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  1. S

    What exactly makes the Greyhawk Campaign Setting

    It's all about the modules. S4, WG4, G1-3, D1-3, T1-4, etc. All the classics that make GH what it is...
  2. S

    Hypothetical Question about future D&D

    Regardless of my feelings about B/X D&D, one cannot ignore the fact that there is a vast chasm between it and 3e. Mind you, I could have used OD&D (the 3 little books from '74) as an example and the chasm there would be even greater still. The further one goes back, the more differences there...
  3. S

    Hypothetical Question about future D&D

    There is no baseline, and that's pretty much the topic of this thread. We're talking about how D&D has changed drastically over time, and will most likely continue to do so. There is no one single game that you can point to and call "D&D", short of using D&D-the-IP as the baseline. But that's...
  4. S

    Hypothetical Question about future D&D

    In some cases, yes. But not always. Take the prestige classes for example... In the Rules Cyclopedia there was something similar, and you might also consider the 1e AD&D bard to be like that. But in earlier Basic editions (like '81 Basic/Expert) there was no such thing to speak of, or...
  5. S

    Great Memories of 1st Edition D&D

    It's actually a much easier game than AD&D (less rules, what little is there is fairly straightforward, unlike the AD&D combat chapter...) And it's much more open-ended too, which also offers some appeal. AD&D was more or less OD&D + Gygax' house rules with Greyhawk-specific bits added in, and...
  6. S

    Want to play some OLD SKOOL D&D?

    Check this out (siegeRC2c): http://people.na.infn.it/~eleuteri/rpgs.html He even separates race & class, and adds some feats (integrated with the Weapon Mastery system). Not really my thing (I'm more oldschool than that) but you might like it...
  7. S

    Stats Have Suffered From Inflation

    In the 1e DMG, Gygax presents four different methods (I-IV) that generate better scores than 3d6-in-order, and he highly recommends using them. Method I is 4d6, drop lowest, and arrange as desired. Also, I've never seen anyone play AD&D (1e or 2e) with straight-up 3d6-in-order. The modifer...
  8. S

    Stats Have Suffered From Inflation

    AD&D and Basic are actually quite different. AD&D chargen is 4d6, drop lowest and arrange as desired, whereas Basic D&D chargen is 3d6-in-order. Needless to say, a 17 in Basic is an occasion to rejoice, not something to pout about because you don't have an 18. In general, the modifiers in...
  9. S

    Scraping all the rules and starting over...

    Maybe you ought to have a look at Talislanta: http://www.talislanta.com/T4sampler.pdf
  10. S

    Interesting Ryan Dancey comment on "lite" RPGs

    At least Basic D&D existed since 1977, even before the AD&D attrocity. ;) Heck even the 3 little booklets from 1974 were quite lightweight. There was the skeleton of a game in there, for those willing to dig it out. Certainly it was freeform, with many subjects not addressed at all, and hence...
  11. S

    If you could revise Rolemaster?

    MERP was a lighter version of Rolemaster 2nd edition (RM2) and a pretty good game if I may say so. Instead of the dozens of attack and crit tables, the MERP rulebook only had a few, so it was pretty quick to reference them. Less page flipping and all that. Heck, I think the GM screens they...
  12. S

    3.X DM for a 1E party

    OTOH, a lot of folks didn't use the AD&D initiative and stayed with the Basic D&D rules instead. Hey, they work... She's not fat, she's just right. :D Damn straight, after all he's putting in the bulk of the work. If someone doesn't like that they can run the game themselves.
  13. S

    Have you been disillusioned by Eberron?

    Never played in E. Generally I prefer more traditional med-fan settings, but sometimes a more progressive one catches my interest. ICE's Shadow World is one of those that I feel did the magic+tech thing convincingly. There are others, but they're few and far between.
  14. S

    Have you been disillusioned by the Forgotten Realms?

    I like the 1e FR. Basically the grey boxed set, and some of the first few supplements, and early Dragon magazine articles. I love that wide-open uncluttered feeling...
  15. S

    "First Edition Feel"

    For me it's a matter of not having to wade through rules I don't want when I'm looking for the stuff I do want. So instead of searching through 1000 pages, I only search through 128 pages. That way it's less distrating and faster. I also very much like the fact that the B/X D&D stat blocks...
  16. S

    "First Edition Feel"

    Sorry, there is no browser here. You are in a maze of twisty little posts, all alike. A natalie portman statue is here, covered in hot grits. Insane laughter echoes all around, interrupted only by shouts of "Praise RMS!" and "BSD is dying!". >
  17. S

    "First Edition Feel"

    Heck, I'm okay with just the 7 Basic D&D classes, with additions on a case-by-case basis. Barbarians & rangers = fighters. Paladins & druids = clerics. And so on...
  18. S

    TSR 2e modules?

    You might like the Greyhawk stuff by Carl Sargent. Honestly though, I don't see why you'd limit yourself to 2e modules because there were tons of good 1e and Basic D&D ones too. Look at I3-5, B7, X4/5/10 (Desert Nomads series), X11, and the UK series is most excellent also. And the whole...
  19. S

    Best Resolution System?

    So long as the numbers are small, it's okay. I'm not particularly fond of THAC0 though, so I use another method: d20 + ToHitMod + AC (where ToHitMod is based on the class, like BAB in 3e) If the result is 20 or more, then the AC was hit. Actually I don't know if this system works in AD&D, but...
  20. S

    Best Resolution System?

    BRP is probably the easiest mechanic for non-gamers to grasp. Roll d100, under the appropriate skill. It's a pure percentage chance, and everyone can relate to that. Advancing a character is also quick and easy. And only those skills which you used have a chance to get better.