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  1. D

    D&D 3E/3.5 5e Forgotten Realms - should it be closer to 3e or 4e?

    The problem is that each edition (such as the 4e Spellplague) brought major changes to those country descriptions, cultural notes, etc outside of the rules set. For example, is Luskan a major port city or barely inhabitable demon infested ruins? Even without refering to the rules set at all...
  2. D

    Let's talk about minions...

    I think the problem people are having with minions stems from the anti-simulationist nature of 4e (as compared to 3.5). The Monster Manul does not have an entry for the legion devil: it merely has an entry that describes how a legion devil interacts with appropriate level PCs. When the monster...
  3. D

    No stat blocks in modules per the GSL?

    You lost the CR too.
  4. D

    Stay back! The joy of OAs.

    I really like the tanking power of this build. If you take Tide of Iron as one of your at-will fighter powers then you could Heavy Blade Opportunist, Warpriest's Challenge, and Tide of Iron to interrupt an opponent's attack and push them away so they are out of range of their target.
  5. D

    D&D 4E No evil gods in 4e?

    So a priest of pure Chaos is aligned to Chaos but of the alignment "unaligned"? That sounds like shoehorning to me.
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    D&D 4E No evil gods in 4e?

    Fixed. :(
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    D&D 4E No evil gods in 4e?

    I don't understand your point. Are you talking about an evil villain thinking he's the good guy? Because that was possible under 3e. And presumably under 4e as well. Ah, OK. I don't know anything more about the rules of the RPG than what ruemere posted. And in fact I agree with WHFRP not...
  8. D

    D&D 4E No evil gods in 4e?

    Just because someone doesn't match any of the other four alignments doesn't mean he's unaligned. He's just aligned to something only partially listed (law or chaos). It's "unaligned", not "other".
  9. D

    D&D 4E No evil gods in 4e?

    I think WHFRP's system is very different. For example, Chaos is not Chaotic Evil. All the Chaos Gods combine both positive and negative aspects, even if they are generally the bad guys. Chaos is much more like CN in 3.5. So although there are 5 alignments in both WHFRP and 4e, the choices...
  10. D

    D&D 4E No evil gods in 4e?

    : / Is there some quota of 4e a person has to agree with before they can post? Except that is not what they are doing. Unaligned does not encompass LN, for example. And think about players constrained by alignment. I know every time I've seen this happen it's been because of LG, which they...
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    D&D 4E 4E PHB Viewing at Games Plus, what we saw

    Wow, this stuff sounds pretty cool, I just wonder... Nooooooooooooooooooo!
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    pawsplay's dealbreaker list

    Wow, you're right. I went and looked back at the article and multi-classing is not very customizable at all. I can see why you have problems with TWF being a power.
  13. D

    pawsplay's dealbreaker list

    But multi-classing is accomplished by taking feats. You take a feat, pick a Ranger TWF power, and you can TWF no matter what class you are.
  14. D

    Are Rituals Vaporware?

    Situations is the key word. You know, like the noncombat encounters with their cool new system (which we haven't seen). Not like the OGL (which we have seen) which is noncombat but not exactly a "situation." Although judging form some of the reactions, maybe the OGL's not noncombat either.
  15. D

    pawsplay's dealbreaker list

    I think the key here is the "unless you take a power." Powers in 4e are extremely mundane. Consider the rogue power Deft Strike. It let's you move two squares before the attack. Whoopdedo. In this context, it's reasonable that something as simple as attacking with two weapons would be a power.
  16. D

    Paladins mark "fix" a plazebo?

    You've correctly listed the possible consequences of this tactic but not the normative views people have of them. Some people don't think this tactic is effective at all. Others think it's out of character for a paladin. That's why we're still having this discussion after 8+ pages.
  17. D

    Paladins mark "fix" a plazebo?

    The paladin mark only has range 5 to apply it but after that it is sustained by making ranged attacks against the target out to the bow's maximum range. And pre-nerf the mark was so powerful to make it worth giving up the paladin's melee damage to gain the mark damage. Since the nerf did not...
  18. D

    Paladins mark "fix" a plazebo?

    I'd say it's more of a nerf than a fix. Forcing the paladin to spend his standard action on an arrow shot reduces his ability to run away and keep the monster from attacking him.
  19. D

    Do you think there will be double weapons?

    Hey everybody, Chimera wants to turn 4E into WoW. Get 'em! ;)
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