit Point dice, do you allow them to roll again or do you have houses rules about how to handle HP ? Well usually i was according the average hp if someone roll bellow it. But with time i have see the fact that mostly all...
  8. MoonZar

    DM, How much time do you prepare before a session

    Hello fellow Dm ! I want to know how much time do your prepare your gaming session ? What take you the most of your time in your preparation ? Do you rely much on not much preparation and you do thing on the fly during the session ?
  9. MoonZar

    Do you use Xp Penalty and when ?

    Hello, I wonder if many DM inflict Xp Penalty to their players ? If yes can you tell what is the reason you do it ? I personnaly think that Xp Penalty discourage the players and they have maybe other way to punish my players. What do you think ? Thanks you !
  10. MoonZar

    Zerg in D20 for Futur Campaign

    Hi ! Does someone know a reference of all creature of the Zerg race from Starcraft converted in D20 ? Thanks You, Moonzar
  11. MoonZar

    Necromancer or Evil Cleric for undead master ?

    Hello, I wonder wich character do u prefer to control and use undead. Evil cleric or a Necromancer and i want to know if possible why do u prefer one beside the other ? I'm refering to DND 3.5 Edition with only the players handbook. Thanks You MoonZar
  12. MoonZar

    How much PC die in your campaign in average ?

    Hello, I want to consult the dm community to know how much PC die in average in your campaign ? For example how much PC die in 10 sessions of game in your campaign ? In average one players die each 15 sessions when i'm dming the campaign. My session are in average 6-7 hours of play. MoonZar
  13. MoonZar

    Help, my players dont work well together

    Hello, I'm a dm since 10 years now, i have many experience in the field of dming. My players show up to all the session, and they never miss one session. My problem is that most of the time, they lack leadership and don't work well together. We play the same campaign for one year now, and i...