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Search results

  1. Vancian Magic

    Which concepts in 4E do you like?

    I'm not a 4th Ed. hater... I just don't think any of its changes are truly that amazing, novel, or honestly even useful. Better than 3.5 ended up? Oh sure, no question. But still too crunchy and tactical for me to ever really embrace it as my one true fantasy game. Some of the rule...
  2. Vancian Magic

    Anyone playing Swords & Wizardry?

    Yesterday I ran my Labyrinth Lord game again. It's about 75% LL, with bits from all over (including S&W) and went very well. Best session I've had in ages, still loving the old school rules!
  3. Vancian Magic

    Have You Purchased Any Additional 4e Supplements Beyond the First Three Core Books?

    As before, not so much 'me' as 'we' since we're a pooled funds group when it comes to books.
  4. Vancian Magic

    Playing characters of the opposite gender

    I think it's fine. Really, as long as everyone in the group is mature (mentally mostly) enough to handle it, what's the problem? I wholeheartedly encourage it if people are inclined, and I play about 50/50 male and female characters myself depending on the game and the opportunities it'd provide.
  5. Vancian Magic

    ENworlder: How long have you been gaming?

    Class of '88, and given it has just gone Christmas, likely almost to the day! That's kinda cool to realize.
  6. Vancian Magic

    What would it take for 4E to win over the old guard? (Forked Thread: Changeover Poll)

    Can't vote really, none of the options fit. Nor am I truly 'old guard' so much as I am just more keen on simpler games like BECMI/RC D&D. My issue is simply that 4th Ed. is too tactical, it is intrinsically a tactical combat system that they embraced and built around. Not a slight against it...
  7. Vancian Magic

    Did You Buy the First Three 4e Core Books?

    "I" didn't, but "we" did. One of those groups that pitches in on purchases. Opinion is mixed, but everyone wanted to at least give it a look.
  8. Vancian Magic

    How Many Beers per Gaming Session?

    I don't drink. Most of my group are also non-drinkers or only very light-drinkers. Every game in recent memory that has had a player drink has ended in spillage or some similar annoyance. So no booze now. It's been banned, just like the loathesome cancer stick and the irritating audience of...
  9. Vancian Magic

    1E Unearthed Arcana: Yea or Nay?

    If you're asking whether you should buy it and read it, then yeah sure. There's some good stuff. If you're asking if you should play-as-written, then gods no!
  10. Vancian Magic

    How does each edition shine?

    OD&D - It put down the foundation rules, and took a few steps to show how they might be varied and used. Sadly it's D&D's very own godfather of rock that no-one listens to anymore. BECMI - It presented the rules step-by-step for an easy learning curve. 1E - It demanded you step up your...
  11. Vancian Magic

    Tell me about various Supers RPG systems

    Honestly, if you're one of the lucky few to still have a playable copy of Marvel SAGA then use it! Nothing ultimately wrong with either HERO or M&M, but I have a soft spot and deep abiding love for Marvel SAGA... So if you own it, use it. Then, y'know, tell us all about your home-brew...
  12. Vancian Magic

    The Red Dragon's Interview is up!

    I'm kind of offended by the lack of a gnome...
  13. Vancian Magic

    What do you think about the Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting Book

    For a 288 page count book there really doesn't seem to be much in it. Though I guess that's my general annoyance for them blowing up the Realms in order to make it more generic, then spending a good chunk of dead tree telling us all about how it got blowed up and has changed the setting...
  14. Vancian Magic

    I have a job.

    Eeexcellent. Good on you.
  15. Vancian Magic

    DDI for $7.95

    No, not so much that anyone does... But simply that there's an overwhelming amount of posts that seem to think it is really a great idea, and more specifically that it's a really great idea when wizards are still offering precious little compared to what they promised we would receive.
  16. Vancian Magic

    DDI for $7.95

    Whether .pdf is the way of the future or a preference isn't the issue. I mean it's cool if you use it over paperback, but it's still a whole world of cheaper than dead tree is, and that kind of saving to the company ought to translate to the buyer. I am an rpgnow addict myself, I love access...
  17. Vancian Magic

    DDI for $7.95

    I'm actually quite surprised to see people being as keen as they are to pay for the digital product. While it is a comparatively low price compared to Dungeon and Dragon when they were in print, these aren't printed product, only .pdf, and I expect a much lower price for digital product...
  18. Vancian Magic

    How is FR changing with 4E?

    I've given up trying to keep track of the Realms over the years... I'm just going to play with the original campaign setting (I picked it up again on the weekend) and ignore all of TSR's and WotC's meddling. Seems the easiest way to keep myself from getting confused, and it prevents any...
  19. Vancian Magic

    Do You RPG More Than Once Per Week?

    I voted 'YES' since our group is local and good friends, and we try to play twice a week. Right now it's the summer holidays so all the Uni' student players are free or back home and my teacher friend is free, so we're playing a lot and playing a wider variety of one-off/mini-campaign games.
  20. Vancian Magic

    The 15 min. adventuring day... does 4e solve it?

    I've played and DMed a great deal of D&D over the years, and never had this whole 5-minute work day/15-minute adventuring day. Folks just dealt with it and got on with things... Pretty much every time. In 4th Ed., especially at low level where the PCs have no daily power magic items, they...