• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Search results

  1. R

    Gamer Milestones

    I hope that no one takes this article (and I realize that no one, up to this point, has done so) and interprets it as if the title is "You're not a real gamer until..." I am unlikely to ever be able to afford a bespoke gaming table, my groups and I have never really been into terrain or minis...
  2. R

    DragonWing Games Takes Flight with Three Announcements!

    Drat; I had hoped that with some of the Mechanics going their separate ways a while back, that the property might be licensed out, at least. Do you know if that would still be a possibility, if someone were willing to take on the project (possibly one of the aforementioned Mechanics)?
  3. R

    DragonWing Games Takes Flight with Three Announcements!

    Oh Yeah!!! (Insert Kool-Aid Man smashing through a wall here.) I have been hoping and wishing for The Forge to be completed for years! I hope they are able to publish Oathbound Seven in dead tree version (not Dragon Wing's problem, but still...) Now, if only someone could only convince the...
  4. R

    Pathfinder 1E Paizo Adventure Path Subscription Stinker

    True; most subscription services (of which I have been party to several) give you no notice whatsoever before the items show up on your doorstep. Paizo's "we're going to ship issue X soon" e-mail is pure courtesy, and a golden opportunity (though I have never felt it necessary to use it) to...
  5. R

    Can a once a month game work?

    My group has met about once a month for a few years now (I never realized what a pain it could be to get six 30-somethings with families in one place at the same time until I tried it), and it definitely works for us. What has already been said here certainly applies -- extra recap before...
  6. R

    4e lovefest?

    QFT -- I may put this as my sig for a while. I have never understood the edition flame wars (or system flame wars, or what have you). We fall into a subset of a subset on the cultural map -- why fracture ourselves further?
  7. R

    C&C Questions

    Thanks much for the link, Treebore! I'll do exactly that -- :D
  8. R

    C&C Questions

    Thanks goodness for that -- as a player, I love the possibilities of the 3e ruleset, but GM'ing it tends to require more bookkeeping skill than I possess. My group is pretty flexible -- there isn't a single rules lawyer in our regular group of 7. Four of us have GM'd different systems at one...
  9. R

    C&C Questions

    I have been curious about Castles and Crusades for some time now, but there are a couple of questions I have before I make the plunge of a purchase. First of all, no matter where or how hard I look, I cannot seem to find the equivalent of a DMG for sale, only the PH and MM. Is the DMG material...
  10. R

    4400 and Dead Zone Canceled

    I hate when shows are cancelled without a wrap-up, goodbye, fare-thee-well, or whatever. My wife and I both enjoyed both of these shows, and I think the least they could have done was to wrap them up in some way. Especially with the writer's strike going the way it is, I can't imagine them...
  11. R

    December: What are you reading?

    Don't let The Horse and His Boy get you down -- it is easily the least of the entire series. Worth reading, if you are intent on going through the whole sequence, but by itself I had to plod through it.
  12. R

    December: What are you reading?

    Thanks for the recommendation -- I'm always on the lookout for new reads. Is Catton's work in print and available?
  13. R

    Differences between 1st & 2nd Edition?

    I don't have my 1e/2e books handy, but you're certainly right -- thanks for the correction. That's one reason I have struggled with 3e at times -- I don't have enough of a head for detail. Though at one time (before family, college and real life pushed all the important stuff out of my head) I...
  14. R

    Differences between 1st & 2nd Edition?

    Scanned the thread, and I don't think anyone has mentioned this -- between 1st and 2nd, the eliminated the weapon vs. armor table. Of course, since absolutely no one I played with ever used it in the first place, maybe it doesn't count. :D
  15. R

    December: What are you reading?

    Curiously enough, I am about halfway (350 pgs.) through the first volume of this myself. Does the quality of the writing stay at this level throughout? I was hesitant to begin these books - because of the length, I was afraid if they were dry, I wouldn't be able to stand it. But if the...
  16. R

    amazon: Confessions of a Part-time Sorceress: A Hip Girl's Guide to the D&D Game

    All right! That's IT! We need a gender-neutral singular pronoun in English that everyone can use, and we need it now! And not these "s/he" and "hir" half-measures I see in SF books that have hermaphroditic races in them, either! And yes, I know that that the word "one" technically fits the...
  17. R

    how to convince people that D&D is not evil

    Corvidae, There have been several good suggestions on this thread when it comes to reaching your parents through reason. The problem is, I don't think talking someone through a D&D session won't give them a real idea of what gaming really is, good or bad. Also, since (as has been mentioned...
  18. R

    How old do you have to be to play Dnd?

    What is her idea of what D&D is? Unless you're in the "D&D is the spawn of the devil" camp, it's ALL pretend, isn't it? In any case, I was about 9-10 or so when I began playing D&D. I wouldn't try to teach anyone younger than that, though I haven't seen the beginner/introductory set that was...
  19. R

    Why did you start DMing?

    I started because I had just convinced my parents to buy that cool-looking red box for me, and after reading the rules, I wanted to play. So I convinced my brother to make a character. I've been DM'ing ever since.
  20. R

    How many D&D/d20/OGL PDF's have you bought?

    I have more than 100. Far more. Not having a true "local" game store and limited shelf space have combined to drive me to PDF madness! (Insert appropriate scare clip here.) I have a count of 527 at RPGNow, I've bought a few dozen at DriveThruRPG and I will probably pick a few up at the...