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  1. S

    Gale Force 9 Comments On Brazil Translatorgate

    Fire on board has just stated that they are sure they will still publish the BR localization of d&d: And they have the nerve to say that they always had transparency in their negotiations. LOL.
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    Brazilian D&D Translators Fall Out Over Translation Rights

    So, did you guys see that GF9 put the brazilian localization in hold while investigate things?
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    Brazilian D&D Translators Fall Out Over Translation Rights

    thats right! :D they are calling it the "Backstab Edition" and it will have an exclusive opportunity attack system against other party members. XD
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    Brazilian D&D Translators Fall Out Over Translation Rights

    yes, you are right. we brazilians get too much disappointed with this, though, hence the passion of the statements.
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    Brazilian D&D Translators Fall Out Over Translation Rights

    1) they have a broken verbal agreement with the other companies - that was easily proven (and this is valid under Brazilian law). 2) they have passed copies of open files from WotC to third parties with whom they claim to have no professional ties. 3) Apparently, they used a translation made...
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    Which D&D Settings Do You Play In?

    Mystara is my homeland. Although I am spending a few seasons in Terravasta, my home-brew world...
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    Recommend me something!

    Also Fate of the Norns, such beatiful book...
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    Recommend me something!

    Go for The God Machine and Demon: The Descent and bring some for me too! JK! XD
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    Funny Out of Context D&D Quotes

    "The thief sneaks into the completely dark room and steal the amulet while you are sleeping. You see nothing, you hear nothing but get angry. You get so angry that you wake up and look at the silent darkness. It is as if the darkness could speak, and she said, 'you got screwed.' But as you saw...
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    Funny Out of Context D&D Quotes

    "Stop flirting with the weasels already!" Cartimandua, Druid.
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    Funny Out of Context D&D Quotes

    "You may find that it is just an ox, but he is a very gentle ox. And very nice too. And its our only hope." Higdim, The Possible Fighter negotiating an ox.
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    Fun Sicknesses?

    Wormosity: His sweat turns into small worms that crawl inside of his clothes and are slowly crushed. The small worms fall of the hair and beard when he talks to someone. The only possible cure is to swallow the huge disgusting maggot of a rare type of giant fly called Wethroat. PS: sorry the...
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    20th Anniversary Mage and others?

    Ops wrong trhead sorry.
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    D&D 5E 25+ new trickets

    Wow, what beautiful! I'll download. Thank you for doing this and for making available.
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    D&D 5E 25+ new trickets

    Nice! I got hooked to trinkets too. I made a new list of 100 trinkets (but in portuguese) and already got another 18 trinkets for a 3th list. In my life I have played many rpgs, but as the adnd I played with house rules, handwritten books here in Brazil, because I had no access to the books...
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    D&D 5E PHB binding problems--WotC doing anything?

    (first: sorry for the bad english) I do not know if this is an issue of the books printed in my country (Brazil), but we soon learned that fully open a hardcover book inevitably will destroy it in no time. I buy large and heavy rpg books in hardcover for over 17 years and my first books had...
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    20th Anniversary Mage and others?

    the fixed target for all rolls (8s) was for the "storytelling" system, the system of the nWod. all the editions of the oWod (storyteller) was with the variable target for rolls. this was one of the things that most distinguished the 2 systems, so they had to stick with the old option and most...
  18. S

    20th Anniversary Mage and others?

    revision of the rules. new beautiful art. huge books. more information about mage look for "Deluxe Mage: the Ascension 20th Anniversary Edition" on kickstarter (I cant post links yet).