• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Search results

  1. lin_fusan

    Advice for running a con game

    Running a con game for the new Gamma World boxed set (so the 4th edition ruleset) in the end of May, so I'm looking for some advice. What's a good pacing to aim for in a 5-hour game? Three fights with a little roleplaying in-between? Two fights (one lead -up and one "boss")? Also ideas to...
  2. lin_fusan

    Oakland, Bay Area - looking for omnivorous RPGers

    I jokingly use omnivorous to mean "not wedded" to a specific gaming system. I enjoy story games (Mouse Guard is my current fave) but I've thrown polyhedrals for nearly all editions of D&D. I'd like to be in/run a regular 4th ed game, mostly because I haven't had a chance to really try out...
  3. lin_fusan

    Questions on Double Move

    My group got into a debate about double moves and such, and I wanted to see what the community says about it. I attempted to use a Move Action to Shift out of an enemy's reach and then substituted my Standard action into another Move action to Run out of the fight. However, people were...
  4. lin_fusan

    Chillborn Zombie rules questions

    I ran into this rule disagreement last night with my DM about the extra damage that the Chillborn Zombie. It has this Ice Reaper ability which deals extra 5 cold damage to an immobilized creature. The question is when that 5 damage gets added. Is it: a) added to its cold aura damage, so that...