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  1. Snowy

    use magic device & psionic items.

    I'm running a campaign where I've swiped psionics for the magic used by the pretender gods. Anyway to the point, I've gone for upping the DCs of UMD checks to use Psionic Items and for Spellcraft checks etc. It's been 10 higher so far, makes it possibly but preserves some of the "psionics is...
  2. Snowy

    So... what are the base assumptions that DnD are playtested on

    Forgot the 4 encounters per day one. thanks. some of my posts are from work no srd no books, relying on my memory not a good plan! thanks!
  3. Snowy

    So... what are the base assumptions that DnD are playtested on

    I remember someone discussing the assumptions that DnD is playtested on sometime or other any one care to refresh me. 25 point buy? Wealth by level presumably. what else? I'm running a game and am trying to decide what to start people on. I'm favouring level 3 with a 25 point buy, possibly a...
  4. Snowy

    Loss of Innate Spellcasting (or 'How Dragons Build Lairs')

    I'm recognising that there seems to be a disconnect between perceptions in this thread. On this basis I'd suggest we start thinking about our assumptions for the opponents of the dragon. Things that make it a problem. Access to the dragons lair: Flight, teleport. Fixes: can't fly for more...
  5. Snowy

    Dragon intrigue without magic possible?

    I'll make a vague stab at one. CR of dragon, whatever suits, adjust to match level of minions and level of city, no idea what concept you have for levels of people in cities in your campaign. Dragon lairs in abandoned elf halls on the top of a mountain, he has a flock/group/coterie of...
  6. Snowy

    DM's what kinds of monster features 'annoy' you or make your job harder?

    I just read, the complaints about lycanthropes, agreed with them completely and had a gotcha moment when I realised what I want to do. Make a template LA +0, involves the PC thats been affected turning into a wild animal and all the normal things associated with a lycanthrope but isn't a major...
  7. Snowy

    Magic Items with penalties

    Got to watch out for penalties that are useful. A ring that penalises wisdom can nicely be used to knock some ( very unwise) person unconcious. Possibly more valid is slapping an intelligence penalty on to a captured mage to make them easier to transport, or a charisma penalty onto someone to...
  8. Snowy

    Lycanthrope generator

    heroforge is pretty amazing
  9. Snowy

    Vermin-Based Druid?

    if you have a look on the wotc website in the past articles there's a vermin druid alternate on there, nice and easy to use. I've been fancying it for a while. Also vermin were creatures, which are pretty cool too.
  10. Snowy

    David Noonan's historical perspective on 3.0 (Update: Part III posted)

    the idea of bob, tim, george and I roll dice and get 4, 9, 3 and 92 respectively. the combat then going me tim bob george me tim bob george me tim bob until its over rather than re rolling each round and having an order that keeps on changing. Means initiative decides who acts first and...
  11. Snowy

    Shapechanger etc.

    bear warrior sounds like a nice simple one, its been a plan of mine for a while. Barbarian into bear warrior, take imp unarmed strike and improved grapple, stick with punching and grappling people till you turn into a giant bear, other feats into improving rage and possibly the feat that allows...
  12. Snowy

    Turning conventions on their heads...

    I think you're a genius. I was trying to think what i wanted to include in my new game world and I think this is it. Recent changes have unbalanced the elemental planes and sorcerors have been created, waygates are forming planar travel is beginning. Monsters invade from hell for the first...
  13. Snowy

    Skill points acquiring

    Been knocking around ideas with a friend for some homebrewed adjustements they'll all appear piece by piece here for comments. Skill points as follows. Use base class allotment assign to skills as normal, including class skill costs but not the half the value cap. Add strength, dex and Con...
  14. Snowy

    What AC?

    wererat scout 11 Out of Combat 22 ( 7 + level) In combat 29 (14 + level) + DR 10/Silver Both possibly a little higher with a dex boosting item, which I can't remember if I got or not. Game cancelled the day before the first session. It seems i'm destined to be teased by DnD but only to run it...
  15. Snowy

    Sharing the goodness..

  16. Snowy

    Sharing the goodness..

    Scratch the Chronicles of Wyre, I just became less incompetent and used the funky download thread tool on Cheiromancer's compiled thread and it formatted perfectly into word. If there's a good one for piratecats though that'd be amazing!
  17. Snowy

    Sharing the goodness..

    Hullo all, I want to spread the news about how good some of these story hours are, unfortunately a couple of the people who I want to get to read them have *intermittent* internet access. This isn't entirely an altruistic desire, I want to share some of the high level story hours to get some...
  18. Snowy

    Half-orc Scout spearfighter needs feats

    it might be worth point blank shot -> precise shot if you plan on throwing your spear often and there are other melee fighters in your party. or indeed brutal throw from complete warrior for str based ranged attacks, not sur eon its pre reqs
  19. Snowy

    House rule #1: "You can attempt to go anywhere."

    I'd park one of the floating encounters on their journey if I had nothing prepared in that direction, so they meet that instead. Same idea I guess. they meet something in any direction.
  20. Snowy

    Most powerful non-magical class combo

    using the warlock invocation that creats darkness and the other one that lets you see through it. or using their invisible invocation but then things can see you if they have see invis etc the first is more reliable