• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

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  1. T

    First toon in v4 - what's with all this power?

    I'm not one to have pet peeves but for reasons unknown I get very annoyed, almost angry when seeing the word toon used for rpg's. Usually I re actively hit ctrl-w when I see it.
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    D&D 5E D&D, for kids?

    I first played when I was in Kindergarten while also playing commodore 64 games. My cousin had me fill in for someone not there. And instantly they loved me because i was sneaking around, robbing captured teammates instead of saving them, and rolling 20's galore. I tried last week with my 8 and...
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    Help getting old 2nd player to DM for 8 and 10 year old daughters

    Wow, these guys. They show up at my house 8pm with new chessex $10 dice saying they're ready to go. My 10 year old starts hopping up and down. Tables a mess, and I'm tired from work. Reroll!
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    Help getting old 2nd player to DM for 8 and 10 year old daughters

    Sadly my 8 year old is a bit of a video game fiend now because of me. She even managed to beat FF13-2 which IMO wasn't a good game. And she can play in sandbox type games for weeks at a time no problem. I put her on something older with pixels "daddy its ugly, its all squares" If she isnt able...
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    Help getting old 2nd player to DM for 8 and 10 year old daughters

    It looks like this campaign won't even be really taking off. I initially started it for my 8 and 10 year old daughters. The 8 year old finally opted in today, but 1 hit away from the last dire rat death she got bored and left. The 10 year old bugs me constantly to play, but all it is is Hunters...
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    Help getting old 2nd player to DM for 8 and 10 year old daughters

    What other options are there to supply heals? I saw dwarven armor has a power and some heal potions. Its that so far for the last week ive had 3 diff people keep saying theyd show and dont. Id rather not have a companion take an EXP slot, but if so then I think id rather have a more fleshed out...
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    Help getting old 2nd player to DM for 8 and 10 year old daughters

    I was thinking of something like this. Again I dont want him to steal the show, more like hide in the back and cheer them on and maybe distract/kite 1 enemy on occasion. Do you feel 2 heals is enough? Should I go with something else super minor like a 1d4 heal/temp hp with a recharge on it?
  8. shamo.JPG


  9. T

    Help getting old 2nd player to DM for 8 and 10 year old daughters

    What kind of suggestions do you guys have for having an NPC healer? I liked what I came across in this thread, http://www.enworld.org/forum/showthread.php?336323-So-one-of-my-players-decided-to-summon-a-Demon-and-cut-a-Deal&prefixid=wotc but unsure how to go about. I'm leaning more towards a...
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    Help getting old 2nd player to DM for 8 and 10 year old daughters

    I printed out all the Reavers of Harkenwold maps on tabloid 11x17 at work. I think I can make it work. Some of the scales seem off on some maps, but im sure no one will really complain. I'm just a bit let down at the picture quality. A lot of these are all pixelated when blown up on the tabloid...
  11. T

    D&D 5E Mearls doing new playtest today

    Confirmed. I'm in New York, and it only took me 10 seconds.
  12. T

    Help getting old 2nd player to DM for 8 and 10 year old daughters

    It would seem I made a booboo and didn't split xp. So after that 1st session, every one was lvl 2. Obviously I wouldn't want to take that away and undo all that was done. What would be a good option here? Recalculate their xp they should have approx 500xp, and just have them work up to lvl 3...
  13. T

    Help getting old 2nd player to DM for 8 and 10 year old daughters

    Thanks for the suggestions. I just feel bad about dropping a lot of cash on materials if this doesnt end up taking off, like my old 3rd Edition stuff. If the next few sessions go well, I think Ill definitely get DDI and liberate a few things. Would a ferret be acceptable for a Ranger? Seems a...
  14. T

    D&D 5E Pregen chars starting hps, and rogues d6?

    Yea fighters were 10 and Barbs were 12 from what I recall. But it seems like all the d8's went to d10's, wiz went to d6, yet rogue is still d6. One would figure theyd get at least d8 in this case.
  15. T

    Help getting old 2nd player to DM for 8 and 10 year old daughters

    Yes, if you can suggest me a handful of places to watch. My dilemma is my friends and I loved a good hack n slash. I never really had a chance to play with many good DMs, often it was 2nd madness "how many are standing together? Fireball!" Although oddly enough the parts that do stick out in my...
  16. T

    D&D 5E Pregen chars starting hps, and rogues d6?

    I took a look at the playtest and it says starting hp is max of 1 die roll plus con mod. All the pregens have +1 or 2 more than this suggests. Also is it me or did everyones die roll go up except rogues? From a 1st/2nd ed perspective.
  17. T

    Help getting old 2nd player to DM for 8 and 10 year old daughters

    Hmm. One of the main aspects I did enjoy about 4E was the tactical, and the variety of at-wills instead of just spamming regular attack like in 2e. But I also see some of the pitfalls as my 10 year old daughter yells out "Twin Strike!" Not once was careful strike used, or her encounter/daily. I...
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    Help getting old 2nd player to DM for 8 and 10 year old daughters

    My wife was initially wanting to be an Assassin, but I couldn't find much details on it. Then I see a Dragon magazine referenced in the old character builder, and then this executioner in a heroes of shadow book. So much info that is a bit confusing. Are they still releasing 4e materials? Does...
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    Help getting old 2nd player to DM for 8 and 10 year old daughters

    Hence my confusion. When I was first seeing the 4th powers and what not, I couldn't help but think of it being aimed at MMO players. I read essentials and it seems just simplified character creation/progression. I can see for some thing being good, as with all these source materials, picking...
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    Help getting old 2nd player to DM for 8 and 10 year old daughters

    Looks like I'm in trouble. My 10 year old wont leave me alone and wants to play bad. Are there any premades or something for just 1 or 2 players?